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Postmodernism, neo-noir and the New Hollywood: LA Confidential (1997): Hollywood’s imitation of its own images in 1950s (also background for study of race,

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1 Postmodernism, neo-noir and the New Hollywood: LA Confidential (1997): Hollywood’s imitation of its own images in 1950s (also background for study of race, civic corruption, and urban renewal in postwar LA)

2 Nostalgia Frederic Jameson’s theory of mass culture
Depiction of images or styles from past eras without loss of contemporary ‘feel’ Affects both high art and popular culture Jameson’s term for these past images: pastiche Quotation of look of past without modernism’s sense of critique or parody Signifies present’s inability to represent its own time and distinguish between past and present Postmodern age cannot locate its own place in history

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