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Unit 3, Lesson 2 Vocabulary

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1 Unit 3, Lesson 2 Vocabulary
Discussing obligations and responsibilities Presenting and supporting opinions

2 Social awareness El ciudadano (f) La ciudadana The citizen

3 Social awareness El compromiso The commitment

4 Social awareness La conciencia social Social awareness

5 To take charge of; To make oneself responsible for
Social awareness Encargarse de To take charge of; To make oneself responsible for

6 Social awareness La irresponsabilidad Irresponsibility

7 Social awareness Penalizar To penalize

8 Social awareness La política Politics

9 Social awareness El principio The principle

10 Social awareness Respetar To respect

11 Social awareness Satisfacer To satisfy

12 Social awareness La sociedad Society

13 Social awareness La unidad Unity

14 Inventions Comercializar To market

15 Inventions Invertir To invest
Present Tense: e ie in every form except nosotros Preterite Tense: e i in él/ella/usted & ellos/ellas/ustedes

16 Inventions Novedoso (a) Novel; Original

17 Inventions La patente Patent

18 Inventions El producto Product

19 Mistakes and Persistence
Advertir To warn Present Tense: e ie in every form except nosotros

20 Mistakes and Persistence
Cometer To make (a mistake)

21 Mistakes and Persistence
Emprender To undertake

22 Mistakes and Persistence
El error Mistake; error

23 Mistakes and Persistence
Insistir To insist

24 Mistakes and Persistence
Luchar To struggle; to fight

25 Mistakes and Persistence
Persistir To persist

26 Mistakes and Persistence
Progresar To progress

27 Mistakes and Persistence
Prosperar To prosper

28 Mistakes and Persistence
Seguir adelante To continue on; to carry on

29 Mistakes and Persistence
Solucionar To solve

30 Mistakes and Persistence
Superar To overcome

31 Mistakes and Persistence
La advertencia Warning

32 Mistakes and Persistence
El fracaso Failure

33 Mistakes and Persistence
La mejora Improvement

34 Mistakes and Persistence
El obstáculo Obstacle

35 Mistakes and Persistence
El sufrimiento Suffering

36 Presenting and Supporting an Opinion
Criticar To criticize

37 Presenting and Supporting an Opinion
Es imprescindible que… It’s imperative that…

38 Presenting and Supporting an Opinion
Es raro que… It’s strange that…

39 Presenting and Supporting an Opinion
Evaluar To evaluate

40 Presenting and Supporting an Opinion
Por un lado… Por el otro lado… On one hand… On the other hand…

41 The Present Subjunctive
Used when showing uncertainty that something will happen

42 The Subjunctive & Impersonal Expressions
Es importante que… = It’s important that… Es bueno que… = It’s good that… Es malo que… = It’s bad that… Es necesario que… = It’s necessary that… Es mejor que… = It’s better that… Es raro que… = It’s strange that… Es imprescindible que… = It’s imperative that… Es lamentable que… = It’s unfortunate that… Es buena idea que… = It’s a good idea that… Es una lástima que… = It’s a shame that… Es increíble que… = It’s incredible that… Es triste que… = It’s sad that… Es imposible que… = It’s impossible that...

43 The Subjunctive with Impersonal Expressions
Fact: (present tense) Saco una buena nota en el examen. I get/am getting a good grade on the test. Uncertainty: (subjunctive) Es importante que saque una buena nota en el examen. It’s important that I get a good grade on the test. *Subjunctive yo form of sacar Subjunctive tense is used here because, although, “it’s important to get the good grade” it MAY or MAY NOT happen. Thus, demonstrating uncertainty. *When translating subjunctive into English, we use present tense*

44 Forming the Subjunctive
We form the present subjunctive the same way we form usted commands.

45 Forming the Subjunctive
Yo form Drop the –o Add correct opposite endings -ar  e -er/-ir  a

46 Forming the Subjunctive
For -ar verbs: e emos es en

47 HABLAR = to talk hable hables hablemos hablen

48 Forming the Subjunctive
For –er/-ir verbs: a amos as an

49 COMER = to eat coma comas comamos coman

50 VIVIR = to live viva vivas vivamos vivan

51 Complete the following sentences with the correct subjunctive form of each verb. Translate sentences into English. Es importante que ustedes ____________ las bolsas de plástico. (reciclar) Es malo que la gente ____________ basura. (tirar) Es raro que tú ____________ errores. (cometer) Es imprescindible que nosotros ____________. (persistir) Es necesario que yo ____________ este problema. (solucionar)

52 Irregular Subjunctive Verbs: -go Verbs
As in usted commands, verbs that are irregular in the present-tense yo form (-go) also have a “g” in the present subjunctive.

53 Irregular Subjunctive Verbs: -go Verbs
Decir  dig- Hacer  hag- Poner  pong- Salir  salg- Tener  teng- Venir  veng- Traer  traig- Conseguir  consig- Seguir  sig- YOU STILL MUST ADD CORRECT ENDINGS!

54 HACER = to do/make haga hagas hagamos hagan

55 TENER = to have tenga tengas tengamos tengan

56 Subjunctive & -ar/-er Stem-change Verbs
Stem-changing –ar and –er verbs in the present tense also change in the subjunctive. EVERY FORM EXCEPT NOSOTROS!!!

57 PENSAR (e  ie) = to think
piense pienses *pensemos piensen

58 QUERER (e  ie) = to want *queramos quieran quiera quieras

59 Irregular Subjunctive Verbs -car, -gar, -zar verbs
-car -qu -gar  -gu -zar  -c YOU STILL MUST ADD CORRECT ENDINGS!

60 CRITICAR (qu) = to criticize
critique critiques critiquemos critiquen

61 INVESTIGAR (gu) = to investigate
llegue llegues lleguemos lleguen

62 **JUGAR (gu) = to play** *uue in every form EXCEPT nts.*
juegue juegues *juguemos jueguen

63 REUTILIZAR (c) = to reuse
reutilice reutilices reutilicemos reutilicen

64 **EMPEZAR (c) = to start** *eie in every form EXCEPT nts.*
empiece empieces *empecemos empiecen

65 Irregular Subjunctive Verbs: OTHER SPELL CHANGES
Proteger  protej- Extinguir  exting- YOU STILL MUST ADD CORRECT ENDINGS!

66 PROTEGER (j) = to protect
proteja protejas protejamos protejan

67 EXTINGUIRSE (g) = to become extinct
Me extinga Te extingas Se extinga Nos extingamos Se extingan

68 Irregular Subjunctive Verbs:
Dar – to give Estar – to be Ir – to go Saber – to know Ser – to be

69 DAR = to give des demos den

70 ESTAR – to be esté estés estemos estén

71 IR = to go vaya vayas vayamos vayan

72 SABER = to know sepa sepas sepamos sepan

73 SER = to be sea seas seamos sean

74 Irregular Subjunctive Verbs: -ir, ei stem-change verbs
Verbs ending in –ir with an ei stem-change occur in ALL FORMS, INCLUDING nosotros

75 PEDIR (e  i) – to ask for/order (e  i *including nts.*)
pida pidas *pidamos pidan

76 SERVIR (e  i) – to serve (e  i *including nts.*)
sirva sirvas *sirvamos sirvan

77 Irregular Subjunctive Verbs: -ir, eie stem-change verbs
Verbs ending in –ir with an eie stem-change occur in ALL FORMS, BUT ei in the nosotros form

78 PREFERIR (e  ie / *nts: e  i) to prefer
prefiera prefieras * prefiramos prefieran

79 Irregular Subjunctive Verbs: -ir, oue stem-change verbs
Verbs ending in –ir with an oue stem-change occur in ALL FORMS, BUT ou in the nosotros form

80 DORMIR (o  ue / *nts: o  u) to sleep
* durmamos duerman duerma duermas

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