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5 Predictions for the Future of Philanthropy

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1 5 Predictions for the Future of Philanthropy
The Future of Fundraising is Here: Stop Fundraising. Start Inspiring! 5 Predictions for the Future of Philanthropy May 2, 2017 Presented by: Ted Hart, ACFRE, CAP® CEO, CAF America

2 Welcome/Introduction
TED HART, ACFRE, CAP® CEO at CAF America & President at CAF Canada Founder of ePhilanthropy Foundation and Green Nonprofits Radio Host- Nonprofit Coach ( Author: Internet Management People to People Fundraising Nonprofit Guide to Going Green Nonprofit Internet Strategies Major Donors Fundraising on the Internet

3 25 Years of Service Charities Aid Foundation of America (CAF America) is a global grantmaking organization assisting corporations, foundations and individuals. For 25 years, we have been streamlining the grantmaking process to eliminate risk and administrative burden for our clients. Through our work, we help donors support great causes by assisting them in making strategic, cost-effective and tax-advantaged grants both internationally and domestically.

4 Worldwide Collaboration
CAF Global Alliance Worldwide Collaboration CAF LOCATIONS: • United States • Canada • Brazil • United Kingdom • Bulgaria • Russia • South Africa • India • Australia Advisor Networks • Asia Pacific • Africa

5 5 Predictions for Philanthropy’s Future
It’s not about the charity’s mission, it’s about the donor It’s not about deadlines, it’s about strategy It’s not just how much you give, it’s finding the niche It’s not the charities who are campaigning, it’s our friends, it’s our families. We are the campaign 5. It’s not just our neighborhood, it’s our world

6 Stop Fundraising

7 Start Inspiring Action

8 YouPhilanthropy The charity is no longer at the center of philanthropy: the donor is central. Understand this and succeed beyond your competition Donors know what they care about and what they want to achieve Charities need to help get them there Donors are becoming directly involved with their philanthropy Donors want to see their dollar at work and will reward the charities that show them their impact


10 Donor Advised Funds How it works:
There are now over 269,000 DAFs, with combined assets of over $78 billion. Donors can now give where they want, when they want December 31st no longer needs to be the driving force behind donors’ decisions – DAFs make space for a more personalized approach to philanthropy.


12 Data-Driven Philanthropy
Data collection and analysis can: Avoid overfunding certain causes Avert duplicative efforts Identify niche areas for strategic interventions The major focus of data-driven philanthropy has led to the Sustainable Development Goals Philanthropy Patform.

Our clients have diverse interests, enabling CAF America to support all of the goals around the world

14 Monitoring the SDGs’ Progress

15 24/7 Campaigns

16 24/7 Campaigns Social media and other modern technologies have made fundraising perennial: it never stops Charities have to be ready all times for unexpected surges in donations Charities need to leverage inspiration to arrive at concrete funding solutions Example: ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Source:


18 Global is Local, Local is Global
Mass media brings images of global issues into our homes, growing the pool of potential donors. Giving for disaster response can be extremely effective, anywhere on the planet. Diaspora communities can be effective donors for cross-border giving (DGB, etc.)

19 The greater universe of potential lies in the vast number of supporters who can be inspired and referred by current donors @tedhart


21 Chief Executive Officer, CAF America
Thank You! Ted Hart, ACFRE, CAP® Chief Executive Officer, CAF America CAF America – HQ 225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 375 Alexandria, VA 22314 CAF UK 12 St. Bride Street London EC4A A4D CAF America – West Coast Office 50 California Street, Suite 1500 San Francisco, CA 94111

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