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Processing: Process (...) Copy File Truncate File Export (...)

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Presentation on theme: "Processing: Process (...) Copy File Truncate File Export (...)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Processing: Process (...) Copy File Truncate File Export (...)
Use signal processing algorithms to get new or alter signals. Process uses the chosen segment, whereas Process ... prompts you for segment adresses. (see next page.) Copy File Copy the whole soundfile to another one. Existing destination segment-tables and soundfile are erased . Truncate File Cut away beginning and / or end of the soundfile. Export (...) Export chosen segment(s) to new Wave-file or to ASCII-file. .. into ASCII-file : Parts of the Parameter-Export Menu are used for the specification of the export. (see DATASET : Export). Choose all or a specific channel! The time signal is translated into function vectors and stored using ASCII-code. Attention: Produces long files. .. Into WAV-file: creates a new soundfile (prompts for name) and stores the segment(s) as the only one(s) there. Austrian Academy of Sciences - Acoustics Research A-1010 Vienna, Austria Tel Fax

2 Processing: Process (...) Process (...)
First choose if you want to replace source signal, append to the target file or use specified target. With the target adress you choose where to record the signal in the soundfile. Use standard segment specification notation, if you set the beginning adress. Use these menu controls to choose the target file. They are only enabled if target adress is not your source. It is recommended, that you choose from compatible files, but your destination file can also be chosen from all files. You can also create a new soundfile. To define where the new signal should be stored in the segment directory choose the target segment. You can either use all source attributes, use source name or not name targets. If you specify a new target name, choose it´s extension and whole target name. When working with more segments, you can also choose, if you want to copy all processed signals into one new segment or more than one segment. If the later option is used the names of the new segments are “whole target name”+number.”extension”. For all processes and filters the option test and statistics are implemented. If you choose test no output is written. Statistical data you can get are: Average, absolute average, absolute maximum, RMS-DC and -AC, zero-axis crossings per second, peaks / s and overloads / s as well as process specific data and a rough distribution table. Austrian Academy of Sciences - Acoustics Research A-1010 Vienna, Austria Tel Fax

3 Processing: Methods Methods (...) Profiles
The following processes manipulate the signal in the time-domain: Copy: The signal is copied without any changes. Amplify/Limit: The signal is amplified and/or limited. (see below) Normalize: The signal is normalized, so that it´s peak or RMS doesn´t exceed a certain value. AGC: Automated Gain Control The other processes filter the segment(s), working with the frequency information of the signal. To distinquish the two types of altering signals “process” is often used for time based alterations, while “filters” use the frequency domain. Bandpass: Lowpass, Highpass, Bandpass or Bandstop are all implemented. Spectrum: spectral data from DataSet is used to filter the signal. DeNoise: The original KFS Algorithm as published in the IEEE can be used to improve signal quality. Irrelevance: Through masking some parts of a signal can not be heard and are therefor irrelevant. With this filter you can try to forget this information. Profiles For different situation, you can use and save different setups by using profiles. Austrian Academy of Sciences - Acoustics Research A-1010 Vienna, Austria Tel Fax

4 Processing: Setup Setup: Processes:
Either through the Process Menu or the Setup-Menu in the S_Tools Main Dialog can can choose the setup of the processes. Use an appropriate Profile-Name, where you can save your different setup-settings. If you are completely sure that you don´t need a profile any longer, delete it. Processes: As an example let us look at the amplify / limit (= Method ) setup: Segments can be reversed. You can specify the amplification gain either on a linear scale or in dB, plus you can invert the signal and or differentiate it (using the difference quotient). As Limiter-function you can either choose arctan, exponential, cut the signal (rectangle) or turn the limiter off. Specify the maximum of the processed signal and where the limiter should start at. Austrian Academy of Sciences - Acoustics Research A-1010 Vienna, Austria Tel Fax

5 Processing: Setup Filter:
For every filter you can specify which FFT algorithm is used for the analyse and the synthese of the spectral data. Phase Vocoder: Use this to compress / expand the signal. For this you can either choose the analyse and synthese shift in mode 1 or choose a compress/expand factor and a minimal shift in mode 2. One big advantage of the phase vocoder is that there is no time delay. Input and Output have the same phase. Wiener: Use this algorithm if time delay is not important. It is the faster algorithm. As an example for filter let us look at the Spectrum (= Method ) setup: You can inverse the spectrum and amplify the output signal. For the filter length you can either choose the length of the spectrum or a fixed filter length by pressing this button. With fixed length you can either expand/compress the spectrum so it matches the filter length or the frequencies match. In order for this filter to work, spectral data has to be in the Dataset. But it most not be a genuine spectrum, it can be changed in any way, using Dataset´s View & Edit. Just choose the one you want to use from this table. Austrian Academy of Sciences - Acoustics Research A-1010 Vienna, Austria Tel Fax

6 Dataset: Dataset: How to get Data?
In the S_Tools main Window in the menu Tools will give you access to sequences and DataSet-related entries. These are DataSet, Export Data, View Data and Statistics. The later three will use those entries of the DataSet, which have been selected or all, if none have been selected. It is recommended that you use the DataSet Dialog, as you can see your selection there. How to get Data? In the Setup Dialog of the Analyse method you can activate automatic file output by checking the box. Press the button if you want to change the specifics like file location, sorting of your DataSet. (You can also do that using the setup menu of the main window.) In the Parameter Viewer (Analyse) use the drop down menu general and save parameters there. In the Spectrum Viewer (Spectrum) for your method press the right mouse button and choose save spectrum. Austrian Academy of Sciences - Acoustics Research A-1010 Vienna, Austria Tel Fax

7 Dataset: File: Entries: Tools Attention:
Here you can save or load a DataSet. You have the possibility to have more than one DataSet! This is very useful for example with the evaluation of experiments with different specifics. You can also close the dialog here. Entries: Play the signal, where you have extracted the data from. A very useful feature as you can always check the audio information with you data. Properties lets you explore the specifics of the entries. You will get the information, when and with which anaylser the Data has been stored, which parameters in which units are saved and so on. Most of these informations are displayed in the DataSet-list. Delete an entry. Open the Soundfile Dialog of the corresponding soundfile(s). Look at the Datafile. This is a ASCII-file, a delimited list, where a semicolon seperate the single entries. You can sort the entries and get to the DataSet Setup also from here (Setings). Tools Export: use it to export the data to other formated files. For example HTMl-files or ASCII-files for use with Excel. (see next page) View: look at your data, compare different measurements visually, or edit your data. (see below) Statistics get statistical data from every single of your chosen entries and also a statistics of all entries. The average, standard deviation, the first median, maximum, minimum and how many valid values have been considered are presented. This information can be saved. Attention: Comparing parameter with spectral data or mixing these datasets has no sense, these informations are also handled differently internally, so S_Tools checks, if you have selected both types and will not let you use both types in on and the same process. Austrian Academy of Sciences - Acoustics Research A-1010 Vienna, Austria Tel Fax

8 Dataset: Export Export:
Choose a Filename, a let the computer choose a new filename automatically. Specify which file-type you want to create. At the moment four types are implemented: HTML, Ascii free or for Excel, Axum und Dplot. Do you want to group all the data from one signal together, choose DataSet-Tables. Do you want to see all the data containing the same parameters grouped choose Parameter-Tables. Specify if you want only one Time-axis and if you want all the data in one table. Choose the units of your Time Axis. (Index, %, s and ms are implemented.) Do you want to use Time alignment? Linear and fixed Time-alignment are implemented. The chosen data tables are expanded to a certain length (the maximum or the fixed number). Comparing parameter data is easier if the vectors have the same length. You can choose how to delimit your output, how numbers should be representated (number-output). Here you can choose how many digits you want and which decimal symbol should be used. How should missing values (empty fields or zero for frequencies) be representated. Do you want statistics added to your file? Columns-Descirption or Comments?In the comments you can us nearly every information of the DataSet-entries. If you still have questions hit the Help-Button, if not go on (save). Austrian Academy of Sciences - Acoustics Research A-1010 Vienna, Austria Tel Fax

9 Dataset: Choose Parameters Export / View / Statistics: View :
In every process the DataSet is used, you have to choose, which parameter should be used and which should be ignored. All parameters contained in the chosen DataSet-entries are shown in this dialog. Turn the parameters on/off with double-clicking or using the right mouse button and choosing enable/disable. With the right mouse button, you can also choose the unit of the parameter. Below the listbox you can choose new references values for the dB and cent -scale and if you want to Parameter unit Use it? short description use them also for recalculating parameters already in dB or cent . View : After choosing the parameters this menu comes up along with the graph. Here you can choose your parameters again, get help, look at the statistics of the chosen dataset entries or show the graph if you´ve lost it. If you want to edit one (and only one) of the entries click edit. If you want to change the setup, do so. Austrian Academy of Sciences - Acoustics Research A-1010 Vienna, Austria Tel Fax

10 Dataset: View / Edit View / Edit - popup: Keys:
Very useful is the pop-up menu you get, when pressing the right mouse button. Here you can bind the cursors to the function, meaning you can change the vertical position of the cursor, but horizontal it is bound to the function value. You can lock the distance between the two cursors and you can lock the cursor position, so that cursors in different graphs are always horizontally aligned. The scale for both axis can bet set by you manually or the computer can set it automatically. Print, copy or save the graphics. Keys: Especially useful for the edit mode. Get the whole list by pressing the help button. Most edit function are used on the values in the cursor box. For that x and y values are important. For example do you want to connect some values, surround them with the cursorbox, make sure every value you want to be considered is in there and press ‘I’. Every change you like you should save! Austrian Academy of Sciences - Acoustics Research A-1010 Vienna, Austria Tel Fax

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