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Sentences with Two Object Pronouns

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1 Sentences with Two Object Pronouns
In this lesson you will: Review Direct Object Pronoun replacement. Review Indirect Object Pronouns replacement . Review Reflexive Pronouns. Learn how to correctly form a sentence in Spanish with two pronoun replacement. Please use the buttons to move forward or back.

2 The Direct Object Remember, the Direct Object answers the question What? (¿Qué?) or Whom? (¿Quién?) with the regard to the verb. What did I read? --> a book Who did I meet? --> her parents

3 Direct Object Pronouns
me --> you --> he/ she/ it / you formal --> us --> ya’ll (Spain) --> them / you pl. formal --> me te lo / la nos os los / las

4 Direct Object Pronoun Placement and Rules
The subject completes the action of the verb. The direct object receives the action of the verb. The direct object answers the question what or whom in relation to the verb. The pronoun is placed before a conjugated verb or directly attached to an infinitive. The pronoun must agree in gender and number with the object it is replacing

5 Examples of Direct Object Pronoun Replacement
Voy a dar el libro a Paco. voy a dar a Paco. Voy a dar a Paco. Lo lo Tienes que llamar a tus hermanas. tienes que llamar. Tienes que llamar Las las

6 Let’s test your skill! Click on the box containing your answer. lo los
Replace the following nouns with their corresponding pronoun. Click on the box containing your answer. lo los la las Ellos tienen el libro. Ellos tienen. Me Te Lo La Yo conozco a Juanes conozco. Tú ves a mí Tú ves. me te lo la ¿Cuándo hiciste la cama? hice a las 8:00. Lo Los La Las

7 ¡Qué nota! I think you’ve got the idea! Try another one!

8 ¡Qué mala leche! Check the gender of your noun!
Is it masculino (lo) or femenina (la)

9 ¡Qué mala suerte! Check the gender and number of your noun!
Is it masculino (lo / los) or femenina (la / las)

10 ¡Nones! Check the number of your noun!
Is it singular (lo)/(la) or plural (los)/ (las)

11 ¡Ay no! Ask yourself who is doing the action of the verb?
Ask yourself Whom is receiving the action of the verb?

12 ¡Caramba! Check the gender of the direct object.
Ask yourself Whom is receiving the action of the verb?

13 ¡Exatamente! You’re doing great!
Let’s move on to a review of the indirect object and the pronouns!

14 The Indirect Object Remember, the Indirect Object answers the question to or for what? (¿A o para qué?) or to or for whom? (¿A o para quién?) with the regard to the verb. Another way of looking at is is to say that the indirect object tells us where the direct object is going.

15 Let’s identify the direct and indirect objects in the following sentence.
He buys me flowers. (He buys flowers for me) What does he give? He gives _________________; thus_________________ = the Direct Object Where are the flowers going? He gives the flowers , thus ___________ = Indirect Object the flowers the flowers to me me

16 Indirect Object Pronouns
to or for me --> to or for you --> to or for him/ her/ it / you formal --> to or for us --> to or for ya’ll (Spain) --> to or for them / you pl. formal --> me te le nos os les

17 Indirect Object Pronoun Placement and Rules
The subject completes the action of the verb. The direct object receives the action of the verb. The indirect object answers the question to or for what or to or for whom in regard to the verb. The indirect object tells us where the direct object is going. The pronoun is placed before a conjugated verb or directly attached to an infinitive.

18 Examples of Indirect Object Pronoun Replacement
Voy a dar el libro a Paco. voy a dar el libro. Voy a dar el libro. Le le Canto la canción para ellas. canto la canción. Les

19 Let’s test your skill again!
Replace the following nouns with their corresponding pronoun. Click on the box containing your answer. Yo digo la verada a tí. Yo digo la verdad. me te le nos les Ella no compra una coca cola para Luis. Ella no compra una coca cola. me te le nos les Él quiere dar un regalo a mí. Él quiere dar un regalo. me te le nos les

20 ¡Qué nota! I think you’ve got the idea! Try another one!

21 ¡Qué mala leche! You picked a wrong indirect object pronoun! Yo digo
Ask yourself….. Who is the subject….the verber? What or whom is receiving the action of the verb….. the verbed (DO)? To or for what or whom is the direct object intended (IO)? Yo digo la verdad a ti.

22 ¡Qué mala suerte! You picked a wrong indirect object pronoun!
Ask yourself….. Who is the subject….the verber? What or whom is receiving the action of the verb.. the verbed (DO)? To or for what or whom is the direct object intended (IO)? Ella no compra una coca cola para Luis.

23 ¡Nones! You picked a wrong indirect object pronoun! Él quiere dar
Ask yourself….. Who is the subject….the verber? What or whom is receiving the action of the verb.. the verbed (DO)? To or for what or whom is the direct object intended (IO)? Él quiere dar un regalo a mí.

24 ¡Exatamente! You’re doing great!
Let’s move on to a review of reflexive verbs and their pronouns!

25 Reflexive Verbs and Pronouns
Reflexive verbs are ones in which the Subject (performer)and the Direct Object are the same person (or thing). The reflexive pronoun must agree with the subject of the verb. The reflexive pronoun is placed before a conjugated verb or directly attached to an infinitive.

26 Singular Plural me nos te os se se
Reflexive pronouns are tiny words that carry the power to change the meaning of a sentence. Singular Plural me nos te os se se (myself) (ourselves) (yourself) (yourselves) (himself ; herself ; yourself) (themselves ;yourselves)

27 Examples of Reflexive Verb Conjugation
Jane washes her hair. Jane se lava el pelo. Direct Object Subject Are the same I shower (myself) Me baño Se peinan They comb their hair Nos acostamos We go to bed

28 Let’s test your skill once more!
Choose the correct reflexive pronoun according to the subject of the verb. Click on the box containing your answer. me te se nos os ducho seca me te se nos os cepillan me te se nos os laváis me te se nos os

29 ¡Fenomenal! By Jorge, I think you’ve got it! Try another one!

30 ¡Uff! Check the ending of your verb to help you identify the subject!

31 Yes, it can be done! ¡Eres lo máximo! Double Pronoun Replacement!
Now that you have mastered Direct Object, Indirect Object and Reflexive Pronouns, it’s time to really see something cool……. Double Pronoun Replacement! Yes, it can be done!

32 Here are all the pronouns
Pronombres Reflexivos Pronombres Indirecto Pronombres Directos (w/ refelxive verbs) (to or for whom or what?) (what or whom?) me nos te os se me nos te os le les me nos te os lo, la los, las Three things to ask : How many object pronouns can you have in one sentence? Can you place them in any order? Are there any orthographic changes we need to know about?

33 How many object pronouns can you have in one sentence?
Ella te las vende Yo me las lavo. Él no quiere decirnosla. 2 3

34 Try again! 2 1 Ella te las vende Yo me las lavo.
Él no quiere decirnosla. 1

35 Interesting enough, Double pronoun replacement means you will never
have more than two pronouns in one sentence. Two is the maximum number of pronouns that can appear together, the possible combinations are: reflexive-indirect (rare) reflexive-direct Me las lavo I wash them (my hands) myself. indirect-direct Yo te la digo I tell it to you.

36 2. Can you place them in any order?
Ella te las vende Yo me las lavo. Él no quiere decírnosla. No

37 You know that would be way too easy!
¡Ay no¡ You know that would be way too easy!

38 ¡Lo tienes! There sure is an order to pronoun placement!
 The RID rule: When you have two object pronouns in sentences, these pronouns will appear in the RID order _________________, _________________, _______________________ object pronouns. Reflexive Indirect Direct Ella vende Yo lavo. Él no quiere decír te las me las nos la

39 RID in Sentences with Two Verbs
In sentences that have two verbs, the RID rule is still applied. When you have two verbs, you have two options for placement. 1. Te lo quiero decir 2. Quiero decírtelo

40 Just as you did with one pronoun and two verbs.
You can place the two pronouns before the first, conjugated verb. quiero decir necesitas dar. 2. You can attach both the pronouns directly to the second/ infinitive verb. Quiero decír Necesitas dár Te lo Me la telo. mela. Since adding two pronouns add two syllables to the word an accent is needed to maintain the original stress of the word. It will always fall on the vowel of the verb ending. (-ár, -ér, -ír)

41 Are there any orthographic changes we need to know about?
Ella te las vende She sells them to you. Ella se las vende She sells them to him/her. Él no quiere decírnosla. He doesn’t want to tell it to us. Él no quiere decírsela He doesn’t want to tell it to him/her. No

42 ¡Sí señores! You need to remember this important rule:
The Eric Clapton & Criminal Rule A. Only Eric Clapton can le la B. Only criminals can le lo C. In Spanish we se la and se lo

43 ¡Caramba! There always seems to be spelling changes when the Spanish Academy of Language doesn’t like a sound. Spanish done not allow for the same sound to repeat itself, so you may not: Le / les la, le / les lo, le/ les las or le / les los

44 The La La (Eric Clapton) Rule
When both the direct and the indirect objects are in the third persons, both pronouns, regardless of number or gender; will begin with the letter L. To avoid a difficult pronunciation of two small words starting with the same sound they change the indirect object to se. Se Le lo dices tú.

45 Let’s review the rules for Double Pronoun Replacement
You will never have more than two object pronouns in any given sentence. Apply the RID rule for order. Reflexive, Indirect, Direct Apply the La La (Eric Clapton) Rule, if both the direct and indirect objects are in the third person, change the indirect object to se . In sentences with two verbs, the pronouns can be placed in front of the conjugated verb or directly attached to the second/ infinitive verb.

46 Let’s test your skill yet one more time!
Replace the following nouns with their corresponding pronoun. Click on the box containing your answer. te la te lo 1. You buy it (m.) for yourself Tú compras. nos la se la 2. The chef cook us a meal. Él cocina. The cannibal cooks us for his friends. Él cocina. les nos nos los le la se la 4. He sings it (f.) to her Él canta.

47 ¡Excelente! Es fácil ¿no? Try another one!

48 ¡Pare el autobús! Check for the subject of the verb.
Whom or what is receiving the action of the verb (DO). To or for whom or what is the DO intended(IO)?

49 ¡Yupi! You have completed this tutorial on Double Object Pronoun replacement! Now let’s see what you can do! Please move to the next slide and follow the directions.

50 Please read all directions before moving on.
You will now go the Internet to complete an online quiz. Once you complete the quiz: Print off your results. Close out the Internet and return to the tutorial. After returning from the Internet use the mouse to click on the screen to return to lesson. Then move to the next screen. Click here to go to quiz

51 You are now done! Eject the disk and return to the teacher. ¡Gracias!

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