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Human Geography: South Asia.

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1 Human Geography: South Asia

2 History Ancient Harrappan Civilization
Began in the Indus Valley around 3000 BC Where? The Indus River Valley (modern day Pakistan and India)

3 European’s came to the area looking for spices
By 1858, the British gained control of the area and established direct rule (period called the raj)

4 MOHANDAS GANDHI Demands for independence around early 20th century were led by Gandhi in India. Movement based on non-violent resistance Independence gained in 1947 What American civil rights activist got many of his ideas from Gandhi?

5 Creation of Modern India AND Pakistan
Ruled by Britain as a colony Left after WWII and split India into two countries  India and Pakistan India became a Hindu state Pakistan a Muslim state

6 Fighting over Kashmir region
When this region gained independence, Muslims created Pakistan and Hindus created India. The region of Kashmir at the time was primarily Muslim but its leader was Hindu. Because of this, the maharajah tried to keep the region independent. This was not successful and Kashmir ceded to India in Shortly after, Pakistan invaded. Since then, India and Pakistan have fought 2 more wars over this region and it still remains unresolved. The importance of this region is not only religious but it also contains many tributaries of the Indus River. This, whomever controls this region, has a major source of drinking water and irrigation for their country. This issue has been heightened in the last decade due to the fact that both countries now have nuclear power.


8 PROBLEMS Rapid population growth. Poverty Lack of education.
Low literacy rates. Dependence on farming 2/3s = farmers

9 Has 1 billion people, and is growing!!!

10 Literacy = the # of people who can read & write.

11 Solutions to Dependence on Farming
Land reform – redistribute land more fairly The Green Revolution – new farming techniques and better varieties of grain to make land more productive

12 If you lived in India, you would pass these milestones:
You would receive some schooling, as Indian law provides free education from age 6 – 14. In some areas, though, you could be working even before the age of 10. In school, you would study history, geography, science, math, and moral education. You might be married at age 16 if you were a female living in a rural area and at age 17 if you were a female in an urban area You could enter the military at age 17 if you were a male You could vote at age 18

13 The Taj Mahal The Taj Mahal is a white Marble mausoleum located in Agra, India. It was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal is widely recognized as "the jewel of Muslim art in India and one of the universally admired masterpieces of the world's heritage."

14 Buddhism vs. Hinduism

15 Hinduism A complex POLYTHEISTIC religion
Make up 80% of Indian population

16 Cows are sacred to Hindus

17 GANESH Lord Shiva, the Hindu God of death and destruction was away at a war. His wife Pavarti, who was a goddess in her own right, wished to bathe. Having no-one to guard the door to her apartments she conceived of the idea of giving birth to a son who could provide this service for her. Thus Ganesh was created, since goddesses have the power to do such things. Pavarti gave Ganesh instructions that he was to stand guard at the entrance of her apartments and that he was to admit no-one until she gave word that it was OK to do so. Ganesh took up his post and undertook his assignment enthusiastically. In due course the Lord Shiva returned from his war and went to enter. Ganesh, according to his instructions, forbade him entry. Shiva was enraged by Ganesh’s impudence and drew his sword and cut off Ganesh's head. Pavarti emerged to find Ganesh decapitated and flew into a rage. Even though he was immensely powerful Shiva was upset with Pavarti’s rage. He swore to make amends by taking the head of the first living thing he found to replace Ganesh’s head. The first animal he came across was an elephant. Accordingly he took the head from the elephant an placed it on Ganesh’s body. Thus Ganesh is depicted with an elephant’s head. Because of his role as protector of Parvarti's door  he is associated, in Hindu culture, with protecting entrances.

18 * Karma Moral consequences of your actions

19 * Reincarnation The rebirth of souls after death, and the moral actions of a person determine how a person is reincarnated. When the cycle of reincarnation is over, a person becomes one with god – Nirvana or “Moksha”

20 * Caste System A system of social classes – ****can only move between castes through reincarnation. Four basic castes The Brahmans (priests and scholars) The Kshatriyas (rulers and warriors) The Vaisyas (farmers and merchants) The Sudras (artisans and laborers) * The untouchables (dirty jobs)


22 The Brahmans Highest “class” or caste Teachers, Priests, Doctors

23 Kshatriyas Kings and Nobility Warriors Second most prestigious

24 Vaishyas Merchants and Farmers

25 Sudras Artists Workers Service Providers

26 Untouchables Excluded from society all together Outcasts
Also known as “dalits” Face violence and discrimination

27 Buddhism A philosophy of living life that is similar to Hinduism
Founded by Siddhartha Gautama, known as “Buddha” (meaning "the awakened one" in Sanskrit).

28 Buddhism was founded in Northern India by Siddhartha Gautama in the sixth century BCE.
However, Buddhists believe that there were countless Buddhas -- humans who have achieved enlightenment -- before him and that there will be many more after him. When Siddhartha Gautama attained enlightenment, he assumed the title Lord Buddha (one who has awakened)

29 Quotation by Siddhãrtha Gautama (Buddha):
“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in traditions simply because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it."

30 Use mandalas (geometric designs) to symbolize the universe and aid in meditation

31 * Nirvana Enlightenment
When one meditates and achieves the highest level of spirituality

32 The Fat Buddha ("Laughing Buddha") has been an image exclusive to Chinese Buddhism. It has come to represent good luck and wealth.

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