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Shaun Grannis, MD MS FAAFP

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Presentation on theme: "Shaun Grannis, MD MS FAAFP"— Presentation transcript:

1 Shaun Grannis, MD MS FAAFP
Bringing Health Information Exchanges and Public Health Together: The Indiana Perspective Shaun Grannis, MD MS FAAFP Medical Informatics Research Scientist, Regenstrief Institute Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, I.U. School of Medicine

2 Overview: What We’ll Cover
Current Status of Public Health HIE Activity in Indiana Future Directions HIE impact on Patient Care and PH outcomes The 3rd bullet, although discussed to be third, really needs to lead the other two. The 3rd bullet is the goal/missioin/vision/etc.

3 Why Health Information Exchange?

4 RHIO The dots represent the home addresses of individuals seen on Indianapolis ED’s. For the Indianapolis patient that visits Lake County ED for asthma, their Indianapolis provider currently has little chance of securing encounter information. LOCAL → REGIONAL → NATIONAL “A Network of Networks” =HIE

5 NHIN – A Nationwide Vision
NHII SCHEMATIC LHII’s/RHII’s combine to form national infrastructure Emphasize the local nature of the system and the importance of information exchange standards (HL7, LOINC, etc.) to transfer information between Local and Regional exchanges. “A network of networks”

6 The Indiana Network for Patient Care (INPC)
An operational community wide electronic medical record

7 Silos of Information Jane Receives Immunizations @ Health Department
Data delivered to immunization registry Immunization Registry Jane Receives Health Department Jane Receives Immunizations and other care (measurements, labs, diagnoses, Clinical Practice Data delivered to EMR Electronic Medical Record System

8 Silos of Information ??????????? Registry Web Interface
Immunization Registry ??????????? EMR Interface Electronic Medical Record System

9 Aggregating Patient Data
Patient ID: 123LMNOP Name: Jane Doe DOB: 01/01/04 SSN: N/A Address: 555 Johnson Road City: Indianapolis State: Indiana ZIP: 46202 Jane Doe’s Immunizations: 3/1/04 DipTetaPur 3/1/04 HemInfB 3/1/04 PolioVir 3/1/04 HepaB DTaP Dose Count: HIB Dose Count: IPV Dose Count: VZV Dose Count: MMR Dose Count: HepB Dose Count: Immunization Registry Global Patient Index Jane Ellen Doe’s Shots: 5/1/04 DTaP Imm 5/1/04 HIB Imm 5/1/04 IPV Imm 7/9/04 DTaP Imm 7/9/04 IPV Imm Patient ID: 6789XYZ Name: Jane Ellen Doe DOB: 01/01/04 SSN: Address: 555 Johnson Road City: Indianapolis State: Indiana ZIP: 46202 Global ID: 45678 Name: Jane Ellen Doe Lots of Demographics.. MRF1 ID: OU81247 MRF2 ID: PH MRF ID: 123LMNOP MRF3 ID: 6789XYZ Concept Dictionary Electronic Medical Record System

10 Aggregating Patient Data
Regional Health Information Exchange Aggregating Patient Data Hospital A MRF Hospital C MRF Immunization Registry Global Patient Index Global Patient Index Concept Dictionary Public Health MRF Hospital D MRF Concept Dictionary Electronic Medical Record System IUMG MRF Hospital B MRF

11 Health Information Exchange
Data Reuse Data Management Data Access & Use Hospitals Physicians Labs Public Health Payer Results delivery Secure document transfer Shared EMR Credentialing Eligibility checking CPOE Surveillance Reportable conditions De-identified, longitudinal clinical data Researchers Hospital Data Repository Health Information Exchange Network Applications Payers Labs Outpatient RX Physician Office Ambulatory Centers Public Health Negotiated Access

12 Current PH-HIE Activities
Automated Electronic Laboratory Reporting Syndromic Surveillance / Situational Awareness Results Delivery / Broadcast Messaging Newborn Screening Prototype

13 Automatic Electronic Laboratory Reporting

14 Notifiable Condition Detector
Summary Abnormal flag, Organism name in Dwyer II, Value above threshold Realtime Compare to Dwyer I Daily Batch To Public Health Reportable Conditions Databases Inbound Message Potentially Reportable Reportable Condition To Infection Control Generalize what is on the right What is on the left is difficult to generalize because it has to be integrated with and optimized for performance Record Count as denominator Print Reports

15 ELR Completeness 4,785 total reportable cases INPC– 4,625 (97%)
System is far from perfect, but these findings suggest that automated ELR may substantially improve case reporting completeness NEXT STEPS: rewriting NCD, improving critiics, administrative pieces 4,785 total reportable cases INPC– 4,625 (97%) Health Dept – 905 (19%) Hospitals – 1,142 (24%)

16 Syndromic Surveillance Situational Awareness

17 Current PHESS Hospitals (n=76)
6,500 – 7,000 visits per day ~ 15 MB data per day

18 Results Delivery: Connections to Healthcare Providers and Public Health

19 19

20 Broadcast messaging Forms messaging Shigella/Syphillis alerting 20

21 Enhancing Newborn Screening Follow-Up

22 Registration Test present? INPC NBS Yes/No Clinical Reminders

23 Future Directions Refine/Expand PH-HIE data sharing processes
Augment existing information (patient, doctor, conditions) Provide access to additional information (in both directions) Expanded interactions/roles for PH and clinical health care Immunization decision support Notifiable reporting reminders (e.g., STD’s) Clinical treatment reminders (e.g., stool cultures during Shigella outbreak) Expanded Dialog between PH and HIE to better align growth/avoid redundancies

24 Shaun Grannis, MD MS FAAFP
Bringing Health Information Exchanges and Public Health Together: The Indiana Perspective Shaun Grannis, MD MS FAAFP Medical Informatics Research Scientist, Regenstrief Institute Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, I.U. School of Medicine

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