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FIG. 8. Diagram illustrating the putative role of ER Ca2+ homeostasis in maintaining cells in a physiologic state. In the physiologic state, ER calcium.

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Presentation on theme: "FIG. 8. Diagram illustrating the putative role of ER Ca2+ homeostasis in maintaining cells in a physiologic state. In the physiologic state, ER calcium."— Presentation transcript:

1 FIG. 8. Diagram illustrating the putative role of ER Ca2+ homeostasis in maintaining cells in a physiologic state. In the physiologic state, ER calcium homeostasis is maintained and the regulatory ink between ER calcium pools and protein synthesis is intact. Growth factors help cells to keep this system in balance. In pathologic states, ER calcium pools are depleted, resulting in growth arrest and, eventually, cell death. On the other hand, when the regulatory link between ER calcium pools and protein synthesis is blocked, cells are turning into a state of uncontrolled growth. Published in: Wulf Paschen; Jens Doutheil; J Cereb Blood Flow Metab  19, 1-18. DOI: / Copyright © 1999 International Society for Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism

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