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Welcome to 9th Grade. Mr. Robinson

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 9th Grade. Mr. Robinson"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 9th Grade. Mr. Robinson-332. 1
Welcome to 9th Grade! Mr. Robinson Find your ALPHABETICAL seat: BLUE schedule (cafeteria ID #) 2. PRINT your first & last name on 5 x 8 index card List anything else I “need” to know: …pronunciation? sports at West? double copies? permanent pass to Band? peer tutor? Etc If absent, PLEASE have parent/guardian call: Attendance # ( ext. 2820) Signed excuse note is needed only IF parental unit fails to call! If you WANT or “need” to change seats, please LISTEN to the “rules.”

2 AGENDA…use it DAILY! Homework, calendar, passes, routines, etc.
Need to exit the room for “emergency?” ASK permission -fill out date/time/destination -list return time & return to seat quietly Resource: Every other day (A or B) 1:40-2:30 PM Need to see a teacher? Get signature in back of AGENDA during the day Show resource 1:40 PM, sign out At 2:25 PM, please straighten your area Put chairs up every day except Tuesday!

3 Homework: READ syllabus & complete survey (CBSD email link)
Tuesday, September 5, 2017 I. Introductions & Expectations Autobiographical Card ENTER TO LEARN II. Social Studies: U.S. History II Syllabus What is TRUTH? Want to CHOOSE seats?  Be respectful of peers…LISTEN! PLAY music…The FRESHMEN from the Verve Pipe Invite students to sit in any of the 5 areas, while paying attention to rejection, no one sits alone.

4 Why are we here this week?
1) Meet Mr. Robinson & classmates (discuss expectations) Construct a personalized 3x5 index card Explore U.S. History II (syllabus & textbook distributed)

5 PLEASE check CBSD email & complete survey by Wednesday night!
“Freshmen” Who are WE? WHY are we here? What will OUR year be like? PLEASE check CBSD & complete survey by Wednesday night! FRESHMEN

6 Prepare to WRITE about YOU! (3 x 5 index card)
REQUIRED! ASK “anything” and REACT to “something” using the post-it notes today! OPTIONAL Homework: Read syllabus; check school & complete survey via FORMS!

7 Like you, I am a work in PROGRESS!
Teach Your Children ENTER TO LEARN

8 Teach Your Children

9 Like you, I am a product of my PAST!
The Times They are A-changing’ ENTER TO LEARN

10 I lived during their presidencies, but do NOT remember much of anything about them or what was going on in the world. Saturday Night Fever

11 For What it’s Worth

12 A few historical events from my earliest years…
Vietnam War? Watergate? Gas Shortages? Three Mile Island? For What it’s Worth

13 A few historical events I remember… attempted assassinations: Reagan
A few historical events I remember… attempted assassinations: Reagan? The Pope? 1981 MTV…1981 Ethiopia (famine)…We Are the World Challenger Explosion…January 28, 1986 Iran-Contra Affair… Video Killed the Radio Star

14 A few events from my high school years…
A few events from my high school years… Star Wars (late Cold War)…late 1980s Fall of the Berlin Wall… Soviet Union (collapse)…1991 Video Killed the Radio Star

15 Walk



18 Bush babies?

19 2008

20 What do you remember about LIVING during your first “chapter” of American history?
( ) How does your recent past influence how you view the present?

21 What will the next “chapter” of American history be like?
45. What will the next “chapter” of American history be like? How does the past influence our present? Does it “control” the future? Will America remain a super power? Are we Rome?


23 -Are you sitting where you THINK you would like to LEARN...move?
WELCOME to Grade 9 Social Studies Mr. Robinson (Rm. 332) -Are you sitting where you THINK you would like to LEARN...move? 3 x 5 index card = primary source about you! interview & live performance NEATLY print your FIRST & LAST name…nickname? - Date of birth (month/day/year) & location (city, state, (country?) …noteworthy places you’ve visited or lived? - Describe yourself in 5 words or phrases, plus symbolic image(s). Do you have a “spirit animal?” - LIST & describe your earliest (living) MEMORIES related to American History. -What do you remember most from 7th & 8th grade Social Studies? -Define “truth” in your own words, then EXPLAIN how “perspective” influences SS or history. Play The Freshmen again while students complete autobiographical cards. Distribute syllabus and record names in PENCIL in the seating chart

24 READ Syllabus tonight! Complete FORMS survey ASAP!
or talk to me ASAP if you do NOT receive survey link! Could there be a collaborative assessment coming next week? 

25 Have WE, as a class, chosen SEATS wisely?
Homework: The Americans book goes home until June 2018! (REVIEW syllabus & complete survey by tonight) Wednesday, September 6, 2017 Introductions & Expectations What is TRUTH? Autobiographical Card II. Social Studies: U.S. History II The Americans Have WE, as a class, chosen SEATS wisely? PLAY what is truth & distribute lyrics…book mark for The Americans

26 “What is Truth” Johnny Cash
The old man turned off the radio Said, "Where did all of the old songs go Kids sure play funny music these days They play it in the strangest ways" Said, "it looks to me like they've all gone wild It was peaceful back when I was a child" Well, man, could it be that the girls and boys Are trying to be heard above your noise? And the lonely voice of youth cries "What is truth?" A young man sittin' on the witness stand The man with the book says "Raise your hand" "Repeat after me, I solemnly swear" The man looked down at his long hair And although the young man solemnly swore Nobody seems to hear anymore And it didn't really matter if the truth was there It was the cut of his clothes and the length of his hair And the lonely voice of youth cries "What is truth?" A little boy of three sittin' on the floor Looks up and says, "Daddy, what is war?" "son, that's when people fight and die" The little boy of three says "Daddy, why?" A young man of seventeen in Sunday school Being taught the golden rule And by the time another year has gone around It may be his turn to lay his life down Can you blame the voice of youth for asking "What is truth?" The young girl dancing to the latest beat Has found new ways to move her feet The young man speaking in the city square Is trying to tell somebody that he cares Yeah, the ones that you're calling wild Are going to be the leaders in a little while This old world's wakin' to a new born day And I solemnly swear that it'll be their way You better help the voice of youth find "What is truth?"

27 Who are you. FRONT: Name. D. O. B. Where R U from
Who are you? FRONT: Name? D.O.B.? Where R U from? What words (5) and images = YOU? Earliest memory from American History? BACK What are the most important lessons/things you remember about 7th grade SS? 8th grade? What is TRUTH? (Define it) What does “PERSPECTIVE” have to do with Social Studies class?

28 -Are you sitting where you THINK you would like to LEARN...move?
WELCOME to Grade 9 Social Studies Mr. Robinson (Rm. 332) -Are you sitting where you THINK you would like to LEARN...move? 3 x 5 index card = primary source about you! interview & live performance NEATLY print your FIRST & LAST name…nickname? - Date of birth (month/day/year) & location (city, state, (country?) …noteworthy places you’ve visited or lived? - Describe yourself in 5 words or phrases, plus symbolic image(s). Do you have a “spirit animal?” - LIST & describe your earliest (living) MEMORIES related to American History. -What do you remember most from 7th & 8th grade Social Studies? -Define “truth” in your own words, then EXPLAIN how “perspective” influences SS or history.

29 You are receiving your “keep-at-home” textbook…
The Americans Using INK… PRINT first and last name ( ) notice #...WAIT for my SIGNATURE! Take it home and return it in JUNE!

30 Homework: Read articles & write review (2-paragraph MAX. by 9/12)
Thursday, September 7, 2017 The Three Questions Survey results & “story time” II. Autobiographical Card“Hot Seat” READ card, WRITE ?’s interview…group


32 When is the best time to do things? Who is the most important one?
The Three Questions…by Jon J. Muth, based on a story by Leo Tolstoy When is the best time to do things? Who is the most important one? What is the right thing to do?

33 From The Three Questions
“Remember then that there is only one important time, and that time is now. The most important one is always the one you are with. And the most important thing is to do good for the one who is standing at your side. For these my dear boy, are the answers to what is most important in this world. This is why were are here.”

34 Homework: Read article(s) & write review (2-paragraph MAX. by 9/12)
Read BOTH articles, highlight key points & arguments, then WRITE: ONE-paragraph summary Quotes, “facts,” ideas from article(s) II. ONE-paragraph reaction YOUR thoughts, feelings, questions, etc. Visit teacher calendar!

35 Group formation & Prep for “Hot Seat” ~10 min. III. Hot Seat
Homework: Read article(s) & write review (2-paragraph MAX. by 9/12) Visit teacher website and EXPLORE…History Alive! Friday, September 8, 2017 Peer Interview 3-5 min. Group formation & Prep for “Hot Seat” ~10 min. III. Hot Seat When is the best time to do things? Who is the most important one? What is the right thing to do? ENTER TO LEARN

36 Social Studies “NOT-so-Hot Seat”
1. Semi-random pairs SOCIALIZE & STUDY within your assigned group: a. READ partner’s card…LEARN “facts”…prepare 3 questions: 2 personal/random 1 based on earliest American History MEMORY b. INTERVIEW your partner c. INTRODUCE to small group 2. Groups will be called to the center to ANSWER QUESTIONS based on autobiographical index cards & random stuff. 3. Answer “enough” questions correctly and you PASS…if below PROFICIENCY, you must answer “alternative” question (s) and/or do an amazing and impressive feat! Periods 1 & 3 prepared for interviews on Friday, Day #3

37 Hot Seat Category Choice by Consensus? Names Birthdays Geography Commonalities History Unique or rare “facts” Who…? OTHER ??? Samples Questions: Introduce your group in order of…??? What is the most popular sport/color/food/animal in your group? Who plays the ukulele?

38 Syllabus assessment coming soon!
You should EXPLORE website calendar, documents, and CAREFULLY review unit titles, grades, assignments, etc.

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