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“Low Field”  Ohm’s “Law” holds J  σE or vd  μE

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Presentation on theme: "“Low Field”  Ohm’s “Law” holds J  σE or vd  μE"— Presentation transcript:

1 High E Field Transport BW: Sect. 8.10, p 198YC, Sect. 5.4; S, Sect. 4.13; + Outside sources

2 “Low Field”  Ohm’s “Law” holds J  σE or vd  μE
All transport phenomena discussed so far: We’ve treated only “Low Field” effects! Formalism discussed was for “Low Fields” only. “Low Field”  Ohm’s “Law” holds J  σE or vd  μE For “High Enough” fields Ohm’s “Law” breaks down! In semiconductors, this field is around E   104 V/cm To understand this, we need to do transport theory at High E Eields!!!! This is difficult & highly computational.

3 Transport Theory at High E Fields
This is difficult because of: The VERY fast rate at which carriers gain energy at high E fields. There is always energy gain from the field at some rate. There is always energy loss to lattice at some rate (mainly due to carrier-phonon & carrier-carrier scattering). In “Ordinary” (low E) Transport, The Energy gain rate from the field  The Energy loss rate to the lattice. This is a steady state (almost equilibrium) situation. We derived Ohm’s “Law” assuming steady state. If there is no steady state, then Ohm’s “Law” will be violated!

4 In situations with no steady state, Ohm’s “Law” is violated.
This happens in any material at high enough E! In this case: The energy gain rate from the field >>> The energy loss rate to the lattice. In this case, the charge carriers & the lattice are neither in thermal equilibrium nor in a steady state situation. It is a highly non-equilibrium situation. The carrier distribution function is highly non-equilibrium. The concept of temperature is no longer strictly valid! The Boltzmann Equation, at least in the relaxation time approximation, is no longer valid.

5  The “HOT CARRIER” Problem
The two common types of non-equilibrium situation: 1. The carriers are in thermal equilibrium with each other, but NOT with lattice. This is often approximated as a quasi-equilibrium situation: In this case, it is assumed that the carriers are at a temperature Te (the “carrier temperature”) which is different than the lattice temperature T (Te >> T). If this is the case, then an approximation for the carrier distribution function is that it has an equilibrium form (Maxwell-Boltzmann or Fermi-Dirac) but at a temperature Te, rather than the lattice temperature T  The “HOT CARRIER” Problem

Second common type of non-equilibrium situation: 2. The carriers are at such high energies (due to the extreme high E) that they are no longer in thermal equilibrium even with each other! This is a truly non-equilibrium situation! Rigorously, even the concept of “Carrier Temperature”makes no sense.  The “NON-EQUILIBRIUM CARRIER Problem” We will talk almost exclusively about case 1, where a carrier temperature is a valid concept.

7 Field Effect Transistors
Hot & non-equilibrium carriers & their effects are important for some devices: Laser Diodes Gunn Oscillators Field Effect Transistors Others…

8 This depends on the E field & on the material
Under what conditions can it be assumed that the carrier distribution function is the quasi-equilibrium one, so that the carrier temperature concept can be used? This depends on the E field & on the material It depends on various time scales: A useful time for this is the time it takes for the non-equilibrium distribution to relax to equilibrium  The thermal relaxation time  τe (τe is not necessarily = the relaxation time τ from the low field transport problem). τe = time for the “thermalization” of the carriers (due to carrier-phonon & carrier-carrier scattering).

9 Consider, for example, some optical measurements in GaAs:
If n > ~1018 cm-3, carrier-carrier scattering will be the dominant scattering mechanism & τe  s (1 fs) For lower n, carrier-phonon scattering dominates & τe  τ (the carrier-phonon scattering time) 10-11 s s In addition, carriers will have a finite lifetime τc because of electron-hole recombination. τc  average electron-hole recombination time

10 A Non-Equilibrium Carrier Distribution Must be Used.
At high enough defect densities, defects (deep levels) can shorten carrier the lifetime τc too. A rough approximation is that, if τc < τe Then A Non-Equilibrium Carrier Distribution Must be Used.

11 Hot & Non-Equilibrium Carriers have properties which are Very Different in comparison with those of equilibrium carriers! Some properties are Very Strange if you think linearly or if you think “Ohmically” ! That is, they are strange if you are used to thinking in the linear regime where Ohm’s “Law” holds. A Side Comment Consideration of these high field effects is somewhat analogous to considering non-linear and/or chaotic mechanical systems.

12 Some “Hot” Charge Carrier Properties
Just Some of the interesting, observed non- ohmic behavior at high E fields. The drift velocity vd vs. electric field E at high E:

13 Some “Hot” Charge Carrier Properties
Just Some of the interesting, observed non- ohmic behavior at high E fields. The drift velocity vd vs. electric field E at high E: Velocity Saturation at high enough E: happens for ALL materials.

14 Some “Hot” Charge Carrier Properties
Just Some of the interesting, observed non- ohmic behavior at high E fields. The drift velocity vd vs. electric field E at high E: Velocity Saturation at high enough E: happens for ALL materials. Negative Differential Resistance (NDR) or Negative Differential Mobility (NDM) at high enough E: happens only for SOME materials, like GaAs.

15 Some “Hot” Charge Carrier Properties
Just Some of the interesting, observed non-ohmic behavior at high E fields. The drift velocity vd vs. electric field E at high E: Velocity Saturation at high enough E: happens for ALL materials. Negative Differential Resistance (NDR) or Negative Differential Mobility (NDM) at high enough E: happens only for SOME materials, like GaAs. Gunn Effect at high enough E:

16 Considerable research
Some Possible Topics Considerable research still needs to be done on high E field effects! 1. The general “Hot” Carrier Problem 2. Impact Ionization 3. Electrical Breakdown 4. The “Lock-on” Effect in GaAs Related to the research of 2 of my PhD students: Samsoo Kang, 1998 Ken Kambour, 2003.

17 “Velocity Saturation”.
As we mentioned, for high enough E fields, the drift velocity vd vs. electric field E relationship is non-ohmic (non-linear)! For all materials, the following is true: For low fields, E  ~ 103 V/cm, vd is linear in E. The mobility can then be defined vd  μE  Ohm’s “Law” holds. For higher E: vd  a constant, vsat. This is called “Velocity Saturation”.

18 “Negative Differential Resistance”
For direct bandgap materials, like GaAs: vd vs. E peaks before saturation & decreases again, after which it finally saturates. Because of this peak, there are regions in the vd vs. E relationship that have: dvd/dE < 0 (for high enough E) This effect is called “Negative Differential Resistance” or “Negative Differential Mobility” or “Negative Differential Conductivity”

19 Transport Processes in Transistors

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