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Chile By Brandie Gomez Title page Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion.

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1 Chile By Brandie Gomez Title page Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

2 Introduction You are in Chile in 1892 to be a Spanish speaking nurse. Then while you are in nursing school you hear people screaming, and yelling “Guerra”! In order for you to know what Guerra means you have to go out the back door with your aid kit, and go across the street to the building without getting injured. When you are in the building you look around and see if there are any people in the building that are injured. Title page Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

3 Task You task will be to make a children’s book on learning how to be a nurse in 1892.You will need to know how to heal people, and know what medicines they used in 1892.You will need to find out what nurses wore in 1892. Title page Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

4 Process Title page Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion
Here are some websites with information for children’s books. Nurses in 1892: Title page Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

5 Evaluation Excellent Good Need’s improvement.
Spelling, punctuation errors No spelling, punctuation errors. Scored at least 80% Answered half of the question Scored Less than 70%,sloppy, Color Has color. Has a little color. Did not use appropriate spelling. needs color. Grammar Uses words above grade level. Uses words at grade level. Poor placing of words and grammar.

6 Conclusion Congratulations you learned how to be a nurse in Chile in And you healed the people that were injured during the war. The person in charge of your class and everyone related to the people you saved are proud and thankful of you.

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