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National Research Center” Kurchatov Institute”

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1 National Research Center” Kurchatov Institute”
“Experimental and theoretical studies of the effects of high-energy proton beams on LHC collimator materials”. Alexander Ryazanov “W11 EuCARD-2 Annual Meeting” , CERN, Geneva

2 Step 5 (Group E): “Irradiation of Molybdenum Diamond collimator materials by 35 MeV proton beam on cyclotron NRC-KI” 1. Preparation of different holders for Molybdenum-Diamond collimator materials with the different fixed sizes and cooling systems for their irradiation in the cyclotron of NRC-KI at different doses, at room temperature (below 100 ºC) for the following measurements of physical mechanical properties on these irradiated materials: mechanical tests, thermal conductivity, electrical resistivity, thermal expansion coefficient, microstructure changes. , CERN, Geneva

3 2. Theoretical calculations of damage profiles for Molybdenum-Diamond collimator materials with different densities under proton beam irradiation with energy up to 35 MeV and carbon ions with energies up to 80 MeV for different doses to help in predictions for LHC irradiation conditions. 3. Irradiation of Molybdenum-Diamond collimator materials by protons with energy up to 35 MeV in the NRC-KI cyclotron at low temperature (below 100°C) and at different doses:  Ф1 = 1017 p/cm2, Ф2 = 1018 p/cm2 , CERN, Geneva

4 System of cyclotron transportation
, CERN, Geneva

5 Channels for fast particles (protons) transport leading from distributive magnet to irradiation rooms of the cyclotron. , CERN, Geneva

6 The ending of an ionic channel with diagnostic and mounting blocks for the target unit in NRC KI cyclotron , CERN, Geneva

7 Rotating target unit connected to a flange of the diagnostic block in a mounting gripe.
Rotation drive of the target unit Rotating target unit with thermocouple outputs Water-cooling and control outputs Flange of the diagnostic block Graphite diaphragm , CERN, Geneva

8 Placement of the sample holder in the rotating target unit.
, CERN, Geneva

9 The first prototype of the rotating target unit on the cyclotron.
, CERN, Geneva

10 The holders of samples with different profiles for proton irradiations.
, CERN, Geneva

11 The side views of the rotating target unit with a slot for the sample holder (a), - with the installed sample holder (b). (a) (b) , CERN, Geneva

12 The system of control and management of a water cooling for the irradiated target unit.
, CERN, Geneva

13 Conclusion Molybdenum-diamond composite samples for the LHC collimators were irradiated by 32 MeV protons up to 1017 and 1018 p/cm2 fluence in the cyclotron of NRC Kurchatov Institute. Series of irradiations at each fluence were carried out for mechanical and physical tests. The series of irradiations of LHC collimator materials samples at high proton doses irradiation was carried out using the water-cooled target device with the 1800 remote target rotation and quickly replaced holders for different samples. , CERN, Geneva

14 Theoretical calculations of radiation damage profiles (dpa) distribution in Mo-Cu-Diamond collimator materials irradiated by protons with the energies up to 35 MeV and carbon ions with energies up to 80 MeV for different doses to help in predictions for LHC irradiation conditions. , CERN, Geneva

15 Theoretical modeling of point radiation damage accumulation in Mo-CuD, Cu-Diamond irradiated by 30 MeV protons p ρ (Cu) = 8.94 g/cm3 , Cu, MoCu Diam Ed(Cu) = 30 eV Ed(Diam) = 50 eV 1) L(Diam) = 130 μm, L(Cu) = 65 μm 2) L(Diam) = 100 μm, L(Cu) = 50 μm , CERN, Geneva

16 Physical parameters used for calculations in both materials CuCD and MoCuCD
, CERN, Geneva

17 Distribution of radiation damage profiles (dpa) in Mo-Cu-Diamond irradiated by protons with the energy 5 MeV at fluence Ф =1017p/cm2 , CERN, Geneva

18 Ranges of protons in MoCuCD layered structure of two different layer configurations versus proton energy , CERN, Geneva

19 Radiation damage profile from protons with energy 5 MeV in the layered structure of MoCuCD material for two different configurations of layers , CERN, Geneva

20 Radiation damage profile from protons with energy 5 MeV in the layered structure of MoCuCD material for two different configurations of layers , CERN, Geneva

21 Radiation damage profile from protons with energy 30 MeV in the layered structure of MoCuCD material for a dose up to 1017 p/cm2 , CERN, Geneva

22 Radiation damage profile from protons with energy 30 MeV in MoCuCD material with average density for a dose up to 1017 p/cm2 , CERN, Geneva

23 Layer thickness, microns
Comparison radiation damage levels for MoCuCD and CuCD materials for the following irradiation conditions: Ep = 30 MeV, 1017 p/cm2. Material Layer thickness, microns Damage level, dpa Proton range, microns CuCD (layered) 130 (CD) 10-3 2280 65 (Cu) 9.5*10-4 MoCuCD (layered) 45 (CD) 8.4*10-5 2060 45 (MoCu) 9.7*10-4 CuCD (average) - 2.6*10-4 2310 MoCuCD (average) 3*10-4 2070 23 , CERN, Geneva

24 Simulation of radiation damage in MoCuCD materials taking into account water-cooling circuit. Schematic view of the target unit. 24 , CERN, Geneva

25 Energy spectrum of 32 MeV protons after passing through 100 um of aluminium and 3 mm of water.
25 , CERN, Geneva

26 Radiation damage profile from protons with average energy 25
Radiation damage profile from protons with average energy 25.7 MeV in the layered structure of MoCuCD material for a dose up to 1017 p/cm2. 26 , CERN, Geneva

27 Radiation damage profile from protons with average energy 25
Radiation damage profile from protons with average energy 25.7 MeV in the layered structure of MoCuCD material for a dose up to 1018 p/cm2 for both sides of the sample. 27 , CERN, Geneva

28 Radiation damage profile from carbon ions with energy MeV in diamond for a dose up to 1017 ion/cm2. 28 , CERN, Geneva

29 Radiation damage profile from carbon ions with energy MeV in metallic alloy MoCu for a dose 1017 ion/cm2. 29 , CERN, Geneva

30 Radiation damage profile in MoCuCD from carbon ions with energy 80 MeV for a dose 1017 ion/cm2. Carbon ion initially hits the metallic layer. 30 , CERN, Geneva

31 Radiation damage profile from carbon ions with energies 35 MeV in diamond for dose 1017 ion/cm2.
31 , CERN, Geneva

32 Radiation damage profile from carbon ions with energy 35 MeV in metallic matrix MoCu for dose 1017 ion/cm2. 32 , CERN, Geneva

33 Conclusion On the basis of the proposed model of the layered structure for the irradiated materials, a number of calculations have been performed to determine damage profiles. Calculations show that the damage levels in diamond inclusions approximately an order of magnitude lower than that of copper and molybdenum-copper alloy. The average damage for both irradiated materials correspond to 10-4 dpa for diamond inclusions and 10-3 dpa for copper and copper-molybdenum alloy under irradiation of 30 MeV protons to doses 1017 p/cm2. At the same time, the calculations carried out with the average density approach correspond to values about 3*10-4 dpa. The ranges of protons for the materials with the layered structure and with the average density coincide within the margin of error for protons with energies greater than 10 MeV. Additional simulation was performed to estimate dpa levels and ranges of carbon ions in MoCuCD material for the swelling experiments. A simulation of the effect of water layer on protons in the water-cooled target unit was studied. Average energy of the protons hitting the sample for 3 mm of water layer is 25.7 ± 0.24 MeV. 33 , CERN, Geneva

34 Thank you very much to S. Redaelli and A
Thank you very much to S.Redaelli and A.Bertarelli for many scientific discussions and to all for your attention ! , CERN, Geneva

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