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Health & medicine policy research group forum –

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1 It Takes a Village to be Heroic: Creating Aging-Supportive/ Lifetime Communities
Health & medicine policy research group forum – Brad Winick, aicp, leed ap – Planning/aging, uic cuppa

2 Words Also Matter in City Planning
Let’s talk about: Rather than: Aging-in-community Aging-supportive communities Lifetime communities that work for people regardless of their age or ability Aging-in-place Age-friendly communities “Successful aging” – (do we talk about “successful living”?) (Livable Communities x Time = Lifetime Communities)

3 Major Components of Aging-Supportive/Lifetime Communities
Mobility & the Built Environment Affordable & Accessible Housing Options Walkable/Accessible Neighborhoods & Proximity to Stores, Services & Amenities Transportation Options Social Engagement Social Contact Safety Social Participation Health & Social Supports Health & Wellness Social Services & Supports Supports for Informal Caregivers

4 Let’s Stop Misapplying Survey Data to Support Narrow-Focused Heroic Goals -- I
A 2010 AARP Survey showed that 90% of 65+ year old respondents wanted to stay in their current residences “as long as possible”, and 80% believed that they would always do so. Question: What affordable community-based housing options did survey respondents have in their minds when answering this question? Assumed Answer: Very few if any, as this likely reflects their existing community’s reality. Therefore, why should we be surprised that in the face of few known acceptable options, most respondents selected to stay within their known homes?

5 Let’s Stop Misapplying Survey Data to Support Narrow-Focused Heroic Goals -- II
Pop Quiz – How do communities generally use this survey data? To focus policy and resources to support their existing community housing stock (primarily single family homes in most cases), or To work proactively to augment their existing housing stock to develop a range of aging-supportive housing options

6 This is What “A Range of Aging-Supportive Housing Options” Might Include
“Green Houses” Co-housing Accessory Dwelling Units Intergenerational Housing Compact homes/neighborhoods Mixed-Use Developments

7 “Missing Middle Housing”
Image courtesy Opticos Design, Inc.

8 Para-transit & senior buses
An Integrated Network of Transportation Options Would Include These Assets… Metra rail CTA rail CTA bus Para-transit & senior buses Private cars Pace bus

9 …But Perhaps Also These Rolling Assets
Taxi fleets Underused school buses/vans Car sharing businesses Private car share services (Uber, Lyft, Sidecar, etc.) Bike sharing systems

10 Walkability/Accessibility -- Who Benefits Most from A Well-Designed Public Realm?
The disability community? Immigrants & tourists? Older adults? School children? Active transportation users? Parents w/kids in strollers?

11 In Summary: Aging-Supportive/Lifetime Communities
Are all about: Choices Options Integration (of thought & of people) And include: “Nothing about us, without us” participation Emphasize the community, rather than the heroic individual, perspective

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