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72nd International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy (ISMS 2017)

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1 72nd International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy (ISMS 2017)
Investigation of the Hydantoin Monomer and its Interaction with Water Molecules Sébastien Gruet, Cristóbal Pérez, Melanie Schnell

2 Background Detected in carbonaceous chondrites
Hydantoin Detected in carbonaceous chondrites Formation (glycolic acid + urea) Shimoyama, A. and Ogasawara, R. Orig. Life Evol. Biosph. 32 (2002) Study on interstellar ice analogues Hydrolysis of hydantoin, under acidic conditions, can produce small amino acids. De Marcellus et al. Astrobiology. 11, 9 (2011) Only one work at high resolution in gas phase: Ozeki et al. Astron. Astrophys. 600, A44 (2017) MMW range ( GHz) - GS + 2 ES 1

3 Chirped Pulse Fourier Transform Microwave Spectrometer
« COMPACT » experiment (2-8 GHz CP-FTMW) Oscilloscope LNA AWG TWTA Technical details Pulse duration FIDs acquisition Rep. rate Carrier gas Backing pressure T nozzle 4 µs 40 µs 4 Hz neon 3 bar ≈ 180°C 2

4 Experimental Results: Hydantoin Monomer
Parameters Theory* Experiment (MW) Ozeki et al. (MMW) A / MHz (80) (70) B / MHz (21) (57) C / MHz (31) (67) ΔJ / kHz - (167) ΔJK / kHz (69) ΔK / kHz (83) δJ / kHz (83) δK / kHz (144) χaa / MHz 1.67 1.6316(56) χbb - χcc / MHz 5.37 5.227(20) 2.75 2.5927(41) 7.44 6.935(16) No. of lines 114 161 RMS / kHz 5.2 39 µa/ µb/ µc (D) 0.14/2.70/0 *B3LYP/aug-cc-pVTZ Parameters Theory* Experiment (MW) Ozeki et al. (MMW) A / MHz (80) (70) B / MHz (21) (57) C / MHz (31) (67) ΔJ / kHz - (167) ΔJK / kHz (69) ΔK / kHz (83) δj / kHz (83) δk / kHz (144) χaa / MHz 1.67 1.6316(56) χbb - χcc / MHz 5.37 5.227(20) 2.75 2.5927(41) 7.44 6.935(16) No. of lines 114 161 RMS / kHz 5.2 39 µa/ µb/ µc (D) 0.14/2.70/0 *B3LYP/aug-cc-pVTZ Rotational spectrum assigned (hyperfine structure resolved) Excellent agreement with theory and literature Complementary data for search in the ISM 3

5 Hydantoin-Water complexes
ΔE (ZPVE) kJ mol-1 3 Hyd-H2O (3) 1 2 ΔE (ZPVE) kJ mol-1 2 Hyd-H2O (2) 3 Lowest Energy 1 Hyd-H2O (1) 4 ΔE (ZPVE) kJ mol-1 Calculations: B3LYP-D3(BJ)/aug-cc-pVTZ 4

6 Hydantoin-H2O complexes: Experimental results
Hyd-H2O (1) Hyd-H2O (2) Hyd-H2O (3) Parameters Theory Exp. A / MHz (60) B / MHz (19) C / MHz 932.20 (16) ΔJ / kHz 0.1344(61) χaa / MHz 1.76 1.7106(70) χbb - χcc / MHz 5.31 5.1876(92) 2.19 2.0803(58) 7.10 6.7808(72) No. of lines 192 RMS / kHz 5.2 Parameters Theory Exp. A / MHz (61) B / MHz (48) C / MHz (38) ΔJ / kHz 0.275(20) χaa / MHz 1.46 1.4661(48) χbb - χcc / MHz 4.89 4.8728(92) 2.71 2.5917(36) 7.25 6.7120(76) No. of lines 184 RMS / kHz 6.2 Parameters Theory Exp. A / MHz (78) B / MHz (93) C / MHz (76) ΔJ / kHz 0.305(42) χaa / MHz 1.66 1.5873(14) χbb - χcc / MHz 4.55 4.494(18) 2.37 2.1373(10) 7.87 7.346(14) No. of lines 86 RMS / kHz 9.2 5

7 Hydantoin-H2O complexes: Experimental results

8 Hydantoin-(H2O)2 complexes: Experimental results
Lowest Energy 1 Hyd-(H2O)2 (1) ΔE (ZPVE) kJ mol-1 2 Hyd-(H2O)2 (2) 1 2 3 Hyd-(H2O)2 (1) Hyd-(H2O)2 (2) ΔE (ZPVE) kJ mol-1 Parameters Theory Exp. A / MHz (12) B / MHz 765.55 (17) C / MHz 613.12 (17) ΔJ / kHz 0.0621(31) ΔJK / kHz - ΔK / kHz -4.05(28) δJ / kHz χaa / MHz 1.77 1.7000(73) χbb - χcc / MHz 5.29 5.181(13) 1.83 1.8238(66) 6.73 6.499(10) No. of lines 218 RMS / kHz 5.9 Parameters Theory Exp. A / MHz (63) B / MHz 969.57 (56) C / MHz 670.81 (43) ΔJ / kHz 0.1959(77) ΔJK / kHz -0.689(37) ΔK / kHz 2.408(87) δJ / kHz 0.0529(66) χaa / MHz 1.17 1.2380(73) χbb - χcc / MHz 4.62 4.625(14) 2.64 2.5276(57) 7.27 6.750(11) No. of lines 135 RMS / kHz 7.4 Addition of water on the same binding sites as monohydrates Good agreement with the theory 5 complexes with water assigned 7

9 Hydantoin-H218O complexes: Experimental results

10 Hydantoin-Water complexes: 18O substitution structures
2.05 Å 1.91 Å 134.2° 149.3° 2.02 Å 1.92 Å 134.4° 148.0° 2.03 Å 1.94 Å 144.0° 131.1° 1.78 Å 170.2° 1.76 Å 1.77 Å 170.3° 161.7° 1.82 Å 172.1° 1.75 Å 1.76 Å 170.1° 163.4° Hydrogen bond cooperativity ΔEcoop = -19 kJ mol-1 ΔEcoop = -17 kJ mol-1 9

11 Conclusions Analyzed hyperfine structures
Complementary dataset for search in the ISM at low frequency range (MW) Observation of 5 complexes with water Structure confirmed by isotopic substitutions Hydrogen bond cooperativity effects 1.78 Å 170.2° 1.76 Å 1.77 Å 170.3° 161.7° Hydantoin-(H2O)3 complex? 10

12 Thank you for your attention!
Acknowledgment Benjamin Arenas MF07 Sérgio Domingos TC03 Cristóbal Pérez TE09, WG08 Mariyam Fatima WD06 Melanie Schnell RG11 Anna Krin RG02 Amanda Steber TH02 Thank you for your attention!

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