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Transforming Mars.

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Presentation on theme: "Transforming Mars."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transforming Mars

2 The Surface of Mars 1

3 The Surface of Mars 2

4 “Spirit” Mars probe “Spirit” Mars probe

5 Phoenix Mars probe

6 1. Mercury 2. Venus 3. Earth 4. Mars 8.Neptune 7.Uranus 5. Jupiter
6 7 8.Neptune 7.Uranus 5. Jupiter 6.Saturn 1.水 2.金 3.地 4.火 5.木 6.土 7.天 8.海

7 Earth VS Mars

8 Form (1) Earth Mars Length of one day 24 hours Length of one year 365 days Is there water? Yes There is________, but there is_____________. Main gases in atmosphere Nitrogen 78%, oxygen 21% Average temperature 15°C Gravity: weight of a 60 kg person 60kg About __________ Average distance from the Sun 150 million km __________ km 24.5 hours 687 days no water a lot of ice 95% carbon dioxide -60°C 20kg 228 million


10 Transforming Stages

11 Transforming Stage 1 (AD 2030-2045)
Expedition Underground buildings Experiments Look for site for future landings Check for signs of life Survive, spacesuits Low gravity, move easily

12 1. Distance from Earth to Mars: 55,000,000km
Speed of present spacecraft:12,000km per hour Trip time: 6 months 2. Population: 7,000,000,000 Capacity of spacecraft 40,000 Trip time: 6 months If there is only one spacecraft on the earth, how long will it take to transport man from the earth to Mars? 175,000years

13 Transforming Stage 2 (AD 2045-2095)
Huge solar mirrors, heat ice caps Spray black, not reflect heat away Chemicals released Atmosphere thicker, retain more heat Greenhouse effect start -40°C

14 Transforming Stage 3 (AD 2095-2130)
Plants introduced Carbon dioxide, convert into oxygen First clouds Sky, from pink to blue -15°C

15 Photosynthesis 光合作用

16 Transforming Stage 4 (AD 2130-2145)
Warming continue Melt more ice Rivers and small oceans People migrate (move), construct towns Trees Look greener 0°C


18 二氧化碳和水和阳光结合,然后产生氧气。 阳光照耀海洋. 海水蒸发到空气中形成云。 如果云层中的水滴足够重,它们在下雨落到地面。 雨水通过河流流回海洋。 Carbon dioxide combines water and sunshine, and then oxygen is produced. The sun shines on the ocean. The ocean water evaporates into the sky to form the clouds. If the water drops in the clouds are heavy enough, they will fall to the ground when it rains. The rain water flows back to the ocean through rivers.

19 Transforming Stage 5 (AD 2145-2185)
More like Earth The amount of oxygen rises Inhabitants, without spacesuits 10°C cities, farms, industries all over

20 Debate: Whether it is really worth transforming Mars and make it our home.

21 Requirement of debate Clear Loud Confident Polite Impressive Logical and reasonable My view is_______________________________________ Supporting ideas (1)_________________________________________ (2)_________________________________________ Possible Opponent’s ideas

22 Homework Find further information on Mars and solar system if you are interested Find information on China’s space industry and its effort in space exploration

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