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Multicultural Insight into Spirituality

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1 Multicultural Insight into Spirituality
“When the spirit is neglected, people die” (ref: Cultural and Spirituality in Ageing Migrant Communities Forum; Bruce Rumbold, 2009)

2 “relating to or affects the human spirit”
What is Spirituality Spirituality : “relating to or affects the human spirit” (Oxford English Dictionary 2008)

3 Culture, Spirituality and Religion
Many religions have changed their systems of belief over time and under the influence of cultures into which they have spread. People who subscribe to a particular religion in one part of the world may have different beliefs and ritual practices from those people of the same religion in another part of the world.

4 Diversity and Spirituality
Cultural background and religious affiliation have been strong indicators of the individual’s health and overall well being Provide strength and sustenance '… People who do not subscribe to any particular religious beliefs are just as content…’ (Study in Sydney Hospital NSW)

5 Culture and Spirituality
Primary features of cultures are: Past history Dominant and recognised religion Set of core values and traditions Regulated social systems Artefacts unique to a given society

6 Culture and Spirituality
Secondary features of cultures are: Common language or groups of languages Common physical and geographical boundaries Fixed pattern of living arrangements Socially accepted dietary, health and medical practices Shared moral and legislative systems

7 Diversity and Spirituality
Individual’s culture and religion form a fundamental part of a person makeup and are particularly important when a person is seriously ill. Diverse cultural behaviors and beliefs can lead to misunderstandings between service providers and consumers.



10 Diversity and Spirituality
Impact on service providers: Diverse Ageing population means: Various cultural context Various expectations Diverse clients (ref: Culture and Spirituality in Ageing Migrant Communities Forum; Prof Gary Bouma, 2009)

11 What do we know about CALD
Religious and spiritual rituals Social rituals: way of addressing an older person Role of the elderly in particular group Significant celebrations Food preferences Modesty Privacy (i.e. touching by person of opposite gender) Personal space Attitudes towards health, illness, and pain Attitudes towards death and dying, grief Folk/ traditional medicines

12 Concepts Mutual Pretence – bad to talk or discuss
Beliefs (God’s will or Allah will decide the time) A good death Bella Figura Not losing Face Respectful Comforting

13 End of life All spiritual needs are met *
Surrounded by family members and loved ones Do not die alone Peaceful and quiet passing Die in their sleep The more visitors, the better - a marker of respect from some communities * a challenge for some groups

14 Diversity and Spirituality
Emotional and behavioral expression Traditions and Practices Cultural Taboos Intergenerational needs and sensitivities (i.e. ancestors) Funeral and burial practices Unspoken rules regarding mourners, friends and relatives Tabooed language, behavior, daily routines, dress, food, relatives

15 Diversity and Spirituality
Preferred places for death and burial Attitudes to Anglo Australian mourning rituals and practices (conflicts and congruity) Attitudes to funeral directors Announcement of death Beliefs in afterlife Communications with the dead Grieving and its implications

16 Diversity and Spirituality
Challenges: How do we incorporate and include the many diverse cultural and religious beliefs of staff and consumers … including those who are not a member of any denomination.

17 Diversity and Spirituality in Care
Understand and acquire knowledge and resources: Role of Spirituality and Religion in the ageing migrant communities Explore various ways of helping older people in their search for life meaning, hope, identity and connectedness

18 Diversity and Spirituality in Care
Each of us is at the same time: like all others like some others like no other (ref: Cultural and Spirituality in Ageing Migrant Communities Forum; Bruce Rumbold, 2009)

19 Diversity and Spirituality in Care
Considerations: Philosophy of care, not strategy Acknowledges the importance of psychosocial and spiritual aspects Continuity of care to the end of life

20 Diversity and Spirituality
Strategies: Provide settings that feels secure Acknowledge stories about experiences and relationships Values, beliefs and superstitions (i.e. Karma) Culture versus Religion

21 Respecting Cultural Diversity
Challenges: Stereotypes and Prejudices Treating people of different cultures “equally” Value Judgements “If you treat everyone the same, you do not treat them equally” Rosa Colanero MAC CEO

22 What does respecting mean?
Being aware of differences Accepting differences Valuing and honouring differences Avoiding judgments of other cultural values, beliefs, practices

23 Multicultural Aged Care Inc.
17/06/2013 How can we do it? Principles of Cultural Intelligence (CQ) include: Anticipating that there is cultural diversity and that knowledge, skills, competencies and resources will be required to meet the cultural diversity of self; residents; clients; consumers; paid staff and volunteers Assuming values; attitudes and perceptions as culturally determined and diversity within society, communities, groups, family and individuals will be demonstrated Acknowledging other cultures; values; attitudes and perceptions as valid for their members Acquiring knowledge, skills, competencies and resources Accessing information; resources and training to develop cultural content knowledge, skills and competencies Assessing information; resources and services for cultural specific perspectives Applying knowledge, skills, competencies and resources Aspiring to responding to and reflecting core value characteristics as the critical ones for each culture Affirming culturally targeted responses; resources and actions Adjusting policies and procedures; programs; activities and actions Agreeing to modify responses and actions to meet needs in a culturally appropriate and targeted manner Attributing diverse cultural values; attitudes and responses and become more skilled and competent as well as sensitive Multicultural Aged Care Inc. Multicultural Aged Care Inc. Funded by Australian Government Department of Health Funded by Australian Government Department of Health

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