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TAC Subaru UM /01/16 K. Shimasaku (chair)

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Presentation on theme: "TAC Subaru UM /01/16 K. Shimasaku (chair)"— Presentation transcript:

1 TAC Report @ Subaru UM 2008 2009/01/16 K. Shimasaku (chair)
TAC Members Review Process How to Win Subaru Nights Statistics International proposals exceed 10% 09B Schedule

2 Current Members (5th generation)
(綱吉) K. Shimasaku (Tokyo, chair) T. Onaka (Tokyo) M. Doi (Tokyo) H. Kawakita (Kyoto Sangyo) T. Kodama (NAOJ) T. Shigeyama (Tokyo) T. Totani (Kyoto) T. Nagata (Kyoto) T. Murayama (Tohoku)

3 Review Process 18 categories ⇒ 8 groups (each has ~20 proposals)
A-1 : solar, extrasolar B-1 : star formation, ISM B-2 : normal stars B-3 : compact objects and SNe C-1 : galaxy clusters, GL, LSS, cosm.params C-2 : high-z C-3 : nearby galaxies, LG, MW, starburst, misc C-4 : AGN/QSO, QSO abs. 5 referees for each group (Japanese = 3) Selection - relative scores (from referees) + TAC review - consider continuation, bad weather … - challenging (thus low-score) proposals can survive Service Proposals Each proposal is reviewed by 3 TAC members deviated scores science impacts requested nights comments from SS

4 S I N G How to Win Subaru Nights Sharp Science Large Impact
Novel Method Use Gemini

5 Statistics

6 Probability of acceptance gradually increases
submitted number Number of Proposals ratio Ratio accepted number

7 Allocated Nights all international Allocation Ratio

8 Fraction of International Proposals (based on allocated nights)
Exceeds the default value, 10%, for the recent 5 semesters

9 Allocated Proposals all international Allocation Ratio

10 Fraction of International Proposals
(based on the number of approved proposals) Exceeds the announced value, 10%, for the recent 5 semesters

11 09B Call for Proposals (plan)
Feb notice (tennet, web) Mar normal/intensive submission deadline Apr service submission deadline early Jun results sent to PIs Aug S09B starts

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