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Prep for Boston Massacre trial…

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1 Prep for Boston Massacre trial…
October 19, 2016 Hand in POV HW. Prep for Boston Massacre trial… HW – Any class work NOT finished becomes HW. Name tags due tomorrow. Costumes for Friday.

2 Before The Massacre 600 British Redcoats were stationed in Boston by 1770. They had reputations of being uneducated, poor, and ill-mannered…often in fights and often drinking. Bostonians were very tense about their presence…imagine!

3 March 2, 1770 – Soldier Thomas Walker went to the “Ropewalk” in search of a part-time job.
Ropemaker William Green yelled in his face – “Want a job? Go clean my outhouse!” Before The Massacre

4 Before The Massacre A fight broke out and many Redcoats from the 29th Regiment came to Walker’s aid. Bloody results, but the soldiers were forced to back off b/c they were outnumbered. So, three soldiers came back the next day!! Result – death threats and a soldier with a fractured skull! Picture of fractured skull NOT here because when you Google “fractured skulls” you get some really sick stuff!

5 RIGHT Before The Massacre
Young wigmaker apprentice, Edward Garrick shouted insults at Private Hugh White about a bill $ that his captain supposedly did not pay the wig maker. Private White smashed the butt of his gun into Garrick’s face.

6 And a crowd began to form…
Kill him! Fire! Knock him down!

7 The Boston Massacre March 5, 1770

8 What we know happened. Captain Preston and his men were coming to the aid of the lone British Sentry (guard) in front of the Custom’s House (Seaport Tax Office) on King’s Street.

9 What we know happened. More Bostonians approached and church bells rang (fire?) A group of seven British soldiers and their commanding officer, Captain Thomas Preston arrived.

10 What we know happened. “Citizens, DISPERSE!”
The crowd surrounded the group of soldiers under Captain Preston’s command. Captain Preston’s men marched in with bayonets fixed. Efforts to get the crowd to calm down and disperse failed. The crowd blocked the escape route for the soldiers. “Citizens, DISPERSE!”

11 forbade all riot/mob acts.
What we know happened. The crowd was calling the soldiers things far worse than “lobsterback”. The crowd started throwing things, chanting “Fire and be damned!” Justice of the Peace, James Murrary read “The Riot Act” and they attacked him! The Riot Act – A law that forbade all riot/mob acts.

12 What we know happened. One soldier was clubbed to the ground.
His musket was fired at the crowd and the crowd surged forward. The men reloaded and fired once more.


14 What we know happened. The crowd quickly went home.
The soldiers and Captain Preston went back to their barracks (the buildings where groups of soldiers live). Five Bostonians were dead or dying. Is one missing?

15 Paul Revere engraved the event.

16 Questions Did the soldiers fire with provocation?
Did they fire on their own (without orders)? Was Captain Preston guilty of ordering his men to fire into a crowd of civilians? Was Preston innocent and being used by men like Samuel Adams to confirm the oft-claimed tyranny of England?

17 DEBATE PREPARATIONS Should Captain Preston and/or his men be charged with murder? Are they guilty of murder? Should they be “let off the hook” for their actions?

18 What happened after the Boston Massacre?
The soldiers were put on trial.

19 John Adams Patriot and our second President
We need JUSTICE! I am just the man to make sure we get it!

20 Queen Street Courthouse

21 Today: Did you finish the reading/outline? Get your character card
Complete the sheet that goes WITH your character card BEGIN LAWYER CARD and finish for HW Access to all files will be on my TEACHER SITE!

22 September 7, 1770 Preston and the soldiers are formally arraigned on charges of murder.  All plead "Not Guilty."

23 October 24-30, 1770 Captain Preston is tried.  A jury acquits Preston after the evidence fails to establish that he gave the order to fire.

24 A scene from the Trial

25 November 27, 1770 The trial of the eight soldiers begins.

26 December 5, 1770 Six of the soldiers are acquitted on all charges.  Two soldiers, Montgomery and Killroy are convicted of manslaugter. 

27 December 14, 1770 Montgomery and Killroy plead "the benefit of clergy" to reduce their punishment to branding.  Sheriff Greenleaf brands the two men on their right thumbs.

28 The Defense Attorney Speaks
“The part I took in the Defence of Cptn. Preston and the Soldiers was one of the best pieces of service I ever rendered my Country” “As the evidence was, the verdict of the jury was exactly right.”

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