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Overview of Fusion Blanket R&D In Japan

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1 Overview of Fusion Blanket R&D In Japan
February 25, 2004 ITER TBM Project Meeting at UCLA Satoru Tanaka

2 Blanket R&D in Japan “Medium-term research plan for power generating breeding blanket” August 2000, by Fusion Council - R&D for DEMO blanket. Blanket module test in ITER: important milestone. - Three C&Rs and selections scheduled - JAERI: core institute for solid blanket development as reference program Universities (NIFS): fundamental studies to obtain perspective on liquid blanket, material development, various fundamental studies on solid and liquid blankets Reference blanket JAERI: lithium ceramics cooled by (supercritical) water NIFS: FFHR, FLiBe as breeder and coolant Advanced blanket concepts with high coolant temperature, enhanced safety, high resistance for large neutron fluence Flibe Blanket, Liquid Lithium with Vanadium Alloy, and SiC/SiC-He cooled JUPITER-II: Japan-MEXT US-DOE collaborative project on advanced blankets , mainly using facilities at INEEL, UCLA, ORNL, ANL

3 Organization JAERI: Blanket Engineering Laboratory and related laboratories Universities and NIFS Various Networks Fusion Forum: JAERI, Universities, Industries Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Fusion Engineering Division 3. Fusion Engineering Network (Universities and NIFS)

4 Many Meetings on Blanket Engineering and TBM
October 22-24, th-TBWG at Garching November 10, JUPITER-II Domestic meeting at NIFS November 26, Panel at Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research at Mito December 8-14, 2003 Informal Meetings on TBM at Kyoto and Tokyo December 13, Fusion Engineering Network Meeting at NIFS February 17, Fusion Forum on Test Blanket Module at

5 Advanced Blanket: Liquid Lithium/Vanadium-Alloy 2. Flibe as Breeding Material and Coolant Solid Breeder and SiC/SiC (LiPb/He ) Li/V and Flibe blanket studies are being conducted in Japanese Universities (including NIFS(National Institute for Fusion Science) ) through Fusion Network System, partly by collaborations by JUPITER-II with US-DOE He cooled blankets will be studied by collaborative works by universities and JAERI.

6 Roadmap for Materials and Blanket Development in Japan
Approximate calendar year 1st commercial plant Design Materials and Blanket System Development Reference Material (RAFM) and System Power Generation Plant Design Construction Operation modification (Licencing) (Blanket test) ITER Blanket Module Test Advanced Materials (V-alloy, Flibe, SiC/SiC --) and System IFMIF Irradiation Test, Materials Qualification and System Performance Test (Staged construction and operation) Reference Blanket (Mostly JAERI responsibility) Advanced option (Mostly NIFS/University responsibility)

7 Blanket Test Module for Advanced Blankets
Blanket Module Test in ITER is an important milestone for R&D of advanced blankets. Testing in ITER is strongly interested in a certain stage, if possible and feasible from the first day. JAERI will be responsible for water cooled pebble bed in TBWG framework.(SWG3) He-cooled PB(SWG1), LiPb(SWG2), Li/V(SWG4), and salts(SWG5) will be pursued by universities and JAERI under international collaboration.

8 Current interests in various blankets by parties
JA EU US RF China Korea PB/He LiPb/He Pb/Water Li/V Salts

9 Japanese Members for ITER TBM Working Sub-Groups
WSG1 (Helium-cooled/Be (F/M steel, SiC/SiC) Blankets ) Akihiko Shimizu (Kyushu U.) Akira Hasegawa (Tohoku U.) Mikio Enoeda (JAERI) WSG2 (Helium-cooled Lithium Lead (F/M steel, SiC/SiC) Blankets ) Satoshi Konishi (Kyoto U.) Akira Kohyama (Kyoto U.) WSG3 (Water-Cooled Ceramic/Be (F/M steel) Blankets ) Akihiko Kimura (Kyoto U.) WSG4 (Self-Cooled Lithium (V) Blankets ) Takeo Muroga (NIFS) Satoru Tanaka (U. of Tokyo WSG5 (Self-Cooled Molten Salt Blankets) - Akio Sagara (NIFS) Satoru Tanaka (U. of Tokyo)

10 Summary of Current Status for TBMs
WSG1 (Helium-cooled/Be (F/M steel, SiC/SiC) Blankets ) - TBM of F/M steel has been proposed - SiC/SiC Blaket: DEMO Design Study (DREAM), SiC/SiC Material Tests, Specimen Irradiation Test, Research on Cooling, Some of them by JUPITER-II WSG2 (Helium-cooled Lithium Lead (F/M steel, SiC/SiC) Blankets ) - Demo Design Study (Vector), Many activities existed. Interesting also for ICF blanket, Proposal will be made WSG3 (Water-Cooled Ceramic/Be (F/M steel) Blankets ) - Demo Design Study, R&Ds on corrosion, heat transfer, material irradiation being conducted WSG4 (Self-Cooled Lithium (V) Blankets ) - Network activities in Universities/NIFS, Evaluation of Russian Design, Going to design Japanese Blanket, Planning of R&D, Researches on vanadium alloy, coating, impurity control, tritium recovery, cooling, some of them by JUPITER-II and by IFMIF. WSG5 (Self-Cooled Molten Salt Blankets) - Network activities in Universities/NIFS, Demo Design Sudy of FFHR, R&Ds on many parts (redox control, cooling, tritium recovery, …) some of them by JUPITER-II, by TNT-loop, planning of R&D for TBM.

11 Latest Japanese Strategy and Blankets
National program confirmed the combined DEMO/Proto strategy and pursues earlier introduction of fusion into the market Multiple generations of blanket and materials will be studied in the DEMO phase. JAERI will pursue supercritical water concept. Advanced concepts: He-cooled, Li/V, molten salt, and LiPb will be attempted for the test in ITER and DEMO. Japan investigates the possibility of testing all types of blankets under TBWG framework with universities involvements.

12 Suggestion by Japanese Universities
Japan proposes to include testing of SiC composite and high temperature blanket concepts in TBMs. He-cooled TBMs in the ITER arrangements must be revisited for multiple-party involvements. IFMIF will be utilized for both advanced materials and blanket development. IFMIF programs and ITER TBM studies will have to be harmonized.

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