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Presented by Alex Ring April 25, 2006

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1 Presented by Alex Ring April 25, 2006
Ameren Corp (AEE) Presented by Alex Ring April 25, 2006

2 Outline Company Background & Structure Regulation and Operations
Stock market prospects DCF Analysis Overall Portfolio Fit Recommendation

3 Company Background Ameren Corp is an electric utility holding company
Headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri Formed by the merger of Union Electric Company and the Central Illinois Public Service Company (CIPSCO) Began trading on the NYSE on January 2, 1998 Headed by Chairman & CEO, Gary Rainwater since January 1, 2004 Has held numerous executive positions with the company and its subsidiaries since 1979 when he joined Union Electric as an engineer

4 Company Background Market Cap: $10.28 Billion
2005 Net Income: $606 million Stock Price: $50.60 Beta: 0.62 2005 ROE: 9.52% 2005 ROA: 3.34% Debt/Equity: 46%

5 Company Operations Ameren is a Midwest public utility holding company
Its electric and gas utilities operate in much of downstate Illinois as well as Missouri Provides both natural gas and electricity to 3.4 million customers

6 Ownership Structure

7 Ameren Subsidiaries Union Electric Company represents the company’s rate-regulated natural gas and electric operations in Missouri CIPS operates Illinois rate-regulated electricity and natural gas distribution business under the AmerenCIPS name Genco, or Ameren Energy Generating Company, is responsible for generating non-rate-regulated electricity in Illinois and Missouri

8 Subsidiaries continued
Central Illinois Light Company (CILCO) is an Illinois based subsidiary that distributes rate-regulated electricity and natural gas, and also generates non-rate-regulated electricity through Ameren Energy Resources Generating Company (AERG) Illinois Power (IP) was acquired in 2004 and operates rate-regulated natural gas and distribution networks in Illinois under the AmerenIP name

9 Outline Company Background & Structure Regulation and Operations
Stock market prospects DCF Analysis Overall Portfolio Fit Recommendation

10 Regulation The public utility sector is highly regulated.
Greatest overall variable determining the company’s profitability In most markets, there hasn’t been a rate increase in years A rate freeze in Illinois was placed in 1997 and will expire at the end of this year, meaning electricity rates will go up

11 Significance of Regulation
“Rates that UE, CIPS, CILCO and IP are allowed to charge for their services are the single most important influence upon their and Ameren’s consolidated results of operations, financial position, and liquidity.”

12 Regulation Continued Illinois based subsidiaries (CIPS, CILCO, IP) are regulated by the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) Missouri based subsidiary Union Electric are regulated by the Missouri Public Service Commission (MoPSC) MoPSC ICC Electric Gas Ameren 40% 13% 45% 87% UE 80% 95% 1% 5% CIPS 0% 100% CILCORP 93% CILCO IP

13 Regulation Continued In the past, Ameren’s results have been constrained by its inability to recover investments and other costs through electricity and natural gas rates But much progress has been made: Proposals have been made to the ICC to increase electricity delivery service rates by $200 million dollars, with a decision expected in late 2006 Under certain criteria, rates charged by UE, CIPS, CILCO, and IP can be adjusted without a rate proceeding PGA clauses allow the costs to purchase natural gas to be passed on to customers in Missouri and Illinois, but not yet in effect A new law passed in Missouri would allow the company to recover costs associated with fuel, purchased power, and the environment Much of this progress has just recently came about and could be a source of additional profitability in the coming 3-5 years

14 Commodity Price Risk Ameren uses long-term purchase and sales contracts, derivatives including forward contracts, futures contracts, options, and swaps to manage price risk associated with purchasing these commodities

15 Sources of Electricity
Source of Electricity Generation Coal Nuclear Natural Gas Hydroelectric Oil Ameren: 2005 86% 10% 1% 2% 2004 2003 85% 13% <1% Cost per Mbtu $1.160 $0.421 $9.044 Peak electricity demand in 2005 was 17,563 megawatts vs. capacity of 20,567 megawatts Nuclear energy is produced from its Callaway Plant in Callaway County, Missouri 2005 coal costs were approximately 11% higher 2004 and 2003, due to a disruption in rail supply

16 Recent Performance 5 Year Compound Annual Growth Rates
Electricity Revenue 9.14% Gas Revenue % Total Revenues % Net Income % Stock Price % Good buying opportunity

17 Recent Acquisitions - CILCORP
On January 31, 2003, Ameren purchased CILCORP, the parent of CILCO, from AES Corp (AES) for $1.4 billion

18 Recent Acquisitions - IP
Purchase Illinois Power (IP) on September 30, 2004 from Dynegy (DYN) Ameren paid $2.3 billion for the company, financed by issuing 30 million shares of Ameren Corp in February and July 2004. The acquisition increased the number of electric customers by 625,000 and the number of gas customers by 425,000 Increased 2005 revenues by $1.3 billion IP consists primarily of electric and gas transmission and distribution, and has no significant generation facilities Therefore, most of electricity is purchased under short and long-term purchase agreements

19 Outline Company Background & Structure Regulation and Operations
Stock market prospects DCF Analysis Overall Portfolio Fit Recommendation

20 AEE ILA EXC GXP Industry
DIRECT COMPETITOR COMPARISON AEE ILA EXC GXP Industry Market Cap: 10.29B 1.58B 36.24B 2.12B 3.00B Employ­ees: 7,177 3,204 17,200 2,382 4.55K Qtrly Rev Growth (yoy): 15.50% 43.00% 15.90% 8.60% 18.20% Revenue (ttm): 6.62B 1.31B 15.36B 2.60B 3.46B Gross Margin (ttm): 34.45% 34.28% 39.03% 33.67% 30.81% EBITDA (ttm): 1.90B 142.00M 5.31B 463.31M 612.68M Oper Margins (ttm): 19.39% -0.53% 25.60% 11.01% 10.08% Net Income (ttm): 628.00M M 951.00M 162.56M 136.80M EPS (ttm): 3.018 -0.598 1.365 2.154 1.51 P/E (ttm): 16.66 N/A 39.79 13.15 17.11 PEG (5 yr expected): 3.92 1.79 6.77 2.71 P/S (ttm): 1.55 1.21 2.32 0.82 ILA = Aquila Inc. EXC = Exelon Corp. GXP = Great Plains Energy Inc.

21 DuPont Analysis Dupont Analysis 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Profit Margin
12.16% 9.95% 11.46% 10.32% 8.94% Total Asset Turnover 0.37 0.32 0.29 Equity Multiplier 3.11 3.16 3.27 3.01 2.85 Return on Equity 14.00% 9.94% 12.03% 9.14% 9.52% ROE = PM * TAT * EM Where: PM = Profit Margin (NI/Sales) TAT = Total Asset Turnover (Sales/TA) EM = Equity Multiplier (TA/TE)

22 Stock Performance vs. Competitors

23 Outline Company Background & Structure Regulation and Operations
Stock market prospects DCF Analysis Overall Portfolio Fit Recommendation

24 DCF Analysis assumptions
Total Revenues will increase by 11% per year from Net income will increase by 10% per year for next four years, then level off for the terminal value WACC of 7.0%, conservative relative to Bloomberg estimate of 6.6% Reasonable sustainable growth rate of 3%

25 DCF Results DCF Value per share: $65 Intrinsic value range of $58-$71
Weighted Average Cost of Capital Adjusted Beta 0.75 Risk Free Rate 5.00% Market Risk Premium CAPM Required Rate of Return of Equity 8.75% Weighted Average Cost of Debt 6.50% Debt/(Debt + Equity) 46.00% Equity/(Debt + Equity) 54.00% WACC 6.97% Sustainable Growth Rate 3.00% DCF Value per share: $65 Intrinsic value range of $58-$71

26 Sensitivity Analysis 64 WACC/Sustainable Growth Rate 6.0% 6.5% 7.0%
6.0% 6.5% 7.0% 7.5% 8.0% 8.5% 9.0% 2.0% $ 60 54 49 45 42 39 2.5% 75 66 58 53 48 44 41 3.0% 85 73 64 57 52 47 43 3.5% 100 83 72 63 56 51 46 4.0% 121 97 81 70 62 55 50 4.5% 157 119 95 80 69 5.0% 230 154 116 93 78 67 59 5.5% 446 224 150 113 91 76

27 Outline Company Background & Structure Regulation and Operations
Stock market prospects DCF Analysis Overall Portfolio Fit Recommendation

AEE AEOS CPRT FR JKHY JPM KMB MS MVSN SRCL WAG Portfolio 1.0000 0.0276 0.2157 0.2124 0.1762 0.1895 0.4220 0.0863 0.2493 0.3189 0.1310 0.1874 0.3408 0.4069 0.3565 0.2812 0.0284 0.0549 0.3972 0.2443 0.2040 0.3155 0.0884 0.2658 0.2704 0.2303 0.3241 0.5686 0.2592 0.1099 0.2345 0.1727 0.1254 0.2017 0.2886 0.0959 0.2906 0.1212 0.0234 0.0912 0.0992 0.0977 0.0612 0.0329 0.0381 0.2213 0.2714 0.1337 0.2472 0.2741 0.2609 0.2481 0.0349 0.2519 Portfolio* 0.1764 0.6042 0.6570 0.4824 0.5502 0.6759 0.4449 0.6092 0.5632 0.2894 0.4752 *assumes equal-weighted portfolio

29 Overall Portfolio Issues
Great diversification with existing portfolio Excellent dividend yield of 5.10% versus S&P 500 dividend yield of 1.78%, representing a payout ratio of 84%. Should provide a source of consistent growth and will be a staple holding of our portfolio Great time to get into a solid company, stock has been flat over past year, and P/E suggests company is slightly undervalued relative to peers and the market as a whole Stock performance need not be spectacular to generate great returns 5% per year CAGR in stock price will result in total return of 10% assuming constant dividend yield—greater than should be required given the level of risk embodied in beta

30 Outline Company Background & Structure Regulation and Operations
Stock market prospects DCF Analysis Overall Portfolio Fit Recommendation

31 Recommendation I recommend we purchase 400 Shares of Ameren Corp (ticker: AEE) at the market. Approximate cost of position $20,200 Total number of holdings to 11 securities, with AEE representing 6.4% of overall portfolio upon purchase

32 Sources 2005 Ameren Corporation Annual Report, 2003 Ameren Corp 10-K Filing 2004 Ameren Corp 10-K Filing 2005 Ameren Corp 10-K Filing Yahoo Finance <

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