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Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan

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Presentation on theme: "Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan
Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Presented by Jerel Benton

2 Background Information gathered from the following sources:
Campus Climate Survey Reports From Previous Efforts Formal and Informal Conversations

3 Background (cont.) Findings From Sources (Faculty and Staff) Strengths
Community Personal Attitudes and Behaviors Work Environment Perceptions of Students

4 Background (cont.) Findings From Sources (Faculty and Staff)
Opportunities for Growth Perceptions of Administration Visibility Perceptions of Institution Administrative Policies

5 Background (cont.) Findings From Sources (Students) Strengths
Personal Attitudes and Behaviors Perceptions of the Institution Perceptions of Faculty and Staff Learning-Co-Curricular Environment

6 Background (cont.) Findings From Sources (Students)
Opportunities for Growth Perceptions of Administration Perceptions of Peers Sexual Assault/Policies Learning Goal-Campus Training

7 Goal 1 Goal 1: Communication
Enhance communication to ensure that the campus and community at large understands University of Wisconsin-Superiors’ commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion. (Superior 2020 Strategic Initiative Alignment: III:G2,G3)

8 Goal 2 Goal 2: Assessment and Implementation
Assess University of Wisconsin-Superior’s efforts toward equity, diversity and inclusion to develop campus practices in support of inclusive excellence. (Superior 2020 Strategic Initiative Alignment: IV:G1,G2,G3)

9 Goal 3 Goal 3: Recruitment and Retention of Students, Faculty and Staff Improve recruitment and retention of ethnically underrepresented and underserved populations including: people of color, Native American (or American Indians), LGBTQIA community, women, and veterans to parallel changing demographics and needs of the university. (Superior 2020 Strategic Initiative Alignment: I:G1,G2; III:G1,G2,G3)

10 Goal 3

11 Goal 3

12 Goal 3

13 Goal 4 Goal 4: Engagement and Education
Develop opportunities to engage the campus and community at large on issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion. (Superior 2020 Strategic Initiative: I:G1,G2; II:G1,G4; III:G1,G2,G3;)

14 Next Steps Feedback from Governance Groups
Diversity and Inclusive Excellence Committee/Meeting Campus-Wide SWOT Analysis Identifying Strategies and Actions Develop Plan Discuss Plan Rollout Implement and Monitor Plan

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