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An opportunity for ontario

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1 An opportunity for ontario
@TOHealthToronto An opportunity for ontario

2 Life science sector is an economic driver for ontario
From LSO Life Science Sector Report 2015

3 Growing commitment from all levels of government
Municipal Refocusing on regional economic development with formation of Newco Municipalities hiring Life Science Sector officers Provincial Ontario Health Innovation Council (OHIC) report and recommendations refocus Ontario on economic development in the health sector (Dec 2014) MRI support for the BIO International Convention Toronto Bid for 2019 Federal Independent Panel on Federal support to Research and Development (Jenkins report) recommends a transition to applied research (2014) Advisory Panel on Healthcare Innovation (Naylor report) recommends a systematic funding to improve innovation and adoption of improvements to the healthcare system in Canada (July 2015)

4 Toronto region is at the centre of economic growth for the sector
Sanofi Pasteur expanded manufacturing capability (2011) $180 million invested, 1200 people employed Roche Global Pharmaceutical Development Site (2013) $190 million invested, 160 jobs created Ipsen Biopharmaceuticals opens headquarters in Canada (2015) 40 jobs created Biolab (Brazil) to expand operations internationally (2015) $40M investment over next two years Direct involvement of TO Health! in this program to take residence in MaRS and be North America’s largest J&J center for incubation of start-ups

5 TO Health! is a resource to intensify and build on momentum
We are a promotion cooperative focused on raising the profile of the Toronto region human health & sciences cluster.

6 About TO health! Vision Together we will make the Toronto region globally renowned for its dynamic and innovative human health & sciences ecosystem, placed in the top five of global human health & science clusters. Mission We will increase revenue growth opportunities for the Toronto region by attracting more risk capital, corporate investment and qualified talent to the cluster participants. 🔍 Briefing Document

7 Accomplishments to date
Activity Details Date Defined HHS cluster vision, mission and goals HHS committee, with consultation and input from stakeholders in the cluster 2014 Brand identity and visuals were created TOHealth! logo, look and feel created by KHJ, approved by committee March 2015 Social media presence created 221 followers to date, daily interactions and building momentum May 2015 Soft launch of TOHealth prior to HealthKick May 6th, 2015 Gave the participants in the cluster the first look at the branding, stated the Vision and Mission and call to action: ~150 people attended, Elaine Campbell, Jan De Sliva, Stefan Larson, Paul Lepage presented May 6th, 2015 TO Health being called upon for speaking engagements in the community LSO breakfast May 2015; MaRS Healthcare vertical May 2015; Shift Health Lunch and Learn May/June 2015 Participated in pitch to Biolab (Brazil) with Invest Toronto, MaRS. Company has decided to invest and locate in Toronto region ($40M investment June 2015 Participated in Bio 2015, part of the Ontario pavilion, alongside LSO, City of Toronto, City of Mississauga, BioteCanada; Over 50 meetings with potential sponsors, brand ambassadors. Intimately involved in BIO 2019 Toronto bid, alongside LSO, MRI, industry leaders Provided materials, HHS committee members present to be ambassadors of the cluster/region August 26th, 2015

8 Toronto region is the only growing metro region in north America
The region welcomes about 100,000 new residents every year. Canada’s skills-based immigration system ensures many are highly skilled 53% 13% 22% 27% 29% Source: Statistics Canada (Toronto & Montreal Census Metropolitan Areas) and US Census (US Metropolitan Statistical Areas) for US Cities, 1991 for Canadian Cities

9 Toronto region: A global Cluster
Toronto region has a solid foundation for dynamic growth. We have the scale and scope to place among the world’s top human health science clusters. Source: Jones, Lang, LaSalle. Life Sciences Cluster Report 2014 Briefing Document

10 Toronto Region human health + sciences cluster
North Downtown “High Tech Capital” 100 ICT companies 1 university, 3 colleges Multinational generic, digital and medical device companies Neutraceutical and manufacturing operations “Discovery district” 9 research hospitals, 10 community hospitals 3 universities, 3 colleges, 37 research institutes 160 biotechnology and medical device companies east West “Advanced manufacturing” Multinational generics and digital companies Laboratories, manufacturing and warehousing operations 1 university campus, 3 hospitals “Pill Hill” 30 multinational pharma and medical device companies 30+ small and medium biotechnology and medical device companies Laboratories, manufacturing and warehousing operations 1 university campus, 1 college, 6 hospitals Briefing Document

11 Global clinical trials World-leading Academic & Translational research
Perfect mix of science, business and lifestyle in the only growing metro region A centre for Global clinical trials World-leading Academic & Translational research Briefing Document

12 World-leading Academic & Translational research
Globally recognized research universities Over $1B in research funding at universities and partner hospitals University of Toronto is the #2 university for publications and citations 9300+ life science graduates annually

13 World-leading Academic & Translational research
Toronto region Hospitals: a Driving Force for research $840.5 million in research revenue over 9500 researchers and research staff 277 IP disclosures and 73 commercializations Source: 2013/14 metrics from CAHO CRF/RIM database

14 Toronto Region areas of expertise/Assets
THERAPEUTIC AREA EXPERTISE CANCER NEUROSCIENCE CHRONIC DISEASES Cellular and Regenerative Medicine Genomics Imaging and Medical Devices Digital and Informatics TECHNOLOGY VEHICLE EXPERTISE

15 A centre for Global clinical trials
Toronto Region is the place for Global Clinical Trials Lower clinical trial management costs than in the U.S. Improved approval speed and further cost reductions, thanks to a recent move to a single ethics review for multi- centre clinical trials Data compiled from For more information, contact Clinical Trials Ontario -

16 Advanced business environment
Lower Cost of doing business Source: Competitive Alternatives, KPMG’s Guide to International Business Location Costs Edition Canada has a cost advantage compared to U.S. The 3 major U.S. health sciences clusters are above the U.S. baseline for costs of doing business (Boston, NY, SF) Source: KPMG. Competitive Alternatives: 2014 Edition. Pp

17 Advanced business environment
Access to Generous Tax Incentive Program The Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Incentive Program (SR&ED) provides investment tax credits to individuals or corporations that conduct research and development in Canada 35% of eligible expenses Refundable on the first $3M of SR&ED expenses Taxable income and taxable capital thresholds to be maintained for refund-ability Provincial refund ability 20% of eligible expenses 40% refund ability on SR&ED expenses in excess of $3M Other Benefits: accelerated write-offs, timing on utilization of expenditures, unused credits carry forward Provincial Credits also available Source & more info at:

18 You and Your Employees Will Love Living Here
Dynamic Metro Region You and Your Employees Will Love Living Here #1 Best Place to Live Cities Ranking, January (Safety, liveability, cost of living, business environment, democracy and food security) Source:


20 WE ALL BENEFIT Suppliers & Services Companies Organizations
Pharmaceuticals/ Biologics Research/Skills Development Organizations Specialized Business Services Medical Devices Innovation Organizations Specialized Risk Capital Industry Associations Health Care IT Healthcare Delivery Organizations Private Payers Contract Research/Mfg Government Patient Advocates


22 Engaged Human health cluster committee
Pharmaceuticals/Biologics Elaine Campbell, Co-chair, Past President, AstraZeneca Canada Mark Lievonen, President, Sanofi Pasteur Limited Ghislain Boudreau, Vice President, Public Affairs, Pfizer Canada Thomas P. Reeves, President, Interface Biologics Research Hospitals Barry McLellan, Co-chair, President and CEO, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Innovation Organizations Ilse Treurnicht, CEO, MaRS Discovery District Zayna Khayat, Senior Advisor Health System Innovation, MaRS Discovery District Susan Marlin, President & CEO, Clinical Trials Ontario Michael May, CEO, Centre for Commercialization of Regenerative Medicine Specialized Business Services Paola Cipolla, Audit Leader, Biotechnology Industry, GTA KPMG Medical Technology/Digital Health Neil Fraser, President & Regional Vice President, Medtronic of Canada Ltd. Frank Florio, President, BD Canada Paul Lepage, President, Telus Health Health Care Delivery Sue Paish, President & CEO, LifeLabs Universities & Colleges Peter Lewis, Interim Vice President – Research, University of Toronto Finance Benjamin Rovinski, Managing Director, Lumira Capital Stefan Larson, Executive-in-Residence, Versant Ventures Facilitating Partner Janet De Silva, CEO Toronto Region Board of Trade Briefing Document

23 TO Health! 3 year plan of action

24 Proposed governance model
Industry led TO Health! is an industry led private-public partnership. Going forward, the Human Health & Sciences committee will consist of executives from sponsor organizations determining strategy and directing activities of the initiative. Economic development TO Health! is a cluster initiative, which fits into an economic development mandate for the Toronto region. Going forward, we will continue seeking further support from the City of Toronto, other municipalities and the new regional economic development organization. Funding TO Health! will be funded through a variety of sources including private industry sponsorship and in-kind contributions from key stakeholders, government support and brand ambassadors. Briefing Document

25 Come discover the action
Talent Investors Business Be at the centre of over $1 billion in annual research spending, global calibre of basic and translational research, vibrant clinical research networks and a thriving independent clinical research community Live big in a large, cosmopolitan and diverse mega-city with a quality of life friendly to families and young professionals Tap into strong, geographically concentrated network of universities/colleges, 9 research hospitals, established companies and vibrant start-ups Discover a target rich environment for a diverse health investment portfolio at attractive valuations Assess centralized health data and large diverse pool of potential clinical trial patients, who are more motivated and educated than many other groups, including the U.S. Take advantage of a lower cost business environment, generous tax incentives and government support Briefing Document

26 Want to learn more? Contact us at: @TOHealthToronto

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