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Chapter Leadership Team

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1 PES – San Antonio IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting August 27, 2011 San Marcos, TX

2 Chapter Leadership Team
Chair – Curtis Cryer CPS Energy; ; Vice Chair – Warren Conner Cooper Industries; ; Secretary/Treasurer – Christina Gaydos Grubb Engineering; ; Webmasters – Jason Perez/Steven Graf Grubb Engineering; ; Past Chair (2009) – John Brogan Retired; ; Notes:

3 Chapter Updates 2011 Meeting Attendance Notes:
Topic Members Non Members Total Jan Failure Analysis of Capacitors = 14 Feb NEMA 4X/IP 66 Enclosures = 15 March Wind Turbine Technology = 12 April Ethics = 25 May CPS Energy Customer Programs and Typical Service Requirements = 13 June No Meeting July Implementation of CPS Energy PI Historian = 15 Aug LED Lighting Applications, History and Cost Benefits ? ? = ? Sept Fiber Optic Workshop ? ? = ? Oct ? ? ? = ? Nov NEC 2010 Highlights? ? ? = ? ________ 2011 Average = 16 Average attendance at meetings: August 2005 – July 2006: 14 August 2006 – Dec 2007: 23 January 2008 – July 2008: 25 August 2008 – Dec 2009: 24 January 2010 – Dec 2010: 20 January 2011 – July 2011: 16 Notes:

4 2011 Chapter Meetings Date Technical/Admin Topic Speaker L31 1/27
Failure Analysis of Capacitors Stan Silvus Yes 2/24 NEMA 4X/IP 66 Enclosures Mike Meinscher & William Evatt 3/31 Wind Turbine Technology Viryd Technologies 4/21 Ethics David Howell 5/26 CPS Energy Customer Programs and Typical Business Service Requirements Mike Tyler 7/21 Implementation of CPS Energy PI Historian Tommy Ross 8/25 LED Lighting Applications, History, and Cost Benefits Scott Schiller Notes:

5 SWOT Analysis Strengths – Loyal membership
Weaknesses – Limited number of new attendees Opportunities – New location & outreach to more possible attendees Threats – Limited speaker base Notes:

6 Chapter Plans / Issues Meeting location will change to Blue Star Brewery – possible membership increase September meeting flyers will be sent to all area members in addition to existing attendees Select speakers and topics a year in advance Partner with UTSA chapter – student project presentations Notes:

7 QUESTIONS??? Thanks If you’d like to learn more about electronic services, you’ll want to attend the session on the Electronic Services being presented this afternoon by Christian Borgert (BORE-GERT) and Chip Dawson. If you miss this afternoon’s session, you can see it tomorrow morning. Now I’d like to answer your questions about newsletters and electronic services . . . (After Q&A) I’m sorry we don’t have time to answer all of your questions, but we have an abundance of expertise with us this weekend, and much of it is in the Computer Lab upstairs. Stop by and get more information anytime.

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