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The Early Christian Church

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1 The Early Christian Church

2 Organization of the Early Church
As the Roman state fell apart, the Christian Church became more influential, playing an increasingly important role in the growth of a new European civilization. The Church and its system of government offered stability to society. Priests and parishes (a local church) Bishops and bishoprics (a group of parishes) Archbishops and provinces (a group of bishoprics) The Pope (head of church)

3 Organization of the Early Church
Originally there were bishops that held a great amount of power from four great cities– Rome, Jerusalem, Alexandria, and Antioch Tradition suggests that these churches were founded by four of the original apostles. Peter was the first bishop of Rome. Jesus gave Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven. The bishop of Rome claimed that he was the head of the church. They were soon to be know as popes (papa, or “father).

4 Gregory I While western Christians came to accept the pope as the head of the Church, many did not agree on how much power the pope should have. Pope Gregory I strengthened the power of the papacy and the Roman Catholic Church. Known as Gregory the Great Reigned from 590 to 604

5 Gregory I Gregory took control of Rome and its surrounding territories, which later became known as the Papal States. Gregory extended papal authority over the Church in the west and worked to convert non-Christians to Christianity. He used the monastic movement to gain new converts.

6 The Monks and Their Missions
A monk was one who sought to separate himself from ordinary human society in order to dedicate himself to God. Monks began to live in monasteries headed by abbots. The practice of living the life of a monk is called monasticism.

7 The Monks and Their Missions
Although they lived alone at first, their holiness attracted followers; thus making it difficult to remain alone. Thus Monasteries were formed. These communities were seen as the ideal Christian society.

8 Benedict Founded a monastic house and created a set of strict rules to follow. The day was broken up between prayer “work of God” and manual labor. Work was required for most of the day because “idleness is the enemy of the soul” The rest of the day consisted of meditating, prayer, chanting, and reading.

9 Monastery Life The monastery was ruled by an abbot, or “father”.
Monks were required to do as the abbot required without question. To break from this resulted in severe punishment

10 Impact on Society Monasteries served as:
Hospitals Hotels Schools Monks also copied manuscripts, the Bible, and ancient Latin works in a scriptorium, or writing room. Most of the ancient texts we have from the Roman era was preserved by monks. Monks were also missionaries, people who converted non-Christians into Christians.

11 Women Female monks were known as nuns.
They lived in convents headed by abbesses. To be a nun was considered a very respectable and honorable position to take in society.

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