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Welcome to Year One.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year One."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year One

2 Meet the team 1K – Mrs. Kirby 1L – Miss Langdon 1P – Miss Piper
Mrs Husband (Mon-Wed), Mrs Wifalk 1L – Miss Langdon Mrs Gallop 1P – Miss Piper Mrs Connor 1W – Miss Williams (Head of Year) Mrs Chantry (Mon, Tues) Mrs Woodley

3 Transition First half term pupils will continue with child initiated learning and teacher led groups. Mrs. Parkinson running outdoor learning every afternoon. Nature detectives once a week. Please bring in wellies. Assessments in phonics, reading and numeracy.

4 Autumn Overview

5 Autumn Overview Subject Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Science
Animals including humans Classifying animals and seasonal change. RE How different faiths show thanks for the world How light is used as a symbol History Toys - Art Mother Nature Designers ICT Control Card making Music Call and response Nativity songs P.E Gymnastics Dance Geography Our local area DT Moving pictures

6 Show and tell/story/poem
Weekly Timetable Mon EMW/Green pen work Phonics Literacy Assembly Break time Numeracy Lunch time Guided Reading Humanities Play time Show and tell/story/poem Tues  Nature Detectives Music/story/poem Wed PM PPA (HL)  ICT    Science  RE Yoga Thurs Circle time PE  Fri  Art/DT Golden Time

7 Phonics Letters and Sounds – phases 2 to 5 Initial assessment
Build on prior learning in Reception Differentiated phonics groups

8 Websites

9 Year One Phonics Screening Check
Statutory testing for children at the end of Year One. Simple assessment to make sure that all pupils have learned phonic decoding to an appropriate standard by the age of 6. The phonics check will help teachers identify the children who need extra help so they can receive the support they need to improve their reading skills. These children will then be able to retake the check in year 2. The check comprises a list of 40 words and non-words which the child will read one-to-one with a teacher.

10 What to bring Warm / waterproof coat everyday Named water bottle Named PE Kit Wellies Not needed - rucksacks, toys, green book bags, pencil cases

11 Home Learning Reading books sent home. Please sign the reading record and return the book once finished. This should be at least once a week. Homework passport. There are 8 pieces of homework to be completed per term. Please return homework book after each completed piece for marking.

12 Collection arrangements
Collection arrangements. If your child is going home with someone else please let your child’s teacher know in advance if possible. Either in writing or via telephone. Sickness or diarrhoea – please keep your child off school for 48 hours after the last symptom. Please inform us if your child has head lice. Classroom doors shut and teaching commences at If you arrive after this please sign in at the office. Children in 1K should be collected from the main playground. Please wait behind the yellow line near the big tree.

13 How can you help? Reading books Parent helpers - after half term
School trips Cooking sessions Toys afternoon

14 Any questions?

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