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What are the 2 methods of dating in Geologic Time?

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Presentation on theme: "What are the 2 methods of dating in Geologic Time?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are the 2 methods of dating in Geologic Time?

2 __________ and _______________ studied features preserved in rocks & present-day geologic processes.
Why is Sir Charles Lyell important? Uniformitarianism 

3 Seven principles of relative dating:
. Who formulated these principles? Who expounded upon these principles?

4 Original horizontality 
Superposition  Lateral continuity Grand Canyon, Ariz.

5 A B Inclusions In A & C, granite contains inclusions & is younger than the inclusions. In B, sandstone is younger than the granite b/c it contains inclusions of granite. Wisconsin C

6 Cross-cutting relationships 
Ontario, Canada Castaic, Ca Cross-cutting relationships 

7 Principle of deformed rocks 

8 Types of Unconformities
What are conformable contacts? Unconformities  What is a hiatus? Types of Unconformities

9 What is a Disconformity?
How are disconformities recognized?

10 What is an Angular unconformity?
James Hutton = 1st to recognize & understand the significance of an angular unconformity Siccar Point, Scotland

11 What is a Nonconformity?

12 What is correlation? Why do geologists use correlation?
Factors: What are Key beds?

13 Why are fossils important?
What are Index fossils?

14 What is Faunal succession?

15 Absolute-Dating ___________________________ discovered radioactivity in 1903. Radiometric dating  Radioactivity  Isotopes 

16 Radioactive decay  Alpha decay Beta decay Electron capture

17 Half-Lives

18 How was the Geologic Time Scale Developed?
How was the Geologic Time Scale Developed?

19 Can sedimentary rocks be dated radiometrically? Explain.
How are they dated?

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