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Dunbar Nursery Class Learning through play.

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Presentation on theme: "Dunbar Nursery Class Learning through play."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dunbar Nursery Class Learning through play

2 Here is an overview of some of the learning that takes place in Dunbar Nursery Class.

3 At snack we count and measure, follow recipes and prepare food
At snack we count and measure, follow recipes and prepare food. We socialise, talk to others and learn about diet, food, health and hygiene.

4 When we use playdough we develop fine
movements of our fingers and hands.

5 In the sand we use our imagination and share with other children.
In the water we fill, pour and measure. We develop our confidence and talk to others during play.

6 language and communication skills
Role Play is great fun! We dress up and learn about other people. We develop our language and communication skills

7 Music activities provide opportunities to listen, use our senses and play instruments. We also sing, clap and follow rhythms.

8 Using the construction materials we design, build and measure (maths skills).
We also share, persevere at the task and develop our confidence.

9 When painting we make marks and patterns which are early writing skills.
Painting also allows us to express our feelings and builds self esteem.

10 We also follow design processes, make models and create pictures.
When taking part in gluing activities we develop the fine movements of our fingers and hands. We also follow design processes, make models and create pictures.

11 At story time we sit together and listen carefully
At story time we sit together and listen carefully. When reading books we predict and retell stories. We look at non-fiction books to find information.

12 When we read books we discover how to use them and become aware of letters, recognise sounds and hear new words.

13 In the literacy corner we draw, make marks and write.
We learn about letter sounds and the purpose of writing. We also develop the fine movements of our fingers and hands.

14 We use ICT at nursery. This allows us to explore software and solve problems.

15 At Nursery we love to learn outdoors
We discover that being active is a healthy way to be. We enjoy energetic play and develop movement skills. We use our senses to explore the world.


17 We are always busy and learning
through play experiences.

18 We learn every day!! Learning is fun!

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