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Using Active / Systematic Supervision

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1 Using Active / Systematic Supervision
The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey In Partnership with the Office of Special Education Programs New Jersey Department of Education School Year Funded by IDEA -Part B in participation with NJDOE OSEP and funded by IDEA funds - Part B (or C)

2 Active / Systematic Supervision
Process of managing environments using positive and proactive practices: Frequently interacting with students and building rapport Continually scanning to quickly identify emerging issues Using physical proximity to cue appropriate and on-task behavior Pair active / systematic supervisor with other key strategies such as: Using a 3:1 praise ratio Pre-correction Prompting strategies Error Correction In partnership with NJDOE OSEP funded by IDEA -Part B

3 Active / Systematic Supervision
Principle #1: FREQUENTLY INTERACT Greet students when they enter Check-in during the routine Coach appropriate behavior Tell students what you want them to do Provide praise for cooperation and following expectations Provide encouragement Convey interest in the student’s well-being In partnership with NJDOE OSEP funded by IDEA -Part B

4 Active / Systematic Supervision
Principle #2: CONTINUALLY SCAN Routine visual assessment of the area to notice: Who needs assistance Opportunities for praise Changes in mood or disposition Emerging situations In partnership with NJDOE OSEP funded by IDEA -Part B

5 Active / Systematic Supervision
Principle #3: KEEP MOVING Physical proximity cues attentive and on-task behavior Continuously move around the area Frequently change up movement path or pattern Pair with scanning and interacting In partnership with NJDOE OSEP funded by IDEA -Part B

6 In partnership with NJDOE OSEP funded by IDEA funds - Part B 2016-17
Resources Video example: De Pry, R. L., & Sugai, G. (2002). The effect of active supervision and precorrection on minor behavioral incidents in a sixth grade general education classroom. Journal of Behavioral Education, 11(4), Lampi, A.R., Fenti, N. S., & Beaunae, C. (2005). Makin the three p’s easier: Praise proximity, and precorrection. Beyond Behavior, 15(1), 8-12. Simonsen, B., Fairbanks, S., Briesch, A., Myers, D. & Sugai, G. (2008). Evidence-based practices in classroom management: Considerations for research to practice. Education and Treatment of Children, 31(3), pp Sprick, R., Knight, J., Reinke, W. & McKale, T. (2006). Coaching classroom management: Strategies and tools for administrators and coaches. Eugene, OR: Pacific Northwest Publishing. for books and videos using systematic supervision techniques In partnership with NJDOE OSEP funded by IDEA funds - Part B

7 Resources on Classroom Management Strategies
Supporting and Responding to Behavior: Evidence Based Classroom Management Strategies that Work ReThink Discipline Resource Guide Addressing the Root Causes of Disparities in Education In partnership with NJDOE OSEP funded by IDEA funds - Part B

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