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Pre-eclampsia Matthew Beaumont.

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1 Pre-eclampsia Matthew Beaumont

2 Pre- eclampsia Hypertensive disorder of pregnancy Placental origin
Only cure = delivery Eclampsia (G.sudden occurrence): epileptiform seizures

3 Diagnosis Proteinuria >0.3g/24h AND HTN >140/90mmHG (after 20w)
PREeclampsia P= proteinuria R= rising blood pressure E= oedema

4 Severity Course: Spectrum: Grades:
progressive but variable + unpredictable Spectrum: life threatening at 24w to mild HTN at term Grades: Mild Moderate Severe

5 Pathophysiology Stage 1: Development of disease <20w Asymptomatic
Incomplete invasion of the trophoblast (into spiral arterioles) Atheromatous lesions Decreased uteroplacental blood flow

6 Pathophysiology 2 Stage 2: Manifestation of disease
Ischaemic placenta → exaggerated immune response → widespread endothelial cell damage Vasoconstriction Increased vascular permeability Clotting dysfunction

7 Manifestation of disease
Increased vascular resistance= Hypertension Increased vascular permeability= proteinuria Reduced placental blood flow= IUGR Reduced cerebral perfusion= eclampsia

8 Epidemiology: 5% pregnancies
Predisposing factors: Mnemonic: Nulliparity New Previous history pre-eclamptics Obesity often Family history forget Older maternal age old Diabetes diabetics Autoimmune disease (anti-phospholipid) always Hypertension Pre-existing (x6) have Big gap between pregnancies big Twins (Large placentas) twins High risk: Low dose aspirin (75mg) from w12

9 Clinical features Asymptomatic (until late) Headache Drowsiness
Visual disturbance Nausea+ Vomiting Epigastric pain Oedema (massive/sudden onset) –feet/ankles/face and hands Learning aid: Pre-eclampsia dance- work top to bottom

10 Complications Fetal IUGR Stillbirth Pre-term birth Placental abruption
Maternal Eclampsia (grand mal seizure)- 0.05% UK Cerebrovascular haemorrhage HELLP syndrome Renal failure Pulmonary oedema Fetal IUGR Stillbirth Pre-term birth Placental abruption Hypoxia

11 HELLP syndrome H (haemolysis) – Dark urine, raised LDH, anaemia
EL (elevated liver enzymes)- Epigastric pain, liver failure, abnormal clotting LP (low platelets)

12 Investigations Diagnosis: Bloods: Fetal: Screening:
Bedside dipstick urinalysis (1+/2+ quantify) 24hurine collection: 0.3g/24h. Protein:creatinine ratio: 30mg/nmol Bloods: Hb, LFTs, platelets, lactate, U+E Fetal: USS (growth) CTG Umbilical artery doppler (if abnormal CTG) Screening: regular BP + urinalysis checks

13 Management Admit: HTN + Proteinuria, symptoms Drugs:
Nifedipine p.o. + Labetalol i.v. Magnesium sulphate i.v.- prevent eclampsia (toxicity) Steroids- fetal lung maturity

14 Delivery Only cured by delivery
Weigh risk disease complications Vs benefits of increasing fetal maturity Complications/severe= indication for delivery (whatever the gestation) Complications commonly occur after delivery (24h postpartum)

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