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PHYS208 – Solid state physics

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1 PHYS208 – Solid state physics
SPRING 2010 Part 3 Lectures Thursday 15th April 2010 to Thursday 22th April 2010, end of main topics Semiconductors, electrons and holes and P-N-junction 66 pages PHYS spring page 1

2 P-N-Junction part 1+2+3 PHYS208 Lecture Thursday 15th April 2010
Lecture Wednesday 21th April 2010 Lecture Thursday 22th April 2010 P-N-Junction part 1+2+3 THE FIRST 18 pages – background from previous lectures 4 pages of new lecture calculations with comments -part 1 Part 2 – applying law of mass action Part 3 – depletion zone and diode characteristic Added scanned handwritten notes from paper-times PHYS spring page 2

3 For work with P-N junction
Exam presentation thursday's and following week's text (handwritten notes) (THIS IS INCLUDED HERE) ( to be used together with the above pn_junction_Ex_2008.pdf ) Some of the formalism is nicely discussed also in THE FIRST 18 pages or so – background from previous lectures    PHYS spring page 3

4 Electrons and holes When we reverse energy, the holes take the same role as electrons ( note the – sign on m ) SLIDE NOTE PHYS spring page 4

5 Once more about electrons and holes;
Ferromagnetic fluid story once more Concept of holes We have discussed one more illustration of holes: BUBBLES PHYS spring page 5

6 Starting Impurities OLDER NOTE
COPY OF OLDER NOTE Starting Impurities OLDER NOTE Semiconductors might contain various impurities. However, only the type of impurities discussed below – DOPING by controlled impurities of one or other type P or N and the abrupt JUNCTION ( two types of doping in the same crystal structure with a sharp border ) appears to be useful for devices and instruments PHYS spring page 6

7 P N COPY OF OLDER NOTE Impurity atoms have 5 valence electrons Donor
N-type (electron, negative charge carriers) Impurity atoms have 3 valence electrons Acceptor P-type (hole, positive charge carriers) COPY OF OLDER NOTE PHYS spring page 7

8 COPY OF OLDER NOTE The atom-like states of impurities explained;
Bohr-like 'atom' relations More details on the following slide from COPY OF OLDER NOTE PHYS spring page 8

9 Impurity States – Donors from 2008 slide
PHYS spring page 9

10 Starting P-N junction PHYS spring page 10

11 The following three slides show how the 'acceptor levels'
Can be created ABOVE the valence band edge We start by showing how the 'donor levels'are created BELOW the conduction band edge PHYS spring page 11

12 Impurity States - Donors
PHYS spring page 12

13 Impurity States - Acceptors
PHYS spring page 13

14 Impurity States - Acceptors
Acceptor Bound State PHYS spring page 14

15 Do these 'inclined bands' Look strange to you?
We have used such picture before! And with a nice explanation - see the following 2 slides Picture from 1954 article on p-n-junction for solar cell Physical Review PHYS spring page 15

16 Do the 'inclined bands'of previous slide look strange to you?
We have used such picture before! – The forces on electrons Copy is here – and a copy of nice explanation on the following slide PHYS spring page 16

17 'inclined bands' – The forces on electrons
PHYS spring page 17

18 We have discussed one more illustration of holes: BUBBLES
Bubbles travel uppwads Stones are falling downwards We have discussed one more illustration of holes: BUBBLES And Helium-filled balloon And thus the whole story of Archimedes law and buoyancy – OPPDRIFT (norwegian) Any floating object displaces its own weight of fluid. – Archimedes of Syracuse PHYS spring page 18

19 Helium-filled balloon in the same train: How will it place itself ?
Riddle: Train accellerates. A lamp or rubber ball will hang as shown in the upper picture Helium-filled balloon in the same train: How will it place itself ? PHYS spring page 19

20 how fast did you give the answer:
(B) A related riddle: how fast did you give the answer: A stone is placed on a toy boat. The stone is now moved to the water. What will happen? Result (A) or result (B) ? Will the level of water in the container rise or sink? And thus the whole story of Archimedes law and buoyancy – OPPDRIFT (norwegian) Any floating object displaces its own weight of fluid. – Archimedes of Syracuse PHYS spring page 20

21 Diffusion, Fick's first law of diffusion, conductivity, Ohm's Law, drift velocity, mobility, Equillibrium as cancellation of currents PHYS spring page 21

22 Equillibrium as cancellation of currents; Diffusion caused by gradient of density; what is 'Diffusion constant' D ? ELECTRIC FIELD IS GRADIENT OF ELECTROSTATIC POTENTIAL. Evaluate potential difference PHYS spring page 22

23 Einstein – Nernst: Diffusion against force related to Boltzmann Use the same equation as before with different aim: Now the Field is known and constant PHYS spring page 23

24 Einstein – Nernst: gives us the diffusion constant / mobility relation
JUST IN THE FORM needed for the potential difference. PHYS spring page 24

25 Lecture Wednesday 21th April 2010
PHYS208 Lecture Wednesday 21th April 2010 P-N-Junction Continue – model depletion zone pages of new lecture calculations with comments PHYS spring page 25

26 Einstein – Nernst: gives us the diffusion constant / mobility relation
- potential difference. PHYS spring page 26

27 PHYS spring page 27

28 We have shown that The potential difference generated in junction of typical doping degrees can be of the order of Volts PHYS spring page 28

29 The potential difference is due to the opposite carrier densities
The potential difference is due to the opposite carrier densities. How are they positioned? MODEL: The drawing to left is showing the whole solution of the model of the charge depletion charge density, electric field and resulting potential difference. This will determine the SIZES OF DEPLETION REGIONS – Right – realistic shapes PHYS spring page 29

30 The potential difference is due to the opposite carrier densities
The potential difference is due to the opposite carrier densities. How are they positioned? MODEL: PHYS spring page 30

31 The potential difference is due to the opposite carrier densities
The potential difference is due to the opposite carrier densities. How are they positioned? MODEL: PHYS spring page 31

32 Lecture Thursday 22th April 2010
PHYS208 Lecture Thursday 22th April 2010 P-N-Junction part 3 Depletion zone and diode characteristic Added scanned handwritten notes from paper-times PHYS spring page 32

33 The potential difference is due to the opposite carrier densities
The potential difference is due to the opposite carrier densities. How are they positioned? MODEL: PHYS spring page 33

34 PHYS spring page 34

35 PHYS spring page 35

36 (pure semiconductor, intrinsic) values see next page
Use the ni (pure semiconductor, intrinsic) values see next page PHYS spring page 36

37 We have invented this new representation
Use the ni (pure semiconductor, intrinsic) values – DIMENSIONLESS NUMBERS PHYS spring page 37

38 But also for BASIC SCIENCE
We discussed the fact that this is relevant not only for computers, electronics etc, But also for BASIC SCIENCE Wikipedia links Better picture -Wikipedia PHYS spring page 38

39 Forward bias Is case A + on p - on n Pulls p down Reverse Bias
Increases diffusion Reverse Bias Is case B - on p on n Pushes p up Does not do much PHYS spring page 39

40 P-N-junction workfile
Slide The scanned handwritten p-n junction files Slide SOLAR CELL PRINCIPLE from the web Slide SOLAR CELL PRINCIPLE with our addition – the cell as seen by electrons – and as seen by holes From wednesday April 23rd, 2008 MODIFIED 2010 PHYS spring page 40

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58 Drift comes from the Drude discussion, may be
Diffusion constant – dimension Einstein - Nernst Derivation: Turn arround the Argument PHYS spring page 58

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66 The holes run 'uphill' to the right Why ?
The electrons 'can run' to the left, where the conduction edge has lower energy The holes run 'uphill' to the right Why ? The electrons 'see' the bands as shown in the left view If the holes are to be talked about as 'positive particles', we must change the direction of energy – the right view – flipped up down in energy Thus also the holes move 'downwards', as they 'see' it Thus both electrons and holes running 'downwards' result in collection of negative charge in the n-region and positive charge in the p-region The reason is the p-n junction inner potential step PHYS spring page 66

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