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Information Security.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Security."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Security

2 Topics That Will Be Covered
Survey Results Social Networking Mobile Device Security Phishing Schemes Information Privacy and Protection Personal Branding

3 What Social Media Site is Used Most?

4 Who is Using Social Media?

5 Example of Bad Social Media Post

6 Result/Learning Point
Riley was arrested for the death threat on Tom. Legal implications were discussed regarding fines and jail time for the tweet. This could have future implications on his life. If anyone can see the message they can share it. Hashtags and name tagging increase who can see the message. Think twice before posting. If you don’t want anyone to find out about the message. DON’T POST IT!

7 Hacked Social Media Posts
NMMI post from hacked Facebook profile of student in leadership role.

8 Result/Learning Point
Incited a riot on NMMI campus. Defamed the character of the individual whose profile was hacked. Could affect the individuals future when they did not even post the message. Don’t share your passwords with other people. Focus on password complexity when you are making them. Have more than one password. Use two-step authentication to help keep Hackers out.

9 Keep your accounts safe with 2 factor authentication

10 Social Media Clickbait

11 Learning Point Know the site whose information you are looking at.
Do not put personal information into these untrusted sites. By clicking on these links you can be hacked, or get a virus on your device. Do not share links unless you know they are authentic.

12 Mobile Device Security Incidents
Changing and misusing Mobile Configurations. Downloading and maintaining unnecessary apps. Sharing information through text messages. Risks of using a camera. Being unaware of what information that your Apps take from your phone or save when you use them.

13 App Repackaging

14 Cell Phone Tracking

15 Learning Point Standard configuration settings are for your safety.
Repackaged apps can look real and may have good ratings, but you should look for apps by companies that you trust. Anything you send from your phone can be seen by anyone. Be aware of camera settings. Don’t take videos or photos of things that you do not want someone else to see. Read through what you are agreeing that an app can take from your phone before agreeing. Know that no app can promise 100% discretion.

16 What is Phishing?

17 How are People Phishing for Information?
Request for reauthentication of any account. Something has happened to one of your accounts. Offer great awards that you need to do something simple to receive. Appearing to be a trusted friend that found something amazing.

18 Phishing Example

19 Phishing Tip-offs Outlook spelled with 0. Should I trust this sender?
Generic Greeting Easy Click Here Short time of action

20 Learning Point NEVER click on anything in an unless you can completely trust what you are receiving. Do not give any information to the sender of a suspicious . Call proper contact point for whom the sender is trying to imitate, do not use any or phone number they provide you. Keep your antivirus and software up to date in case of downloading malware. Limit what information you share so that attacker does not seem as legitimate. If you do not know who to contact send it to a local expert at your school or work so that they can verify if it is a legitimate .

21 What is Encryption? In cryptography, encryption is the process of encoding messages or information in such a way that only authorized parties can read it. Encryption does not of itself prevent interception, but denies the message content to the interceptor.

22 What you should Encrypt
s that contain sensitive information. Files that contain password information. Files that contain Financial Information or Social Security Number. Health Documents. Any easily stolen device such as a Flash drive.

23 Information Privacy and Protection
The person in control of your information is YOU! It is up to you to decide how much you disclose. Keep your social networking activity and settings private. Have multiple passwords and ensure they are strong by making them less standard and adding complexity. When posting photos make sure that there is not information on them, and check with people in them before posting for their privacy. Know that nothing is private when it leaves your possession. Encrypt and require additional authentication for data that you want to be protected.

24 Personal Branding

25 How this Information affects my Personal Brand?
Show the version of you that you want everybody to see. Look responsible because of your awareness of what you are doing online. Don’t leave yourself vulnerable for an attack that could have negative affects on you. Your chances of being victim of a cyber attack only increase with age, so learning early offers best source of protection. Your image and your security starts and ends with your choices.

26 Thank You!

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