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2 What’s new for PARCC 2017 Testing Window
Test Dates – Single 30 Day Testing Window Fewer But Longer Unit Times More Uniform Unit Times Upgrades to the PEARSON Testing Site No more seal codes Expanded Calculator Accommodation Spell Check on TestNav The March testing will involve essay writing in language arts and writing open-ended response in math. Both the March and the April/May combine for one score.

3 TESTING DATES FHS April 18th – April 26th Day 1 - 4 Day 5-7 English 9
Algebra I Geometry Algebra II

4 Mathematics – Unit Timing *
English Language Arts/Literacy – Unit Timing * ELA/L Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Total Time For Field Test Schools Grade 3 90 75 5 Hr. 30 Min. to 5 Hrs. 45 Min. Grades 4-5 6 Hr. Grades 6-11 110 7 Hrs. Mathematics – Unit Timing * Mathematics Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit Total Time Grades 3-5 60 4 Hr. Grades 6-8 80 NA Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II 90 4 Hr. 30 Min. * Does not include minutes needed for logging on students, 15 reading directions, and closing-out students.

5 Who must take the PARCC HIGH SCHOOL
Students enrolled in English 9,10,11 Students enrolled in Alg 1, Geometry, Alg 2 GENERAL EDUCATION SPECIAL EDUCATION / 504 except students who will take the APA or DLM as indicated in their IEP Exempt from passing as per IEP must still take the test ESL *students enrolled in multiple courses will only take 1 test per content *students not enrolled in a requisite Math course, do not take a PARCC Math assessment

6 Chain of Command Ana Washington…………………..………………………….….District Testing Coordinator School Telephone Number…………………………….…… (732) Ext. 406 Cellphone Number……………………..……………………… (908) Dana Karas…………………………..Director of Counseling, School Test Coordinator School Telephone Number……………...………………..…..(732) Ext Cellphone Number……………………… …………………….….. (609) Jessica Bordas ……………………………………...…….….…………School Counselor, STC School Telephone Number………………………………...… (732) Ext. 5211


Answer Masking* Audio Amplifications Color Contrast (Background/font)* Blank Paper Eliminate Answer Choices Flag Items for Review General Administration Clarified by test Administrators General Administration Directions Read Aloud and Repeated as needed (by Administrator Highlight Tool Headphones or Noise Buffers Text To Speech for Mathematics * Line Reader Tool Magnification/Enlargement Notepad Pop-up Glossary Assessment Writing Tools Redirect Student to the Test *LOCALLY CONTROLLED

9 ACCOMMODATIONS (Special Education, 504 or ELL)
Assistive Technology ASL Video for the Mathematics Assessments Screen Reader Version for Mathematics Human Signer for Test Directions Refreshable Braille Display with Screen Reader Version for ELA/Literacy Student Reads Assessment Aloud to Themselves Hard Copy Braille Edition Tactile Graphics Large Print Edition Paper-based Edition Closed-Captioning of Multimedia for ELA/Literacy Assessments Text-to-Speech for the ELA/Literacy Assessments, including items, response options, and passages* Screen Reader Version for ELA/Literacy, including items, response options, and passages ASL Video for the ELA/Literacy Assessments, including items, response options, and Passages*

Extended time Word-to-Word Dictionary (English/ Native Language) Mathematics Response Speech-to-Text Mathematics Response Human Scribe General  Administration  Directions  Read  Aloud  and  Repeated  in  Student’s Native Language (by test administrator) Online Translation of the Mathematics Assessment in Spanish Paper-Based Edition of the Mathematics Assessment in Spanish Large Print Edition of the Mathematics Assessments in Spanish Text-to-Speech for the Mathematics Assessments in Spanish Human Reader

Assistive Technology Braille Note-taker Braille Writer Calculation Device and Mathematics Tools (on Calculator Sections of Mathematics Assessments) (on Non-calculator Sections of Mathematics Assessments) ELA/L and/or Math Selected Response Speech-to-Text/Human Scribe/Human Signer/External Assistive Technology Device ELA/Literacy Constructed Response Speech-to-Text* ELA/Literacy Constructed Response Human Scribe/Human Signer/Assistive Technology Device** Word Prediction External Device

Extended Time Screen Reader Version ASL Video Version Refreshable Braille Display w/ Screen Reader Version Text-to-Speech ELA/L Hard Copy Braille Version Large Print Paper Version Regular Print Paper Version Tactile Graphics Human Signer for Test Directions Student Reads Assessment Aloud to Him/Herself

13 HOMEBOUND, BEDSIDE & Non-Testing ODP Placements
Students receiving homebound or bedside instruction MUST be tested unless they are too ill to participate. Students will use Paper & Pencil test forms. Students attending an Out-of-District Placement that is NOT an approved test site MUST: Return to home district or Home district will sent a test administrator

Accessibility features & accommodations (extended time, scribe, special form, etc.) must be included in PNP PNP must be created/updated & loaded/reloaded TEMPORARY/EMERGENCY ACCOMMODATIONS (504) Sprained or broken arm (etc.) prior to test: prepare a temporary / emergency Section 504 Plan. Complete Emergency Accommodation Request Form Student is allowed to receive modifications & accommodations described in PARCC Accessibility Features & Accommodations Manual

15 TEST MATERIALS Paper-Based Test Materials Test Booklets
Answer Documents Mathematics Reference Sheets - as specified by grade level policy Rulers and Protractors (if applicable) Computer-Based Test Materials Student Testing Tickets

16 School Supplied Test Materials
Student Testing Tickets Blank Scratch Paper (graph, lined or unlined) Headphones Required for ALL students Word-to-word dictionaries for ESL students Pencils Door sign Leisure Reading Materials Timing Device/ Timing Display Computers do not time the units TEST ADMINISTRATORS DO

17 Mathematic Tools For computer-based assessments, required tools will be on the platform.

18 Calculator Policy Permitted on “Calculator Section” of Math assessments ONLY NOT Permitted on “Non-Calculator” sections Computer Based Testing – platform based calculator OR hand-held calculator if requested by student. All hand-held calculators must meet PARCC Calculator Policy Calculators must be distributed & collected as specified in TAM

Graphing Calculator Located on the platform

20 TEST SECURITY Security is a district wide responsibility.
Absolutely NO reproduction or transmittal by any means of test items, passages, prompts, or other secure items or materials. Security breaches may have: Financial consequences for the district Professional consequences for staff Disciplinary consequences for students Inform ALL district & school personnel of security procedures prior to test administration See Section 2.0 of the Test Coordinator Manual for details

21 SECURITY PLAN Mandatory Turnkey Training
Locked Storage of Secure Materials Delivery Problems Technology Problems Missing Secure Materials Reporting Breaches & Irregularities Damaged/Contaminated Materials Chain of Command Disruptive or Sick Student Fire / Emergency Procedures Inclement Weather

22 Before the Test All Computer Carts will be at the test site locations prior to testing. Test Administrators are to collect all testing materials each morning of testing from STC between 7:00am to 7:25am in the LIBRARY. Count materials (student roster, admission tickets) and sign the Chain of Custody Form. Prepare testing room: Ensure all computers are powered on and full battery charge Desks are organized. All instructional materials are removed or covered in room. Collect all Student Cell phones. All book bags and food must be placed in the front of the room. Recreational Reading material must be placed underneath the desk.

Test Administrators are to take attendance Seat students Distribute Student Testing Ticket Students are to write the computer Asset Tag Number on their Student Testing Ticket located on the bottom of the computer each day. Post “Testing –Do Not Disturb” sign on door Display Timing Box on board (refer to page 19 in Teacher Administrator Manual) Follow Manual Directions and commence test. UNLOCK THE TEST FOR STUDENTS WHO ARE PRESENT Monitor student progress on the PEARSON site. If any technical issues arrive during testing, please refer to IN TAM or contact the STC immediately

24 Technology Consequences
Any student with a phone or other personal technology device on their person will… Dean/VP is to be contacted The student will be removed from the testing location The device will be confiscated and will only be returned to the parent/guardian The student test is voided

25 Monitoring Students Redirect students
Test Administrators and Proctors may not individually remind or encourage a student to answer all questions. Test Administrators may not point or gesture to the student to complete a specific test item or encourage a student to select an answer choice. You may provide a visual cue to the students to stay on TASK.

26 After the Test  Collect all test materials from students and track their return. LOCK THE TEST AT THE CONCLUSION OF TESTING FOR ALL STUDENTS Return materials to the library and the STC will verify all the test materials are returned and are accounted for. All laptops are to be locked up by the examiner in the room in the laptop cart. If the examiner only has a few laptops then he or she should ensure laptops are properly secured to charge overnight. ANY PROBLEMS WITH ANY OF THE EQUIPMENT SHOULD BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER TESTING OF THAT DAY TO STC

27 TESTING SITES NO Coats, Backpacks, or Purses NO Instructional Displays
NO Buzzers, Bells or Non-Emergency Announcements or Interruptions NO Cell Phones, MP3 Players or Any Unauthorized Electronics NO Food or Beverages (except if by IEP or 504) NO Unauthorized Recreational Reading materials

28 TESTING SITES Well Spaced With Ample Surface Area Assigned Seating
Good Lighting & Ventilation Clock & Chart to Display Time Remaining NEVER leave students unattended Supervise students at ALL times including Restroom Breaks Monitors to Keep Hallways Quiet & Testing Rooms Undisturbed Post “Testing - Do Not Disturb” signs on Doors of Testing Rooms (see Appendix C of TCM)


28 Pages – Sections 1-4: General Overview Section 4: Scripts for EVERY Math PBA, ELA PBA Use ONLY SELECT pages for unit tested - approximately six pages per unit. 6 Pages - Section 5 & 6 Completion of Each Day of Testing & Accessibility Features and Accommodations Appendices Appendix B: Security Agreement Appendix C: Signs (Testing Do Not Disturb)

31 PARCC Security Forms Security Agreement Chain of Custody Form
Form to Report a Testing Irregularity or Security Breach Form to Report Contaminated, Damaged or Missing Materials Post Certification Form

ALL staff involved in PARCC testing MUST sign the Security Agreement BEFORE testing documenting that all staff involved in testing have been sufficiently trained. Includes Paras and technology support


34 Sample Computer-Based Chain-of-Custody Form
Recommended: template available at

35 Reporting Testing Disruptions Security Breaches & Irregularities Contaminated, Missing, & Damaged Materials Test Administrator must report incident to STC immediately STC must report incident to the DTC immediately. DTC must then contact the Office of Assessments ASAP after receiving call from STC. TA and STC must complete appropriate form documenting the incident & provide completed form to DTC. Form to Report a Testing Irregularity or Security Breach (including testing disruptions due to severe weather or safety threats) Form to Report Contaminated, Damaged, or Missing Materials. DTC must upload form to PearsonAccessNext within five school days.

36 Form to Report a Testing Irregularity or Security Breach
Download from

37 Student has never logged onto TestNav 1 - Absent 2 - Medical Emergency
New Jersey Not-Tested Codes & Void Codes Not-Tested Codes Student has never logged onto TestNav 1 - Absent 2 - Medical Emergency 3 - Other (refusal) Void Codes Students logged on to TestNav 1 - Student Cheating 2 - Security Breach 3 - Other (refusal, wrong form, off-grade, off-course, accommodation not provided or accommodation provided in error)

38 PARCC TRAINING VIDEO Modules/Launch?moduleId=47


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