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Pan-European Repository of T&D and Pan-European PDS

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Presentation on theme: "Pan-European Repository of T&D and Pan-European PDS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pan-European Repository of T&D and Pan-European PDS
3rd International Conference, Brno, Czech Republic Pan-European Repository of T&D and Pan-European PDS Julius Kravjar Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information Plagiarism across Europe and Beyond 2017

2 SITUATION National Repositories of T&D Plagiarism Detection Systems
Country level SK 4/2010 PL 10/2018

3 SITUATION Everyone is playing on his own piece of sand today
Are we able to choose a smart way for tomorrow?

4 ARE WE MATURED? Technology: matured Parliaments Governments Public

5 ARE WE MATURED? Pan-European Repository of T&D
Plagiarism Detection System

6 ARE WE MATURED? Pan-European Repository of T&D
Plagiarism Detection System sci-fi?

7 ARE WE MATURED? Is it a challenge for today or for tomorrow?

8 BACKING Openness Open Access Open Data Open Science

9 BACKING Policies The need The will The infrastructure
The support: national and EU levels

10 EU POLICIES Do we have Common Antiplagiarism Policy?
There are 13 sectoral policies The 13th is Culture, Education and Sport

11 EU POLICIES HE subpolicy: no common policy
on storage of and access to theses and dissertations on plagiarism

12 EU POLICIES DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture
The terms plagiarism and plagiarism policy - absent in the documents of this DG

13 EU POLICIES Question for DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture in the matter of EU policies concerning the storage and access to the HE T&D on the EU level the originality check of the HE T&D on the EU level

14 EU POLICIES Response from DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture
It is a matter of Member States The division of competences in the EU treaties do not leave questions of this nature for the Commission to propose legislation

15 EU POLICIES Response from DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture
Through policy support and concrete projects, the EC promotes better quality assurance of HE and recogni-tion of quality HE across borders, including on issues such as plagiarism and, related to this, fraud documents

Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present. B. Keane

Go Ethical, Go Digital, Go Open, Go Smart, Go Forward THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Julius KRAVJAR

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