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Travel Office Presentation AA/FM Round Up 8/14/2017

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1 Travel Office Presentation AA/FM Round Up 8/14/2017

2 Agenda Travel Office Staff Travel Guidelines Travel Authorization
Mileage Encumbrance Travel Voucher Travel & Expense Management System Travel Office Forms August/September-Calendars FM Signature Authority Form

3 Travel Office staff Dalinda Gamboa, Acct Group Manager x4619
Maricarmen Ramirez, Acct Group Supervisor x4609 Patricia Jackson, Acct Specialist x4628 Vanessa Limon, Acct Assistant-Travel Authorizations x4618 Vacant, Acct Assistant-Travel Vouchers, mileage x4656

4 Travel Guidelines All travel requires: Approvals (Employee, Immediate Supervisor, Financial Manager, and if applicable - Vice President, President, Travel Committee) Fund/Organization/Account code Documents to be submitted in a timely manner to the Travel Office for review and processing: Travel Authorizations-Minimum of 15 business days prior to travel (taking registration deadlines into account) Trip Travel Vouchers-Maximum of 20 business days after travel occurred Mileage Encumbrance-submitted at the beginning of each fiscal year Mileage Travel Vouchers-submitted monthly

5 Travel Guidelines (cont)
You will find information in the Travel Guidelines regarding the following: Travel Authorizations Travel Vouchers Mileage Reimbursements International Travel Cancellation of Trips STC employee and department responsibilities Vacation in conjunction with travel Please remember that any exceptions require extra approvals and may require additional documentation.

6 Travel Office Forms Travel Authorization BO-0600
Employee In District Mileage Reimbursement BO-6200 and Authorization Form Standard Mileage Method Form (SMM Form) BO-6800 Travel Voucher BO-0500 Mileage Log BO-0400 International Travel Justification Form BO-1100 Texas Hotel Occupancy Tax Exemption Certificate Mileage Chart

7 Travel Authorization A travel authorization is submitted every time an employee has approval to travel out of district (outside of Hidalgo/Starr Counties). The following documentation must be submitted with the travel authorization form: Registration forms (follow HR procedures if over $1,500) Membership forms-must also include STC institutional membership form with required approval signatures Hotel reservation confirmation-Instate must include signed hotel tax exempt form. Current Vendor W-9 forms (December 2014) is required if the vendor (hotel, registration, etc.) does not exist in Banner. Method of transportation Mileage-(forward driver’s license & insurance for dates of travel) Include an airfare quote for comparison for anything North of San Antonio. Car Rental (car rental quote noting requisition number) Airfare-quote

8 Employee In District Mileage Reimbursement & Authorization Form
The Employee In District Mileage Reimbursement & Authorization form (also known as the Mileage Encumbrance form)- is submitted when employees are allowed to travel in district (Starr & Hidalgo Counties) The form must include the estimated mileage for the whole fiscal year. Make sure to close all open mileage encumbrances for employees that are no longer traveling. To do this: Send an (must be from the FM or approved by the FM) to the Travel Office requesting that the encumbrance(s) be closed. Make sure to include the following: Name of the traveler (employee) Traveler’s A# Encumbrance Number

9 Standard Mileage Method Form
The Standard Mileage Method (SMM) is used to calculate number of miles reimbursed for travel. Daily miles traveled must exceed the employees normal commute between home and regular work location. Any personal driving (lunch/personal errands) should be excluded. The employee will be reimbursed for the excess distance traveled. The SMM form must include all miles traveled on that day, including miles from and to your residence to arrive at daily miles traveled. Your normal commute miles are subtracted from daily miles traveled to arrive at reimbursable miles.

10 Total Mileage Reimbursement: 1 miles
STANDARD MILEAGE METHOD Example Pecan Campus 2 Miles 7 Miles Travel Commute Residence 8 Miles NAH (Home Base) Example: Employee normal commute (residence to home base) is 16 miles round trip and home base is NAH campus. Employee travels from home to the NAH Campus, home base (8 miles), then travels to Pecan Campus (7 miles), then to residence (2 miles) Total Mileage Reimbursement: miles Total daily mileage traveled: 17 miles Normal Commute (round trip) 16 miles Miles reimbursed: 01 miles

11 Travel Voucher Mileage Reimbursement Travel Voucher is submitted when in-district travel is completed monthly. The reimbursement amount is reduced from the employees mileage encumbrance recorded in Banner. The following documents should be submitted with the travel voucher form: Mileage chart, mapquest/google maps with specific address, odometer readings Standard Mileage Method Forms (SMM)- only if employee’s first or last travel destination is not their home base Mileage log School Calendars Faculty Teaching Schedules Driver’s License & Insurance for dates of travel Trip Reimbursement Travel Voucher is submitted at least 20 business days after a trip has occurred. All required receipts should indicate method of payment. The following documents must be submitted with the travel voucher form. Itemized hotel receipts Boarding passes Incidental expense receipts (ex. taxi, shuttle, baggage, etc.)

12 Mileage Log An employee will be reimbursed for the mileage incurred between the designated college office location and the secondary assignment location if proper approval has been obtained. All mileage must be itemized on a point to point basis and travel locations must be identified on the mileage log (BO-0400). Purpose of travel must be included as well. The mileage log must be attached to the travel voucher form (BO-0500).

13 Travel & Expense Management System
Travel & Expense Management System (TEMS) training is done by the Travel Office. The end-user is given access to TEMS after the completion of two training sessions. Part I consists of online authorizations whether it be for a trip or for mileage reimbursements. Part II consists of generating the expense reports off of the authorizations. The expense report in TEMS is the equivalent of a paper travel voucher.

14 Accounts Payable/Travel Deadlines – August 2017
CALENDAR MONTH CALENDAR YEAR 1ST DAY OF WEEK SUNDAY Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 daily notes Check cycle 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 AA Roundup 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Departmental Signature Authority Form due FY2017 FINAL check cycle End of Fiscal year-purchased items rec'd after today will be expensed in FY2018. FINAL FY2017 T&E Management System Transactions Notes 8/31/17 - Final day to post FY2017 travel items in Travel & Expense Management System (online Travel)

15 Accounts Payable/Travel Deadlines – September 2017
CALENDAR MONTH CALENDAR YEAR 1ST DAY OF WEEK SUNDAY Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 daily notes 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LABOR DAY HOLIDAY AP check cycle - FINAL FY2017 Paper Travel documents 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 FINAL FY2017 AP documents due, including construction and items/services rec'd prior to 8/31/17 AP check cycle 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 College Wide Professional Dev Day 24 25 26 Notes

16 Thank you Please remember that all travel occurring on 8/31/17 or prior must be processed for payment with FY2017 budget Any travel occurring after 8/31/17 will be processed with FY2018 budget Thank you.

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