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General Information & Resources to Improve Success OSU Marion

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1 General Information & Resources to Improve Success OSU Marion
Academic Standing General Information & Resources to Improve Success OSU Marion

2 Success at OSU At OSU we want you to be a successful student in all areas (academically and socially) We want you to feel connected to the university As advisors we are your advocates We provide referrals of resources and support to ensure student success

3 Requirements to be a pre-major in SHRS
Current OSU students must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA Typically the average admitted GPA is higher than a 3.0 Complete prerequisite courses with a C- or higher Observation/Shadowing hours (varies by program)

4 Consequences of not meeting the requirements
May not get admitted to desired professional program Applications are only submitted once a year (with the exception of Health Sciences) could delay graduation May have to re-take classes GPA consequences Academic Warning – university action Program Probation – department action Academic Probation – university action Program Dismissal – department action Academic Dismissal – university action

5 Academic Action Program Action
Consequences could be Academic Warning, Academic Probation, and/or Academic Dismissal – which all go on your permanent record Probation for the university Less than a 2.0 GPA Schedule will be locked Cannot add/drop a class until the lock is removed To remove the lock, you will be advised to complete a quiz with a 70% or higher – student will receive instructions to access the quiz Must improve your cumulative GPA to at least a 2.0, if already on academic probation and GPA does not improve it may lead to academic dismissal Consequences could be Program Probation and/or Program Dismissal – which do not go on your permanent record Department action – not university action May still be in good standing for the university *Assigned at the discretion of the academic unit Less than a 2.5 GPA May not be eligible to apply to SHRS major Schedule will be locked Cannot add/drop a class until the lock is removed To remove the lock, you will be advised to complete a quiz with a 70% or higher – student will receive instructions to access the quiz

6 Academic Warning Consequence goes on Academic Record
Typically for First Term Students who have below a 2.0 OSU GPA If student does not show vast improvement and/or does not improve cumulative GPA above a 2.0 for the next semester, students are typically placed on Academic Probation

7 Academic Probation Consequence goes on Academic Record
Cumulative GPA is below a 2.0 Two E’s or an EN letter grade – are automatically placed on Academic Probation* Any rank can get this consequence Students can only schedule 15 credit hours If no improvement for the next semester students can get Academically Dismissed from OSU *SHRS Policy

8 Academic Dismissal Consequence goes on Academic Record
If you are on Academic Probation and you continue to show consistent poor academic performance and do not improve your cumulative GPA to above a 2.0 you could be academically dismissed from the university If this occurs: you will need to register at another institution to improve your GPA (generally 3 semesters or a full calendar year, dependent on the unit) If you return to Ohio State, you will need to be reinstated Each school has different requirements for reinstatement (please contact the school that you are hoping to return to for more information)

9 Program Probation Consequence does not go on Academic Record, because you are still in good standing for the university however not competitive for SHRS majors Cumulative GPA is within a

10 Program Dismissal Can only be Programmatically Dismissed from SHRS if you were previously on Program Probation at any time. Your cumulative GPA should improve to above a 2.5 to be competitive for SHRS majors. This would mean that you would be dismissed from the unit, but you would be able to change your major and continue at Ohio State Since our majors are competitive admissions, we want our pre-major students to be within competitive range, which is why our unit continues to look at Program Action

11 Grade Forgiveness Grade Forgiveness is a policy unique to OSU and a few other colleges and universities that recognizes that some students struggle with the transition to college and structuring their own time Grade Forgiveness allows a student to re-take up to 3 classes of course work to try and earn a higher grade.

12 Grade Forgiveness cont’d…
Students must petition to repeat a course using grade forgiveness Petitions are due by the 4th Friday of the semester you would be re-taking the course If approved, after completing the 2nd attempt, the original course credit and grade will be excluded from the calculation of the student’s GPA, but will remain on the student’s official transcript Students are able to use grade forgiveness regardless of grade earned in class Keep in mind that if a student earns a lower grade for the 2nd attempt, the 2nd grade counts, not the higher grade

13 Helpful tips for you Contact your instructor immediately if…
You will miss class for any reason (Student Athlete, if you’re sick, family emergency etc.) You do not understand the material/assignment – go to Office Hours Be aware of the drop deadlines Friday of the 4th week is the last day to drop a course without a “W” for Autumn/Spring Semester Friday of the 10th week is the last day to drop an Autumn/Spring Semester course without petitioning. After the 10th Friday of the current term, you have made a commitment to complete the course. Contact the Student Financial Aid Office if you drop below “full-time status”(12 credit hours)

14 Email Etiquette Professionalism should be maintained even in email
When contacting an instructor be sure to address them by the correct title and name(Professor, Dr., etc.) Give instructors time to reply Wait at least 48 hours before sending a follow up Be sure you are using your OSU Faculty & Staff may not respond to non-university addresses Use a greeting at the beginning of every & an appropriate signature – even in a chain

15 Meet with an Advisor To discuss your goals
Major Career Extra-curricular Deliberate about back-up majors or minors Application Workshops – to assist with applying to our competitive majors Questions About scheduling GE requirements Pre-requisites Provide referrals to tools around campus to ensure student success

16 The Many Resources at OSU…

17 Academic enrichment Provides free tutoring in most subjects
Assistance with writing in any subject Help with math Tutoring is available both one-to-one and in small groups Hours: Contact information: Monday-Thursday: 8am-8pm 216 Morrill Hall Friday: 8am-5pm or

18 Academic enrichment cont’d…
Houses A computer lab (8-station) Free printing and scanning Free copy machine Conference room for group study Study spaces with white boards and reference materials Helpful Links Help with writing – Writing Center How to study Math Lab

19 Don’t forget to use the library!
Can help with research and provide an array of resources in print and electronic formats 1469 Mt. Vernon Ave. Marion, OH 43302

20 Counseling & wellness services
This resources is available to all Marion students Services are FREE, confidential and easy to schedule Services include: Diagnosis and treatment of mental health and substance abuse problems Wellness screenings Referrals to resources and community providers

21 Counseling & wellness services cont’d…
Topics that are addressed: Anxiety Depression Relationship stressors Time management Sleep problems LGBTQ concerns and more To schedule a free anonymous appointment, contact: Leslie, Beary, Mental Health & Wellness Counselor or Cathy McClain, Receptionist

22 Career Services Their mission is to assist our students and recent alumni achieve meaningful and satisfying careers while serving the needs of area employers Maynard Hall Room 124 /academic-support-services/career- services

23 Disability services Provides confidential support services and accommodations for students To initiate services, documentation of one of the following disabilities must be provided to the Office of Disability Services: Visual Impairment Mobility Impairment Diagnosis Hearing Impairment Psychiatric Disability Learning Disability Chronic Illness Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder and others 128 Maynard Hall

24 Veteran & military student resources
Marion Campus Student Veteran Advocate is a current student who has served in the military. Andrew Tackett is the Student Veteran Advocate and available by The Veterans Support Lounge is located in the Alber Student Center. This space is for all veterans on campus and provides a place to relax while studying and to meet others on campus who share the unique experience of being a veteran Consider joining the Veterans of Marion Campus student organization! military-student-resources.html

25 Student involvement Benefits to getting involved on campus?
Learn and develop life-long skills and experiences Have the opportunity to meet other students with shared interests Helps build a sense of community You do not have to live on campus to participate in campus events and most are FREE! Consider getting involved in a leadership role!

26 Student conduct, what do you need to know?
Access the Code of Student Conduct – You are responsible for knowing the Code, if you are not aware – it does not absolve you from being in violation

27 Next steps Meet with your Academic Advisor if needed
Call to schedule an appointment Office located in Suite 100 Maynard Hall Use all of the resources available to you, ask questions and get involved!

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