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ARDA status and plans Massimo Lamanna / CERN
Overview ARDA in a nutshell ARDA prototypes ARDA feedback
4 experiments ARDA feedback Middleware components on the development test bed ARDA workshops ARDA personnel Outlook and conclusions
The ARDA project ARDA is an LCG project
main activity is to enable LHC analysis on the grid ARDA is contributing to EGEE NA4 uses the entire CERN NA4-HEP resource Interface with the new EGEE middleware (gLite) By construction, use the new middleware Use the grid software as it matures Verify the components in an analysis environments Contribution in the experiments framework (discussion, direct contribution, benchmarking,…) Users needed here. Namely physicists needing distributed computing to perform their analyses Provide early and continuous feedback
ARDA prototype overview
LHC Experiment Main focus Basic prototype component /framework Middleware GUI to Grid GANGA/DaVinci Interactive analysis PROOF/AliROOT High-level services DIAL/Athena Explore/exploit native gLite functionality ORCA
ARDA contributions Integrating of LHCb environment with gLite
Enabling job submission through GANGA to gLite Job splitting and merging Result retrieval Enabling real analysis jobs to run on gLite Running DaVinci jobs on gLite (custom code: user algorithms) Installation of LHCb software using gLite package manager Participating in the overall development of Ganga Software process (initially) CVS, Savannah, Release Management Mayor contribution in new versions Python “command-line” interface, “Ganga clients”
Presented in the LHCb software week
Current Status GANGA job submission handler for gLite is developed DaVinci job runs on gLite submitted through GANGA Presented in the LHCb software week Demo in Rio and Den Haag
Ganga4 Major version Important contribution from the ARDA team
Interesting concepts Note GANGA is a joint ATLAS-LHCb project Contacts with CMS (exchange of ideas, code snippets, …)
LHCb user S. K. Paterson (LHCb) Glasgow Univ.
Related activities GANGA-DIRAC (LHCb production system) GANGA-Condor
Convergence with GANGA/components/experience Submitting jobs to DIRAC using GANGA GANGA-Condor Enabling submission of jobs through GANGA to Condor LHCb Metadata catalogue performance tests In collaboration with colleagues from Taiwan New activity started using the ARDA metadata prototype (new version, collaboration with gridPP/LHCb people) Wei-Long Ueng, ASCC
Ganga clients Wei-Long Ueng, ASCC
ALICE prototype ROOT and PROOF ALICE provides
the UI the analysis application (AliROOT) GRID middleware gLite provides all the rest ARDA/ALICE is evolving the ALICE analysis system Middleware UI shell Application end to end
Site B Site C Site A PROOF
PROOF SLAVES Site B PROOF SLAVES PROOF PROOF MASTER SERVER Site A Site C PROOF SLAVES USER SESSION Demo based on a hybrid system using 2004 prototype
Demo at Supercomputing 04 and Den Haag Demo in the ALICE sw week
Interactive Session Demo at Supercomputing 04 and Den Haag Demo in the ALICE sw week
Current Status Developed gLite C++ API and API Service
providing generic interface to any GRID service C++ API is integrated into ROOT In the ROOT CVS job submission and job status query for batch analysis can be done from inside ROOT Bash interface for gLite commands with catalogue expansion is developed More powerful than the original shell In use in ALICE Considered a “generic” mw contribution (essential for ALICE, interesting in general) First version of the interactive analysis prototype ready Batch analysis model is improved submission and status query are integrated into ROOT job splitting based on XML query files application (Aliroot) reads file using xrootd without prestaging
ARDA shell + C/C++ API Essential for the ALICE prototype
C++ access library for gLite has been developed by ARDA High performance Protocol quite proprietary... Essential for the ALICE prototype Generic enough for general use Using this API grid commands have been added seamlessly to the standard shell
ATLAS/ARDA Main component: “Embedded in the experiment”
Contribute to the DIAL evolution gLite analysis server “Embedded in the experiment” AMI tests and interaction Production and CTB tools Job submission (ATHENA jobs) Integration of the gLite Data Management within Don Quijote Benefit from the other experiments prototypes First look on interactivity/resiliency issues “Agent-based” approach (a` la DIRAC) GANGA (Principal component of the LHCb prototype, key component of the overall ATLAS strategy) ADA meeting Tao-Sheng Chen, ASCC
Data Management Don Quijote Locate and move data over grid boundaries
ARDA has connected gLite DQ Client ADA meeting DQ server DQ server DQ server DQ server RLS SE RLS RLS RLS SE SE SE GRID3 Nordugrid LCG gLite
CTB Combined Testbeam Various extensions were made to accommodate the new database schema used for CTB data analysis. New panes to edit transformations, datasets and partitions were implemented. Production System A first step is to provide a prototype with limited functionality, but support for the new production system. ADA meeting
Combined Test Beam Real data processed at gLite
Standard Athena for testbeam Data from CASTOR Processed on gLite worker node Example: ATLAS TRT data analysis done by PNPI St Petersburg Number of straw hits per layer
ATLAS: first look in interactivity matters
ADA meeting. Using DIANE
CMS Prototype Aims to end-to-end prototype for CMS analysis jobs on gLite Native middleware functionality of gLite Only for few CMS specific tasks on top of the middleware Dataset and owner name defining CMS data collection Points to the corresponding PubDB where POOL catalog for a given data collection is published PubDB RefDB Workflow planner with gLite back-end and command line UI POOL catalog and a set of COBRA META files Retrieves output Register required info in gLite catalog Creates and submits jobs to gLite, Queries their status gLite
ARDA-CMS CMS prototype (ASAP = Arda Support for cms Analysis Processing) First version of the CMS analysis prototype capable of creating-submitting-monitoring of the CMS analysis jobs on the gLite middleware had been developed by the end of the year 2004 It was demonstrated at the CMS week in December 2004 Prototype was evolved to support both RB versions deployed at the CERN testbed (prototype task queue and gLite 1.0 WMS ). Currently submission to both RBs is available and completely transparent for the users (same configuration file, same functionality) Plan to implement gLite job submission handler for Crab Users? Starting from February 2005 CMS users began working on the testbed submitting jobs through ASAP Positive feedback, suggestions from the users are implemented asap Plan to involve more users as soon as preproduction farm is available Plan to try and use in the prototype new functionality provided by WMS ( DAGs, interactive job for testing purposes)
Connections to Other Projects
Compatibility with Clarens and PhySh Analysis prototype is Python-based and it uses XML-RPC calls for client-server interaction like Clarens and PhySh In addition, to enable future integration, the analysis prototype has similarly structured CVS repository as the PhySh project
Connections to Other Projects
RefDB Re-Design and PubDB Taking part in the RefDB redesign Developing schema for PubDB and supervising development of the first PubDB version Analysis Prototype Connected to MonAlisa To track the progress of an analysis task is troublesome when the task is split into several (hundreds of) sub-jobs Analysis prototype associates each sub-job with built-in ‘identity’ and capability to report its progress to the MonAlisa system MonAlisa service receives and combines progress reports of single sub-jobs and publishes the overall progress of the whole task
CMS - Using MonAlisa for user job monitoring
A single job Is submiited to gLite JDL contains job-splitting instructions Master job is splitted by gLite into sub-jobs Demo at Supercomputing 04 Dynamic monitoring of the total number of the events of processed by all sub-jobs belonging to the same Master job
Accessing analysis samples
CERN ARDA with WMS as resource broker gLite as GRID middleware CNAF CRAB as job splitting and Pisa and CERN LCG as GRID middleware: Data on CNAF Problems related to the disk, made unavailable the data since long time ago. Several problems were caused by the Catalogues: on DST (and CNAF, the program run well There is still the lack of statistics for QCD background. A. Nikitenko (CMS) Convener of the CMS Higgs group
H->2t->2j analysis: bkg. data available
(all signal events processed with Arda) Bkg. samples Processed with s Br, mb Kine presel. qcd, pT = GeV/c 100K Arda 2.08 x 10-2 2.44 x 10-4 qcd, pT = GeV/c 200K crab 2.94 x 10-3 5.77 x 10-3 qcd, pT = GeV/c 5.03 x 10-4 4.19 x 10-2 qcd, pT > 170 GeV/c 1M 1.33 x 10-4 2.12 x 10-1 tt, W->tn 80K 5.76 x 10-9 4.88 x 10-2 Wt, W->tn 30K 7.10 x 10-10 1.38 x 10-2 W+j, W->tn 400K 5.74 x 10-7 2.16 x 10-2 Z/g*->tt, 130<mtt < 300 GeV/c2 70K 1.24 x 10-8 9.53 x 10-2 Z/g*->tt, mtt > 300 GeV/c2 60K gross 6.22 x 10-10 3.23 x 10-1 A. Nikitenko (CMS)
Higgs boson mass (Mtt) reconstruction
Higgs boson mass was reconstructed after basic off-line cuts: reco ETt jet > 60 GeV, ETmiss > 40 GeV. Mtt evaluation is shown for the consecutive cuts : pt > 0 GeV/c, pn > 0 GeV/c, Dfj1j2 < 1750. s(MH) ~ s(ETmiss) / sin(fj1j2) Mtt and s(Mtt) are in a very good agreement with old results CMS Note 2001/040, Table 3: Mtt = 455 GeV/c2, s(Mtt)=77 GeV/c2. ORCA4, Spring 2000 production. A. Nikitenko (CMS)
CMS: A->2t->2j event at low luminosity
A. Nikitenko (CMS)
Access granted on May 18th !
Prototype Deployment 2004: Prototype available (CERN + Madison Wisconsin) A lot of activity (4 experiments prototypes) Main limitation: size Experiments data available! Just an handful of worker nodes 2005: Coherent move to prepare a gLite package to be deployed on the pre-production service ARDA contribution: Mentoring and tutorial Actual tests! Lot of testing during 05Q1 PreProduction Service is about to start! Access granted on May 18th !
Workload Management System (WMS)
Last day monitor “Hello World!” jobs 1 per minute Logging&Bookkeeping info on the web to help the developers Last day Last week Hurng-Chun Lee, ASCC
WMS monitor Hurng-Chun Lee, ASCC
Certification activity
Performed by the operation team Using tests from other sources Re-using tests (developed by the operations group) which proved to be effective in order to pin down problems in LCG2 LCG2 gLite Lot of effort from ARDA (Mainly Hurng-Chun Lee – ASCC): Several “storm” tests migrated Help other people to get full speed in this
Data Management Central component together with the WMS
Early tests started in 2004 Two main components: gLiteIO (protocol + server to access the data) FiReMan (file catalogue) The two components are not isolated, for example gLiteIO uses the ACL as recorded in FiReMan, FiReMan exposes the physical location of files for the WMS to optimise the job submissions… Both LFC and FiReMan offer large improvements over RLS LFC is the most recent LCG2 catalogue Still some issues remaining: Scalability of FiReMan Bulk Entry for LFC missing More work needed to understand performance and bottlenecks Need to test some real Use Cases In general, the validation of DM tools takes time!
FiReMan Performance - Inserts
Inserted ~1M entries in bulk with insert time ~5ms Insert Rate for different bulk sizes 350 Single Bulk 1 Bulk 10 Bulk 100 Bulk 500 Bulk 1000 Bulk 5000 300 250 Inserts / Second 200 150 100 50 1 2 5 10 20 50 Number Of Threads
FiReMan Performance - Queries
Query Rate for an LFN 1200 Fireman Single Fireman Bulk 1 Fireman Bulk 10 1000 Fireman Bulk 100 Fireman Bulk 500 Fireman Bulk 1000 Fireman Bulk 5000 800 Entries Returned / Second 600 400 200 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Number Of Threads
FiReMan Performance - Queries
Comparsion with LFC: 1200 Fireman - Single Entry Fireman - Bulk 100 1000 LFC 800 Entries Returned / Second 600 400 200 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 Number Of Threads
Summary of gLite usage and testing
Info available also under gLite version 1 WMS Continuous monitor available on the web (active since 17th of February) Concurrency tests Usage with ATLAS and CMS jobs (Using Storage Index) Good improvements observed DMS (FiReMan + gLiteIO) Early usage and feedback (Starting Nov 2004) on functionality, performance and usability Considerable improvement in performances/stability observed during the last months Some of the tests given to the development team for tuning and to JRA1 to be used in the testing suite Most of the tests given to JRA1 to be used in the testing suite Performance/stability measurements: heavy-duty testing needed for real validation Contribution to the common testing effort to finalise gLite 1 with SA1, JRA1 and NA4-testing) Migration of certification tests within the certification test suite (LCGgLite) Comparison between LFC (LCG) and FiReMan Mini tutorial to facilitate the usage of gLite within the NA4 testing
Metadata gLite has provided a prototype interface and implementation mainly for the Biomed community Requirements in ARDA (HEP) were not all satisfied by that early version ARDA preparatory work Stress testing of the existing experiment metadata catalogues Existing implementations showed to share similar problems ARDA technology investigation On the other hand usage of extended file attributes in modern systems (NTFS, NFS, EXT2/3 SCL3,ReiserFS,JFS,XFS) was analyzed: a sound POSIX standard exists! Prototype activity in ARDA Discussion in LCG and EGEE and UK GridPP Metadata group Synthesis: New interface which will be maintained by EGEE benefiting from the activity in ARDA (tests and benchmarking of different data bases and direct collaboration with LHCb/GridPP)
ARDA metadata prototype: performances
Prototype very useful: Investigate technology issues (Web Services optimisation) Usable system for experiments LHCb is using the system… Local tests CERN-TAIWAN tests Tao-Sheng Chen and Meng-Hang Ho, ASCC
ARDA workshops and related activities
ARDA workshop (January 2004 at CERN; open) ARDA workshop (June at CERN; by invitation) “The first 30 days of EGEE middleware” NA4 meeting (15 July 2004 in Catania; EGEE open event) ARDA workshop (October at CERN; open) “LCG ARDA Prototypes” NA4 meeting 24 November (EGEE conference in Den Haag) ARDA workshop (March at CERN; open) Wednesday afternoon meeting started in 2005: Presentations from experts and discussion (not necessary from ARDA people) Available from
People Key contributions: Taiwan and Russia ALICE ATLAS
Massimo Lamanna Frank Harris (EGEE NA4) Birger Koblitz Andrey Demichev Viktor Pose Victor Galaktionov Derek Feichtinger Andreas Peters Hurng-Chun Lee Dietrich Liko Frederik Orellana Tao-Sheng Chen Julia Andreeva Juha Herrala Alex Berejnoi Andrew Maier Kuba Moscicki Wei-Long Ueng 2 PhD students: Craig Munro (Brunel Univ.) Distributed analysis within CMS Nuno Santos (Coimbra Univ) Metadata and resilient computing Catalin Cirstoiu and Slawomir Biegluk (LCG visitors) ALICE Key contributions: Taiwan and Russia ATLAS Experiment interfaces Piergiorgio Cerello (ALICE) David Adams (ATLAS) Lucia Silvestris (CMS) Ulrik Egede (LHCb) CMS LHCb + consultancy from Meng-Hang Ho and his team
Conclusions and outlook
ARDA has been set up to enable distributed HEP analysis on gLite Contact have been established With the experiments With the middleware Experiment activities are progressing rapidly Prototypes for LHCb, ALICE, ATLAS & CMS are on the way Complementary aspects are studied Good interaction with the experiments environment Always seeking for users! (more interested in physics than in mw… we support them!) 2005 will be the key year (gLite version 1 is becoming available on the pre-production service) ARDA is providing early feedback to the development team First use of components Try to run real life HEP applications Follow the development on the prototype and contribute to the preparation of the preproduction service Some of the experiment-related ARDA activities could be of general use Shell access (originally in ALICE/ARDA) Metadata catalog (under test in LHCb/ARDA) (Pseudo)-interactivity interesting issue (something in/from all experiments)
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