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Staff Leader Guide.

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1 Staff Leader Guide

2 To the Amazing Staff Leaders and Junior Staff
of Coastal Georgia Council I personally would like to thank each and every one of you who have stepped up to help make the Haunted Trail the Council’s biggest Cub Scout Event!!! I know it is a lot of work and it could not be done without our amazing volunteers. This year we hope to make it even better by giving the staff a guide to help answer some of the questions you may have. There will be some changes from last year so please read and give all the information to your volunteers. ~ Your Haunted Trail Volunteer Event Director Carla Ormes Meals We are asking each volunteer to pay $5.00 to cover the cost of their food for the weekend. If you have any food allergies, please contact the office or the Event Director so that we can be prepared for that. You will be issued a food band at the time of check-in for your meals. There will be 3 meals on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday. If you are still in camp at lunch time on Sunday we will have leftovers for lunch. Staff Check In and Camping Because of the amount of participants checking in on Friday night, if staff can arrive before check in that would be ideal. Staff will be required to check in at the maintenance building. Please come in at the Rangers house. You will be assigned your campsite and receive the food bands. Staff will be camping in program areas and other areas to free up the campsites for the participants. Please unload your camping gear and move your vehicle to the large parking lot behind the Admin. Building, then return to set up your tent.

3 Area Directors Work Weekends at Camp Bring your food and water
Holi Gorsuch – Day Time Activities Director (text) Robert Fox Haunted Trail Director (text) Rhonda Stafford – Not So Haunted Trail Director (text) Lorie Autry Carnival Director (text) Karen Garratt Dining Hall Director (text) Noe Klump Shooting Sports Director (text) Carla Ormes Event Director (text) I have asked each Director to come up with a list of rules for their area. If you sign up for one of these areas please make sure all of your volunteers read and understand what is expected of them for that area. The Directors have put in a lot of time planning for this event. Each of them have experience in the area they are directing, please respect their wishes and this will be one of the best events ever. Other Areas in Need of Staff Ranges – Noe Klump is Shooting Sports Director Potty Princess – 2-4 volunteers, Service of bathrooms and campsites Trading Post – 2 Trained Adults, 4 Scouts Kitchen Staff – 2 Adults, 4-6 Scouts Parking Detail – 15 – 20 need to be in camp by 4:30 Troop, Crew or Pack to sell Hamburgers and Hot Dogs to participants Decoration Crew – 4-6 to decorate around camp Work Weekends at Camp Bring your food and water September 23-25 September 30 –October 1 October 7-9 October 15-17

4 Day Time Activities Holi Gorsuch Director 912-977-0338 (text)
A Leader needs to be in the activities area at all times while the troop and or crew are working. If your troop or crew are also working in one of the night time activities, please let me know. If they need to leave the activities area early to put on costumes or set up, a replacement needs to be available. We cannot shut down the areas early or have them unmanned. It is unfair to the participants. Activity items need to be check out and back in with me. You are responsible for the items you check out and the set up and take down of your activity. Younger Scouts MUST be paired with an older scout. Most of all have fun!!!! If you are having fun, then so with the cubbies. If you have any questions or issues please find me – I am always around. Thank You, Holi Gorsuch Haunted Trail Robert Fox Director Ensure a Troop Leader stays with the Troop at all times while working on the trail Make sure each Troop has replacements at scenes for breaks during the event. Before leaving the Haunted Trail, after setting up your scene, and after take down, get with the Area Director to ensure no other help is needed. Leave scenes that do not belong to you alone. Do not leave event until Area Director shuts down the Trail. No excessive strobe lights. No excessive gore on the less scary side of the Trail. If you have any questions or issues please find me – I am always around. Thank You, Robert Fox

5 Rhonda Stafford Director
Not So Haunted Trail Rhonda Stafford Director Check in with me and camp in same area that I am. Help prep the NSH Trail/ Set up, man and day take it down the following . Do not leave your assigned station. Work together as a team assisting where you can. When your station is set up, help others complete their station. No scary costumes. If you don’t have a costume you need to be in scout uniform. Do not scare anyone on this trail. Do not touch anyone on this trail. Please sit together at meal time so we can discuss any needs for this area. Where possible, attend at least one work weekend. If you have any questions or issues please find me – I am always around. Thank You, Rhonda Stafford Carnival Lorie Autry (text) Check in with me so I know who you are and give you your station assignment. I would like to have adult leaders present while setting up, running and taking down the carnival. Help set up your game and on Sunday help take your game down. Once your station is set up, do not play with it. Staff is to stay at their assigned places during the carnival. Do not leave your assigned station unless given permission from the Area Director. Work together as a team assisting where you can. When your site is set up, help others with their sites. No scary costumes. If you don’t have a costume you need to be in scout uniform. Please sit with carnival staff at meal time so we can discuss any needs for the area. Where possible, attend at least one work weekend. If you have any questions or issues please find me – I am always around. Thank You, Lorie Autry

6 2016 Haunted Trail STAFF Schedule
Friday: Staff Check-in Friday :30-8 PM Maintenance Building All available staff to help with parking in the lots, campsites, and directing traffic on the roads. Mandatory Staff Meeting 9:30 PM at Pavilion Saturday: Staff Breakfast 7-8 at the Pavilion Mandatory Staff Meetings Carnival Staff meet at Trading Post Porch Haunted Trail Staff meet at Admin. Building NSHT Staff meet at First Year Camper Activities Staff meet at Pavilion Check-in/Camp Set Up 7:30 AM Admin Office at Big Parking Lot Need all available to help with traffic & parking Opening Ceremonies 9:30 AM Flag Pole Near Pavilion Activity Period 1 10:00 AM Ranges Open Activity Period :00 AM Staff Lunch and staff meeting 12:00-1:45 PM at the Pavilion Activity Period 3 2:00 PM Activity Period 4 3:00 PM Scarecrow Judging 4:15 PM Assembly Field by Flag Pole Staff Dinner 5:30-6:30 PM at the Pavilion Assembly 6:45 PM Flag Pole Near Pavilion * Scarecrow Contest Award * Campsite Contest Award * Spirit Stick Award * Go Over Evening Activities Start Evening Activities 7:15 PM Lights Out 11:30 PM Sunday: Staff Breakfast 8-9 at the Pavilion Assembly 9:15 AM Flag Pole Near Pavilion Chapel Service 9:30 AM Stay put you are there 10:00-12:00PM Ranges Open Break Camp 12:00 PM September event patch on front, archery wrist rockets, bb, climbing wall, games, boats, swimming,

7 Know Where to Find the Fun We Have
Planned at Black Creek

8 Please give us feedback
Please let us know how we did and how we can make things better in the future. And, if you’d like to be part of the Amazing Cub Activities Volunteer Team please let us know! Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something. ~Author Unknown Notification and Promotion of the event: Communication after initial registration: Check-in, Check-out: Activities: Camping Facilities: Staff Interaction: General Comments and Constructive Feedback: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________ Needs Work Needs Polished We Loved IT! Needs Work Needs Polished We Loved IT! Needs Work Needs Polished We Loved IT! Needs Work Needs Polished We Loved IT! Needs Work Needs Polished We Loved IT! Needs Work Needs Polished We Loved IT!

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