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Clinicopathological features and outcome of Head & Neck Cancer in Pakistan 1A Jamshed, 1R Hussain, 2S Jamshed, 1A A Syed, 1A Loya, 1M A Shah, 1U Majeed.

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Presentation on theme: "Clinicopathological features and outcome of Head & Neck Cancer in Pakistan 1A Jamshed, 1R Hussain, 2S Jamshed, 1A A Syed, 1A Loya, 1M A Shah, 1U Majeed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clinicopathological features and outcome of Head & Neck Cancer in Pakistan 1A Jamshed, 1R Hussain, 2S Jamshed, 1A A Syed, 1A Loya, 1M A Shah, 1U Majeed & 1S Hameed 1Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Centre, Lahore, Pakistan. 2Aga Khan University Medical College, Karachi, Pakistan. Results DFS Oral cancer (radical treatment) Introduction Results Head and Neck Cancer (HANC) is the 6th most common cancer world wide and ranks 3rd in South Asia. Majority of patients present with locally advanced disease. Loco-regional failure and distant metastases are common in this group and survival remains dismal despite aggressive treatment. A significant number of HANC patients are unsuitable for aggressive radical management due to very advanced loco-regional disease, medical co-morbidities, distant metastasis or combination of these factors and are treated with palliative regimens. Mean age was 52 years (12 – 90 years). Male : Female ratio was 65%:35%. Smoking, betel chewing, naswar & alcohol use was seen in 31%, 15%, 16% and 2%. Table 1. Distribution by site No % Oral cavity 1096 45 Larynx 333 14 Hypopharynx 191 8 Nasopharynx 157 6.5 Nasal / PNS 148 6 Salivary Glands 134 5.5 Oropharynx 56 2 Orbits 40 Unknown Primary 19 1 Skin 216 9 Others 27 DFS Laryngeal cancer (radical treatment) Discussion DFS Hypopharynx cancer (radical treatment) Objectives Table 2. AJCC stage by site Site (No) I/II % III/IV % UK % Oral Cavity 27 69 4 Larynx 39 57 Hypopharynx 8 76 16 Nasopharynx 3 97 - Salivary glands 21 48 31 PNS 87 10 Oropharynx 6 91 Studies from Pakistan on HANC are sparse in the medical literature. We report on clinicopathological features and survival of HANC treated at Shaukat Khanum Memorial Hospital and Research Centre (SKMCH & RC). DFS Nasopharynx (radical treatment) Methods Between November 2003 – October HANC cases were seen at SKMCH. Demographic, risk factors, pathological and TNM staging, treatment and follow up data were obtained from the head and neck unit database. Survival analyses were carried out through Kaplan Meier method. The log rank test was used to measure the significance All deaths and losses to follow up were considered as events for overall OS and DFS. Data was evaluated in December 2009. Table 3. Histological subtype % Squamous cell 73 Mucoepidermoid 9 Adenoid cystic 8 Adenocarcinoma 6 Basal cell 2 Others Conclusion References Oral cancer is the most common HANC in Pakistan Oropharynx is an unusal site of disease in our population. Over 70% of the patients present with advanced stage disease Survival of radically treated patients in our institution is comparable with other reports 5 year DFS following radical treatment for oral cancer, larynx, hypopharynx and nasopharynx was 36%, 71%, 16% and 48% respectively.

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