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Presentation on theme: "LANDSCAPES as CULTURAL RESOURCES"— Presentation transcript:

Mt. Rainier, WA

2 What are Cultural Landscapes?
Provide a sense of place and identity; they map our relationship with the land over time; and they are part of our national heritage and each of our lives. They are...sites associated with a significant event, activity, person or group of people. They range in size... from thousands of acres of rural land to historic homesteads. They can be... grand estates, farmlands, public gardens and parks, college campuses, cemeteries, scenic highways, and industrial sites. They are... works of art, narratives of cultures, and expressions of regional identity.

3 Designed Landscape a landscape that was consciously designed or laid out by a landscape architect, master gardener, architect or horticulturist according to design principles or an amateur gardener working in a recognized style or tradition.   Vanderbilt Gardens, NY Site refers to a place’s local physical and environmental characteristics, while situation refers to a place’s location relative to other places as well as its social significance in regional, national, or international contexts

4 Vernacular Landscape a landscape that evolved through use by the people whose activities or occupancy shaped that landscape. Through social or cultural attitudes of an individual, family or a community, the landscape reflects the physical, biological, and cultural character of those everyday lives. Lava Lakes Ranch, ID

5 Butte-Anaconda NHLD, MT
Historic Site a landscape significant for its association with a historic event, activity or person. Butte-Anaconda NHLD, MT Ordinary landscapes include scenes and spaces of daily life that individuals encounter on a regular basis and that often become a taken-for-granted aspect of their experience of the world

6 A diaspora describes the dispersion of an ethnic group from its homeland, typically as the result of direct or indirect outside forces that cause members of the group to relocate. The forced dispersion of Jews from their ethnic homeland, which took place across many centuries, is a prominent example of diaspora


8 Pilot of Butte Head Frame, Butte, MT

9 Ethnographic Landscape
a landscape containing a variety of natural and cultural resources that the associated people define as heritage resources. Big Southern Butte, ID

10 Distance expressed in terms of the perceived amount of space separating one place from another illustrates the concept of cognitive distance. Cognitive distance describes a highly subjective perception of distance that varies from person to person and from context to context. For instance, being able to pick up the phone to connect to someone living thousands of miles away tends to reduce the cognitive distance perceived to separate these two places

11 Jefferson River Valley, MT

12 Devil’s Tower, WY

13 Alaska



16 Its all about the seeing the forest for the tree


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