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Соловьева Е.Ф. учитель английского языка МОУ «Гимназия №7»

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Presentation on theme: "Соловьева Е.Ф. учитель английского языка МОУ «Гимназия №7»"— Presentation transcript:

1 Соловьева Е.Ф. учитель английского языка МОУ «Гимназия №7»
Развитие навыков аудирования на начальном этапе обучения английскому языку.

2 Developing Listening Skills
What skill do children develop first in their mother tongue? How do they do that? being exposed to language reacting (gestures, face expression, movements..miming) Silent period

3 TPR – Activities (Total Physical Response)
When Ls respond to the teacher’s instructions without speaking. They can gain a lot of confidence in themselves because they actively understand the key language points without having to reproduce it at such an early stage Miming, Draw on a partner’s back of hand with a finger, Draw the actions/instructions on a sheet of paper, then describe their drawings

4 Developing Listening Skills
Why we listen? In real Life: To get info For pleasure In the classroom: To practise sounds To differentiate sounds and letters

5 What we listen In real life:
Other people, songs, news, TV programmes, films In the classroom: Songs Chants (poems) Stories Teacher’s instructions Classmates (group partners)

6 Typical Listening Tasks
Listen and Do Listen and Draw Listen and Colour Listen and Match Listen and Order Crafting

7 Three-Phase Framework
Pre ( Aims: to motivate Learners, to prepare them for a language and for a context) While (Listen and Do) Post (Aims: to integrate with another skill: speaking, writing, reading)

8 How we listen? In real life/In the classroom: To get specific info - scanning To get a gist (main idea) - skimming To get all details - detailed

9 Instructions/Listening Aims
Listen and Draw/Colour - Listen and Match phrases to each character – Listen to a story and put it in order - Listen and give a title to the story – Listen and say what toy Lucy has got - Listen and say true or false Listen and draw lines - Listen and write a name or a number to each picture Listen and tick the box

10 Quiz What are priority skills with Yls? What is TPR?
Three-Phase Framework? Why Crafting? Why Action-Story? Three purposes in listening?

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