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1. Isoquinoline Alkaloids
Alkaloids Derived from Phenylalanine and Tyrosine 1. Isoquinoline Alkaloids Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
1. Isoquinoline Alkaloids
More than 800 alkaloids belong to this group. They have been derived from isoquinoline, 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro- or 3,4-dihydro- derivatives. It is important to take in consideration that the basic nucleus (Isoquinoline) could be opened or enlarged. Nine types of isoquinoline alkaloids have pharmacognostical interest such as: 1- Benzylisoquinoline type (e.g. papaverine) 2- Bisbenzylisoquinoline type (e.g. tubocurarine) 3- Phthalidisoquinoline type (e.g. Noscapine, Hydrastine) 4- Protoberberine type (e.g. berberine) 5- Aporphine type (e.g. boldine) 6- Protopine type (Diisoquinolin) (e.g. protopine) 7- Morphinane type (Phenanthrene) (e.g. morphine, codeine, thebaine) 8- Benzophenanthridine (e.g. chelidonine, sanguinarine) 9- Emetine- (Monoterpenoid isoquinoline-) type (e.g. emetine) Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
Drugs containing isoquinoline alkaloids 1- Emetine- (Monoterpenoid isoquinoline-) type (Ipecac Alkaloids) Ipecac is the dried roots and rhizomes of Cephalis ipecacuanha (Brazilian ipecacuanha) or Cephalis acuminata (Cartagena or Panama ipecacuanha) (Fam. Rubiaceae). It contains several alkaloids (2 –2.5 %), mainly emetine ( % of total alkaloids), with cephaline and psychotrine. Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
Physicochemical properties
Emetine: white amorphous powder, non-phenolic, soluble in alcohol, ether and CHCl3, sparingly soluble in H2O Cephaline: colorless needles, being phenolic (soluble in alkalis), insoluble in H2O, soluble in CHCl3 or alcohol, on methylation with methyl-sulphate is converted to emetine Psychotrine: yellow prisms, being phenolic, sparingly soluble in H2O, ether, soluble in ethanol and CHCl3, on reduction is converted to cephaline. Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
Pharmacology of Ipecac alkaloids:
Ipecac preparations, when administered orally at low doses, are emetics. Cepheline is the main alkaloid responsible for the emetic activity. Emetine is an amebicide, inhibits protein synthesis in animals and in protozoa, kills viruses, but it is not antibacterial. Emetine is toxic for humans (Arrhythmia, hypotension, muscular weakness, and gastrointestinal distress). It is no longer used in therapeutics (It has been replaced by a synthetic derivatives, dehydroemetine). Dehydroemetine is used for treating acute intestinal amebiasis, hepatic amebiasis and bilharziasis. Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
2. Bisbenzyltetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloids
Curare alkaloids dried extract from the bark and stems of Strychnos species e.g. S. castelnaei, S. toxifera, S. crevauxii (Fam. Loganiaceae) and from Chondodendron species (Fam. Menispermaceae) used as arrow poison by certain native tribes of the Amazon regions of South America. Curare contains several alkaloids (4-7%), the most important is d-tubocurarine (quaternary ammonium structure with two ether bridges) the other alkaloids are tertiary bases : (-) curine, (+) - isochondrodendrine and (+) chondrocurine. Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
Properties: Tests: Uses:
d-Tubocurarine (4ary alkaloid) is freely soluble in H2O. It is a phenolic dextrorotatory alkaloid. It is a bis-benzyltetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloid. Tests: Saturated aqueous solution + FeCl3 faint green color green color. Solution of the alkaloidal HCl + Na2CO3 yellow brown precipitate. Uses: It is a non-depolarizing neuromuscularblocking agent , employed i. m or i. v. as a skeletal muscle relaxant to secure muscle relaxation in surgical procedures. It is used to control and reduce convulsions of strychnine poisoning and of tetanus. It is used as a diagnostic aid in myasthenia gravis. Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
3- Opium Alkaloids Milky exudate obtained by incising the unripe capsules of Papaver somniferum (Fam. Papaveraceae). The active principles are represented by 10 to 20% alkaloids More than 25 alkaloids of different types have been obtained The most important alkaloids are morphine, codeine and thebaine. Opium alkaloids occur naturally combined with specific acid (meconic acid), which occurs only in opium. Chemical tests: by directly adding ferric chloride to the aqueous extract, a red color develops (characteristic of meconic acid). Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
OPIUM POPPY Papaver somniferum Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD
PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
Classification of Opioids
Endogenous opioid peptides: produced naturally in the body, such as endorphins, enkephalins, dynorphins, and endomorphins. Natural opioids : are alkaloids contained in the latex of opium as morphine, codeine, and thebaine. Semi-synthetic opioids: created from the natural opiates, such as heroin, oxycodone, and hydrocodone which are derived from morphine, codeine, and thebaine. Fully synthetic opioids: such as pethidine, methadone, tramadol. Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
Classification of Opium alkaloids
Opium alkaloids are subclassified into 3 groups: 1- Benzylisoquinoline alkaloids. 2- Phenylethylamine alkaloids. 3- Phenanthrene alkaloids. Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
Benzylisoquinoline type: Papaverine
Properties: It is a weak base and is optically inactive. Tests for identification Warren's test (specific for papaverine): Papaverine + crushed crystal of KMnO4 + Marqui's reagent green color blue. Uses: Papaverine possesses smooth muscle relaxant activity. It is used as antispasmodic for GIT spasms, clots and in bronchial asthma in a dose up to 600 mg of papaverine HCl daily. Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
Used as antitussive medicine without pain killing effect.
Noscapine: Used as antitussive medicine without pain killing effect. Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
Phenylethylamine type: Narceine
Properties: It is a tertiary Alkaloids. Narceine is an amphoteric alkaloid since it contain a carboxylic group. Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
Phenantheren type: Morphine: Properties:
Morphine is levorotatory, insoluble in water, sparingly soluble in ethanol and chloroform, practically insoluble in ether and benzene. It contains 2 OH groups, one is a phenolic at C-3 (gives a soluble phenolate with alkali) and the other is a 2ry alcoholic at C-6. Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
Tests for identification of morphine:
1- Tests due to phenolic properties: 1- Morphine gives a blue color with FeCl3. 2- Nitrous acid test: solution of morphine in dilute HCl + NaN02 + NaOH red color. 3- Morphine + dil H2SO4 + HI→ I2 give violet color when dissolve in CHCl3 2- Tests with alkaloidal color reagents: 1- Liebermann' s reagent black color. 2- Mandalin's reagent bluish-gray color. 3- Marquis' reagent violet color. 4- HNO3 → red color convert to yellow on heating. Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
Uses of morphine: Adverse Effects:
Morphine act as a narcotic analgesic (reduce pain & induce sleep) in a dose of 5-20 mg of morphine hydrochloride, sulfate or tartrate, administered orally or parentally, every 4 hours. Used before and after surgical operations and to terminally ill cancer patients. Suppress peristaltic movement so stops diarrhea. Adverse Effects: Two major problems are associated to morphine use: Addiction and Tolerance. Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
Structure-activity relationship of morphine
Esterification or etherification of the hydroxyl group at C-3 decreases the analgesic activity. The inversion of configuration at C-9 and C-13 makes the activity disappear. Substituents on the N-atom are crucial, the replacement of the methyl group by small alkyl radicals (e.g. allyl, cyclopropylmethyl, cyclobutylmethyl) transforms the compound into a partial or a complete opioid antagonist. Introduction of a hydroxyl group at C-14 increases the analgesic activity. Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
Codeine: Test: Uses: Properties:
It is soluble in H2O, boiling H2O, ethanol, CHCl3 and ether, (c.f. morphine). Codeine is non Phenolic. Test: Codeine + concentrated H2SO4 + FeCl3, warm in water bath bluish violet color + HNO3 Red color. Uses: It has less narcotic analgesic than morphine. It is mainly used as antitussive. Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
Thebaine Thebaine (paramorphine) is an opiate alkaloid.
A minor constituent of opium, thebaine is chemically similar to both morphine and codeine, but produces stimulatory, with strychnine-like convulsions, rather than depressant effects. It is not used therapeutically, but is converted industrially into a variety of compounds including oxycodone, oxymorphone, nalbuphine, naloxone, naltrexone, buprenorphine and etorphine. Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
Semi-synthetic derivatives of Morphine
Heroin It is the diacetyl derivative of morphine. It has no any medical applications but it is one of the most dangerous abused substance. Morphine is easily acetylated to diacetylmorphine using acetic anhydride. Heroin is more potent than morphine (it takes less for the same effect), lasts longer, and is more addicting. morphine Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
Apomorphine Obtained by heating morphine with con. HCl in sealed vials. During this reaction rearrangement and elimination of water takes place. Apomorphine is used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and erectile dysfunction. + HCl, Δ morphine Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
Ether bridge opening (ring E):
Resulted in group of compounds called morphinans. Synthetic morphinans are racemic compounds. Only the levo isomers have analgesic activity. Levorphanol is 8 times as active as morphine. The dextro isomers as dextromethorphane lack the CNS and analgesic effects, however, they are used as cough suppressants. Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
The C-6 Hydroxyl group and ring c modifications:
Removal or derivatization of the alcoholic hydroxyl group at C-6 increase lipophilicity and consequently the analgesic activity. Reduction of the 7,8 double bond, oxidation of C-6 hydroxyl and addition of OH group at C-14 all increase the activity. Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
The C-3 Hydroxyl group: Etherification of this phenolic OH decrease the analgesic activity and the compounds are used mainly as antitussive e.g. Codeine and Pholcodine. Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
2. Phenylalkylamine Alkaloids
Alkaloids Derived from Phenylalanine and Tyrosine 2. Phenylalkylamine Alkaloids Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
Classification of Phenylalkylamine alkaloids
1. Benzylamine type 2. Phenylethylamine type 3. Aminophenylpropan type Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
Drugs containing Phenylalkylamine alkaloids
Ephedra Alkaloids Various Ephedra species, e.g. E. sinica (Fam. Ephedraceae) Ephedra used as remedy for asthma in Chinese medicine Contains 2% alkaloids e.g. ephedrine, Pseudoephedrine, norpseudoephedrine. (-)-Ephedrine is the major Alkaloid in Ephedra. Ephedrine is a phenylalkylamine with N atom in the side chain. PHG322, Alkaloids Part3 Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD
Ephedrine is similar to adrenaline in structures.
Advantages of Ephedrine over adrenaline: 1- Orally active. 2- Prolonged action Pharmacology: ephedrine is an indirect sympathomimetic, close to adrenaline. Uses: in asthma, allergic drugs, bronchodilator, nasal congestion and in cough mixtures. Identification (Chen’s test): Ephedrine HCl in water ml CuSO4 + 1ml NaOH → Violet colour, shake with Ether → Ether layer → purple, Aqueous layer → blue PHG322, Alkaloids Part3 Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD
Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
Drugs containing Phenylalkylamine alkaloids (contin..)
2-Capsicum Ripe fruit of Capsicum annum (Fam. Solanaceae) Contains 1.5% Capsaicinoids (amides of vanillylamines with saturated or unsaturated C8-C13 fatty acids) Uses: as carminative, counterirritant in the form of tincture or plaster in the treatment of rheumatism and neuralgic pains. Test: 1- solution of capsaicine + FeCl green color 2- Capsaicine + H2SO4 + small amount of sugar violet color after period of 1 h PHG322, Alkaloids Part3 Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD
PHG322, Alkaloids Part3 Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD
Drugs containing Phenylalkylamine alkaloids (contin..)
3- Khat Leaves of Catha edulis (Fam. Celastraceae) in fresh leaves cathinone, in the dried cathine. Pharmacology: Cathinone possesses pharmacological properties analogous to those of D-amphetamine. It causes anorexia, hyperthermia, respiratory stimulation, mydriasis, arrhythmia and hypertension. It induces the release of catecholamines from storage. PHG322, Alkaloids Part3 Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD
PHG322, Alkaloids Part3 Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD
Drugs containing Phenylalkylamine alkaloids (contin..)
4- Peyote Alkaloids Source: Lophophora williamsii ( is a small, spineless cactus). Peyote is native to Mexico and southwestern Texas and famous for its hallucinogenic effect. It contains phenyl ethylamine alkaloids (major alkaloid is mescaline). Mescaline has hallucinogenic effects similar to those of LSD and psilocybin. PHG322, Alkaloids Part3 Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD
Alkaloids Derived from Phenylalanine and Tyrosine
3. Tropolone Alkaloids Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
Colchicum Alkaloids dried, ripe seed and corm of Colchicum autumnale (Fam. Liliaceae) Up to 1.2 %, the chief constituent is colchicine. Colchicine possesses a tropolone structure and being non-basic or weak- basic in character, soluble in H2O, aq. alcohols and CHCl3. occurs as pale yellow needles. Tests for colchicine: 1- with few drops of mineral acids, gives yellow color. 2- with conc HNO3, dirty violet color is produced, which changes through brown to yellow. Pharmacology: Colchicine possesses an anti-mitotic and anti-inflammatory activity. It is useful for treating of the acute attack of gout . Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
Alkaloids Derived from histidine
Imidazole Alkaloids Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
Source: Jaborandi leaves (Pilocarpus jaborandi).
Pilocarpus Alkaloids Source: Jaborandi leaves (Pilocarpus jaborandi). Constituents: (+)-Pilocarpine and isopilocarpine. Pilocarpine is a tertiary base containing a lactone group as well as an imidazole nucleus. It is an oily syrupy liquid, easily soluble in water, alcohol and chloroform, but almost insoluble in ether. The lactone ring is opened by caustic alkali, which forms salts with the resulting pilocarbic acid (unaffected by ammonia or alkali carbonates) (destroys the physiological activity). it is demethylated and converted to pilocarpidine, when heated with acids. Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
Pharmacology: Pilocarpine is a parasympathomimetic.
It induces salivary glands, gastric, and sweat hyper-secretion, It increases intestinal motility, induces broncho-constriction, and bradycardia. It directly stimulates the muscarinic receptors in the eye, causing constriction of the pupil (myosis) and contraction of the ciliary muscle. It used in the treatment of narrow-angle glaucoma. Alone or in combination with beta-blocker (timolol) also for treating intraocular pressure. Pilocarpine can be used as a sialagogue to relieve dryness of the mouth (for example, that due to the radiotherapy of mouth and throat cancers). Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
Chemical tests: 1- Helch’s test (H2SO4 + H2O2 + KCr2O7)
gives violet color 2- Ekkert’s test (Na-nitroprusside + NaOH) leave for a period in HCl-solution, it gives red color Ramzi A. Mothana, PhD PHG322, Alkaloids Part3
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