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Project funded by: Wild Rivers Coastal Alliance

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1 The Coquille River Tidegate Inventory By: the Coquille watershed Association
Project funded by: Wild Rivers Coastal Alliance Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board


3 Types Of Watershed Restoration Projects We Do:
Riparian Restoration Native trees & shrubs planting Invasive weed reduction Watershed Restoration Projects/Working Lands Improvement Livestock-exclusion fencing Off-channel water systems Sediment Reductions Erosion Control Road Decommissioning Improved heavy use areas Passage/Barrier Improvement Culverts Tidegates Instream Structures Large wood placement Rock weirs Spawning gravels Off-Channel Habitat Side channels Pools & Alcoves These actions will benefit not only fish, but all plants and animals and help to restore local eco-systems of working landscapes and diversity in fish runs, which will hopefully lead to eventual de-listing and greater recreational of commercial fishing opportunities

4 tidegates systems in the Coquille watershed

5 2013-2014 Tidegate & permitting assistance becomes hot topic
2014 The CWA meets with the WRCA and discusses the need for an inventory to convey the need to address failing infrastructure as well as try to find a way to assist landowners with working landscape issues such as permitting Funding was approved for the CWA to locate as many structures as possible Survey work was completed in 2015 with 114 structures 2015- current The Nature Conservancy also received funding to from WRCA to work with the CWA and convert finding to useful information including a prioritization list

6 The Coquille Tidegate/Water Control Structure Inventory
Project Purpose: 1)The project produced a comprehensive survey of tidegates in the Coquille River system. 2)The project will also increase community awareness about tidegates, landowner outreach could possibly lead to riparian and/or large wood projects once landowners are aware of options for restoration and the enhancement of their properties and working landscapes. *We will be able to work with partners to prioritize the structures *Use data to appeal to and secure funders for on-the-ground restoration projects. *Further research and provide data on how lower wetland and tidally-influenced areas with brackish waters are a key migration tool for developing and over- wintering fry/salmonids to acclimate from fresh water to the ocean, and improving that habitat by replacing failing/non-functioning tidegates and culverts with fish-friendly tidegates will lead to healthier and more abundant fish populations.

7 Process Overview: *Preliminary Research & Preparation- search for and review existing tidegate information, tax lot owner info etc. *Inventory & Assessment- Survey approximately 37.5 miles of river by boat. Contact landowners and survey by land. *Inventory Report- Compile collected data, meet with partners for assessment, feasibility and assist with priority rankings. *Project Development- Begin developing outreach and projects with willing landowners.

8 Preliminary Research & Preparation
Mattison tidegate study 2011 Approximately 36 listed tidegate. ODFW fish barrier layer OFPB_NHD_Publication gdb Review of tax lot layers along waterways Coos County/Assessors /Map Information/GIS Parcel Interactive web map Review of GIS mapping and crossing points. Arc GIS map imagery-CWA Google Earth

9 Mattison GPS points converted to GIS map


11 Inventory results 114 structures found along the 37 miles of river as well as on private land where permission was granted. 59 (52%) were 2 feet or less 32 (28%) were 2-5 feet 10 (9%) were 6-8 feet 5 (7%) were 6 feet or larger 4 (4%) were unknown Observations indicated: 28 (25%) Considered fully functioning for working landscape needs 11 (10%) Considered partially functioning with leaks 12 (11%) Considered not in functioning condition 63 (56%) unknown condition-not able to verify or not permission to access Fish passage % by ODFW standards is unknown at this time, some are on the ODFW barrier list.

12 Example site 13:. will show various data collected
Example site 13: *will show various data collected *pictures and site description/observation *Example of possible habitat improvements With the help of TNC priority ranking process we will have additional data of how the project ranks overall, potential acres of habitat behind the gate, potential data for conceptual project cost estimate.

13 Tidegate Primary Secondary or crossing
Lat & Long Approx. River Mile Survey method Tidegate Primary Secondary or crossing Size ft. Type Condition Notes Crossing Type Water depth at upstream/ inlet Upstream structure 1st ACW at upstream widthx10 2nd ACW at 20' above first 3rd ACW at 20' above second Water depth at down stream/ outlet Downstream structure 1st ACW at down stream widthx10 2nd ACW at 20' below first 3rd ACW at 20' below second Channel Name ODFW identified presence? ODFW identified tidegate as barrier? distance/ type to next barrier Potential habitat in all tris to next barriers 9 16.8 Boat Primary 3 metal- top hinge Appears working- currently closed- possibly leaking Unknown brand Round- CMP Appears good at tidegate. No acess to inside Tidal Rivers Edge No 10 17.8 Boat & Land 6x6 Metal hangers-wooden flaps Appear to be maintained and working Unknown brand, possibly leaks concrete- square 50 Appears clear and functioning- No acess to inside 5 30 60 Assumed unknown 3.77 10B same 11 18.65 4x4 Wooden flap w/ pet door Out of alignment- leaking Home made- gate on each end of pipe concrete/ corrigatede- round 4 **Appears to be concrete on one end and corrigates on the other. 3.75 Chained partially open-petdoor broke- leaking homemade 12 20.3 13 14.99 top hinge-Aluminum Rectangle gate on round culvert structure CMP-round 8 Appears clear and functioning- crossing is stable and retaining wall good 2 11.5 14.2 13.8 10.8 20 Hatchet Slough yes 4.6 miles 14 14.4 Wood & rubber mat with manual lift Unknown brand. Currently closed with manual control Plastic- round 8.5 Seestrom Creek 2009 feet Road culvert-unknown passage condition 2.09 miles 15 13.5 2x4 Wood hanging by rope Homemade Galvinized-round Eroded with retaining wall on both sides 5.5 6 Alder Creek 2,227 feet Road culvert-passable 2.02 miles 16 13.45 Top Hinge- Steel, CALCO Intact but ajar with debris Manual oporation- Concrete basin & footings Appears clear and functioning- crossing is stable Unknown 3.25 Unnammed trib 1553 feet Road Culvert-unknown 0.75 miles

14 #13 river mile 14. 4 is a primary tidegate/water control structure
#13 river mile 14.4 is a primary tidegate/water control structure. Tidegate appears to be functional, possible minor leaking. While considered functional to the landowner this could be considered a full fish barrier depending on operation management. Based on GIS map and ODF fish layer improvement to operation management or replacement with fish friendlier gate could improve fish access to approximately 4.6 miles of habitat.

15 ODFW Current and historical fish habitat indicated by yellow line behind barrier 13. Measured out to Approximately 4 miles of potential improved habitat access.

16 2,508Ac (3.9 sq. miles) of watershed
Site 13 (Hatchet Slough) 2,508Ac (3.9 sq. miles) of watershed 4 miles of coho habitat per ODFW layer 18.7 miles of stream network 34.7 ac of inundation area 1 know barrier at this time (tidegate)

17 Various Pictures of Structures



20 Biggest Project Challenges
Landowner may not be open to Federal, State or other regulatory agency involvement Project funding Lack of project development funds Funding match sources Funding timelines (1 or 2 yrs.) Permitting Complexity of information required length of time to process Associated use restrictions or requirements

21 Next Steps: *Continue Working with TNC staff to use data to complete prioritization *continue Working with ODFW to assist with prioritization *Continue landowner and agencies project development (3 in process) *continue to Seek and obtain funding *continue to Work with permitting agencies to streamline permitting process under certain conditions (PROGRAMATIC) *Improve project implementation timelines to meet working landscape needs *Share what we have learned with others

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