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Workshop on Strategic Programming, Monitoring and evaluation Focusing on Performance and REsults Madrid, 22 February 2013 Ines Hartwig DG Employment,

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop on Strategic Programming, Monitoring and evaluation Focusing on Performance and REsults Madrid, 22 February 2013 Ines Hartwig DG Employment,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop on Strategic Programming, Monitoring and evaluation Focusing on Performance and REsults Madrid, 22 February Ines Hartwig DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

2 Performance orientation
Link to Europe 2020 is essential Intervention logic to address challenges identified in country specific recommendations and NRP Drafting the strategy shall not start from a blank sheet of paper but shall be based on previous analytical work in the context of Europe 2020

3 Indicators They are key to monitoring
Financial, output and result – no impact indicators Indicators need a definition The Regulation establishes a legal obligation on the Member State to process micro data

4 Common ESF indicators Capture outputs, immediate and longer-term results OPs shall always report against all common indicators

5 Common ESF output indicators
People Entities - unemployed, incl. LTU* - LTU* - inactive* - inactive, not in education/training* - employed, incl. self-employed* number of projects fully or partially implemented by social partners or non-governmental organisations - below 25 years* - above 54 years* number of projects targeting publ. administrations or publ. services - with ISCED 1 or ISCED 2* - with ISCED 3 or ISCED 4* - with ISCED 5 to 8* number of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises supported - migrants, people with a foreign background, minorities (incl. marginalised communities such as Roma)** - disabled** - other disadvantaged**

6 Common ESF result indicators
Immediate Longer-term Inactive newly engaged in job searching upon leaving In employment 6 months after leaving In education/training upon leaving In self-employment 6 months after leaving Gaining a qualification upon leaving With an improved labour market situation 6 months after leaving In employment upon leaving Only for a sample of participants. Only reported in 2019 and 2023

7 Programme-specific indicators
In addition to common indicators Result indicators linked to the supported participant or entity YES: participants aged 20 or younger starting an apprenticeship NO: share of young people aged 20 or younger in apprenticeship

8 Baseline and targets Baselines for result indicators
Cumulative target values for 2022 Targets are quantified for common indicators (in absolute numbers or shares/rates) and quantified or qualitative for programme-specific result indicators

9 Example for baselines, indicators, targets for early school leaving
national/regional early school leaving rate, or: Early school leaving rate at the X% or X worst performing schools in the region/MS Indicators: Output: no of schools supported Result: no. of early school leavers at supported schools Result Target: early school leaving rate at supported schools, or: Reduction of early school leaving rate at supported schools by X% (in comparison to before support)

10 ESF Result indicators PS RI with quantitative target
Meas urem ent Unit Comm on output indicat or Basel ine Value Meas. Unit for Baseline & Target Basel ine Year Target Value (2022) Source of Data Freque ncy of reporti ng PS RI with quantitative target e.g. Participants aged in education or training upon leaving No. NA 60% % 2014 80% Monito ring 1/year PS RI without target e.g. Participants aged starting an apprenticeship CRI with target e.g. Participants in employment upon leaving Below years 50% 55%

11 Annual Implementation reports (AIR)
The first AIR in 2016, covering 2014 and 2015 Simplified reports in 2016, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022 Reports of a more strategic nature in 2017, 2019 & 2023 All data needs to be provided in order for a report to be admissible

12 Guidance documents ESF Guidance on monitoring and evaluation
ERDF/CF Guidance on monitoring and evaluation Guidance on ex ante evaluation (ERDF, ESF, CF) Guidance on counterfactual impact evaluations – to be published in December 2012 Technical paper on ESF programme-specific indicators

13 Performance framework

14 Performance Framework (1)
Set at priority axis level, per fund and per category of region, but consistency of the performance framework across programmes and funds Uses key implementation steps, financial, output and – where appropriate - result indicators Milestones for 2018, targets for 2022 Milestones & Targets use a subset of the indicators (except for implementation steps) Indicators must be representative of the priority axis

15 Performance Framework (2)
Milestones: For 2016 and 2018 for indicators which are a subset of those in the OP Targets for 2022 Milestones and Targets: financial indicators (2016, 2018, 2022) key implementation steps (2016) output indicators (2016, 2018, 2022) result indicators (2018, 2022) Milestones and targets report actual achievements but can be changed if justified

16 Performance Reserve and Review
5% of resources not allocated to programmes No competition between MS – reserve per Fund, Member State and category of region Allocated following the review in 2019 Allocation to priority axes where milestones have been achieved – based on Member State proposal

17 MFF Agreement Performance Framework
All Member States shall establish a national performance reserve for the Investment for growth and jobs goal of cohesion policy, as well as for EAFRD and EMFF, consisting of 7% of their total allocation

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