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Managing the Bowl for Kids’ Sake Committee

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Presentation on theme: "Managing the Bowl for Kids’ Sake Committee"— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing the Bowl for Kids’ Sake Committee
June 12, 2012

2 Objectives What’s at Stake Finding the Right Volunteers
Training Them to Be the Best Managing Them to Keep the Best 2

3 Bowl for Kids’ Sake is a volunteer rich opportunity
What types of volunteers does your agency need to pull off a successful Bowl For Kids’ Sake? Team Captains Event Day Volunteers Bowlers Company Coordinators 3 3

4 BFKS Committee Bowl for Kids’ Sake is a major undertaking and in order to make it pay off for your agency, you need committed committee members! Don’t settle for warm bodies or worker bees– Find the Best! 4

5 What are you looking for?
Wisdom Needed expertise Wealth or affluence Philanthropic Willing and able to help or the potential to do so Large network Respect in the community Integrity Passionate about your organization or the potential to be so 5

6 Find out more Think about someone you would like to join the Bowl for Kids’ Sake Committee. How many of the characteristics does he or she have? Perhaps you’re not sure of some of them and need to discover this information Offer opportunities for the wider community to get involved, but to get a well-rounded committee, you will need to put some effort into recruiting volunteers 6

7 Step 1: Identify the Potential
Identifying a core group of volunteer leaders is the best way to start. Who knows your agency well? Who cares deeply and is actively involved already? Does he or she have the ability to give money? Does he or she know others who can? Who are your best PAST LEADERS? 7

8 Create a Job Description
Be clear about: Why you need a committee member What you want them to DO The time period for the campaign The time commitment needed Expectations How your agency will support the member Explain how their involvement with the Bowl for Kids’ Sake Committee will impact your mission! 8

9 Step 2: Recruit your Committee
As you recruit, think about what your agency needs to make Bowl for Kids’ Sake Successful Be able to articulate the mission Be willing to open doors Skill in asking or ability to learn Ability to take the time to network and make some face-to-face visits Bring knowledge, expertise and fresh ideas Erin will respond to How 9

10 Step 3: Talk about the mission
Explain Bowl for Kids’ Sake’s role in enabling your agency to fulfill your mission. Bowl for Kids’ Sake raises 1/3 of our budget and is our largest source of unrestricted dollars. This means the money we raise can be put to immediate use where it will do the most good. If we reach our goal of $120,000 by April 30, we’ll be able to expand our program to a new school. 10

11 Step 4: Set Goals Once you’ve explained the need, talk about how you’re going to meet that need. Set individual goals for each committee member that tie back to your overall goal. Make sure you have buy-in and the volunteers are committed to the outcome. 11

12 Managing the Committee
Volunteers are just that. This is not their job. We have to provide content and support in a timely, manageable way. Being the staff for a committee or volunteers requires passive support. Provide the volunteer with the tools, information and resources requested Make suggestions Take some initiative- Reach out! 12

13 Checklist for Success! The assignment is clear
Do your volunteers know there is an assignment? The assignment is important and interesting Do your ask your volunteers to blow up balloons or serve pizza or to raise money? The volunteer has the skills and ability to carry it out Are your volunteers in over their heads? The volunteer is committed to the outcome Did they reluctantly raise their hand? Are they non-committal? Did they agree with the “why” behind the goal? 13

14 Professionally Supported Volunteers
Make a Plan Set Mini-Goals Report Back Meet or Communicate Regularly So, you’ve used the checklist for success to make sure you’ve got the right volunteer in the right role. We often say that BBBS is a professionally supported volunteer organization- that’s true for our BFKS volunteers as well as our Bigs. Here are some strategies to help your volunteers stay on track. This isn’t necessarily “training”- it’s good volunteer support 14

15 Make a Plan Check out the BFKS timeline to help you create a detailed plan! Schedule meetings in advance Plan with the BFKS committee to increase their ownership 15

16 Benchmarks Check out the BFKS timeline to see how you can break larger goals into smaller, manageable goals Hold the BFKS Committee accountable Don’t just set revenue benchmarks!! Set dates for recruiting %’s of Team Captains, Sponsorships, etc Walk volunteers through the next steps How to sign up teams How to secure sponsorships Make sure they’re clear about next steps 16

17 Report Back Help them see how their efforts make a difference in the big picture. Keep everyone motivated by letting them know how the campaign is progressing. Let the committee decide how frequently they want to update each other. If you’re using Sphere, your Committee can view their real time results. 17

18 R Regular Communication egular communication Vary the messenger
Decide when the messages should come from staff, the BFKS Chair, or outsiders (Bigs/Littles) Vary the format , face to face meetings, and phone calls all have their place. Communicate specific actions and tie it back to the mission Communication is key to your success! Figure out the best way to communicate with each group- and don’t rely on only one kind of communication- there should be phone calls, s, and don’t forget snail-mail! Erin- I would like to highlight here, if we haven’t hit it already, the Honorary Big/ Little. One message I want to drive home is to remind volunteers of why they are involved and why their work is important! 18

19 R Wrap Up egular communication
The Bowl for Kids’ Sake Committee costs a little staff time but is well worth the effort. Use your committee wisely Plan effectively and report back on progress Tie the work back to your mission 19

20 Contact Info Jennifer Ashbaugh

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