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Discrimination learning: Introduction

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1 Discrimination learning: Introduction
Discrimination learning in nature Simple discriminations How are they learned? 3 theories Discriminating complex stimuli in the lab Do animals learn concepts?

2 Discriminating prey from background
Some things that get eaten are camouflaged Predators’ ability to learn difficult discriminations  evolution of camouflage

3 This moth matches the kind of tree bark it rests on.
On the web: link to experiments in which bluejays look for moths like this.

4 Discriminating good vs. poisonous food
Monarch butterflies Bright colors help predators learn not to attack them.

5 Avoidance of monarch generalizes to harmless butterflies that look similar
Predators’ discrimination and generalization drives the evolution of mimicry.

6 More mimicry: flies that look like bees
In each row, a bee or wasp is on the left. The rest are harmless flies that evolved to look like bees and wasps.

7 How are discriminations learned?
Simple discrimination training methods Three theories Spence Rescorla & Wagner Pearce

8 Example of a simple discrimination
 reinforcement (S+)  no reinforcement (S-)

9 What’s going on? Spence’s theory
S+ S- Excitatory associative strength generalizes S+ Associative strength Stimulus similarity

10 Spence: Inhibition generalizes less than excitation
Stimulus similarity S+ S- Associative strength

11 Spence: Responding determined by net strength
net = difference between the 2 gradients Stimulus similarity S+ S- Associative strength

12 Is discrimination absolute or relational?
- Train What was learned? absolute values (“dark gray is positive”) relationship (“the darker one is positive”) Transposition test vs. + Absolute: choose the old S+ Relative: choose the darker, not the old S+

13 Spence can predict transposition
Train Test Test stimulus has more positive strength than old S+ - + Stimulus similarity S+ S- test

14 Difficulty with Spence’s model
Idea of generalization is very powerful But Spence assumed different stimuli present at the same time were independent Different from Rescorla and Wagner Spence gets into trouble with compound stimuli….

15 Feature-positive discrimination
A+B  US, B  no US  food nothing A (the light) predicts food; tone does not ALL positive strength should go to the light NO CR to B (the tone) But Spence’s model predicts a CR to B Rescorla & Wagner is the better model here

16 A possible problem for Rescorla-Wagner
A US, B  US A+B  no US  food  food  nothing This should be impossible for animals to learn!

17 A+, B+, AB- can be learned: How?
% trials with a CR trials

18 Maybe AB has a unique configural element i.e. AB really = ABC
(whole is more than the sum of parts) “C” will be a strong inhibitor here A+, B+ % trials with a CR AB (C)- trials

19 Pearce causes trouble for R&W: a more complex kind of discrimination
AB + ABC - Two ways to look at these stimuli: Sums of elements (R-W) Unique configurations (Pearce)

20 Pearce’s configural theory
A AB+ ABC- Animals encode compounds as wholes. Generalization occurs between a whole and its parts because they are similar Here, ABC is more like AB than like A ABC vs. AB should be learned slower than A vs. ABC

21 Pearce’s configural theory
A AB+ ABC- R-W predicts that C (red) will become inhibitory A(yellow) and B (black) will be excitors AB will be more excitatory than A alone

22 Results:Support Pearce
A+, AB+, ABC-

23 Three Theories of Simple Discrimination Learning: Summary
Spence S+ and S- generalization gradients transposition Configural discriminations Rescorla & Wagner: analyze as elements Pearce: configural theory Each correct for some situations (book)

24 More complex stimuli: Category discriminations
S+ any slide with a tree S- any slide with no tree Train on 40 S+, 40S- Test with novel slides Birds perform better than chance on novel slides i.e. they transfer What is going on?

25 Category discrimination: What is learned?
Category discrimination (or classification) = different behavior toward things in different categories. This is what the birds are doing. Concept = cognitive structure that may underlie category discrimination. Have the birds learned a concept? There are other possibilities…...

26 Memorizing slides plays a role
Pigeons learn small irrelevant details They can memorize 320 individual slides Probably don’t see the slides as pictures Memorizing and generalizing both contribute to acquisition and transfer Data on next slide

27 Person, flower, car, or chair? Old and new slides mixed
Birds perform above chance on new slides (generalizing) Better on old ones (memorizing) % correct : old = black 

28 What is learned in category learning? Simple associations
Feature theory: Excitation and inhibition to features (e.g. green patches, leafy textures) Transfer because features are shared Exemplar theory: Excitation and inhibition to whole exemplars as configurations Transfer reflects stimulus generalization

29 What is learned in category learning? More than simple associations
A prototype Average or typical category member Transfer reflects similarity to the prototype A concept Functional categories and mediated generalization (in the book)

30 “Animals”: Training exemplars Transfer: based on common features Feature learning 4 legs Eyes Ears Tail Fur Etc.

31 “Animals”: Training exemplars Transfer: based on similarity to the exemplars Exemplar theory all exemplars (configurations) memorized

32 “Animals”: Training exemplars Transfer: compare to the prototype Prototype learning Representation of a kind of average animal

33 What is learned in category discrimination? Conclusions
No good evidence for processes other than association formation Associations could involve features or whole exemplars Probably not prototypes More in the book

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