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Upper limb PNS examination

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1 Upper limb PNS examination

2 Introduction Wash hands Introduce yourself
Confirm patient details – name / DOB Explain examination Consent Expose patient’s arms  Ensure the patient is comfortable at rest

3 Inspection Tone Power Reflexes Coordination Sensation

4 1. Inspection Around the bed General appearance Scars Wasting
Involuntary movements  Fasciculations Tremor  Pronator drift

5 2. Tone Wrist Forearm- pronation and supination
elbow - flexion & extension *spasticity (“spastic catch”) shoulder - flexion/extension/abduction/adduction *leadpipe and cogwheel rigidity- Parkinson

6 3.Power Shoulder ABduction (C5) ADduction (C6/7) Elbow Flexion (C5/6)
Extension (C7)  Wrist Extension (C6)  Flexion (C6/7) Fingers Finger extension (C7)  Finger ABduction (T1) Thumb ABduction (C8/T1)

7 4. Reflexes Biceps reflex (C5/6) Triceps reflex (C7)
Supinator reflex (C6)

8 5. Co-ordination 1. Finger to nose test *past pointing/dysmetria – cerebellar pathology 2. Dysdiadokinesia *slow irregular alternate movement- cerebellar ataxia/ Parkinson’s

9 6. Sensation Eyes closed Compare left to right
Light touch- DC/ML pathway Pin-prick- spinothalamic pathway Propioception – DC/ML pathway Vibration - DC/ML pathway

10 Complete examination Wash hands Summary of findings
Suggest further investigations (CN and LL neurological examination)

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