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La Ruta Maya Español 2.

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Presentation on theme: "La Ruta Maya Español 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 La Ruta Maya Español 2

2 Agenda Antes de leer: Vocabulary Personal Connection question:
The following activities will be done on a separate sheet of paper. Antes de leer: Vocabulary Personal Connection question: Durante la lectura: 7 Annotations Después de leer: Preguntas de comprensión Actividad Final: Jeroglíficos

3 Antes de leer: Vocabulario
For the following words, you will copy the Spanish word and provide the following: The English translation A sentence using the word in Spanish. El apogeo La leyenda El artefacto El mito El campo La pared El/la dios (a) La piedra El juego de pelota La pirámide La ruta maya

4 Conexión Personal Answer the following questions using complete sentences. (Each question needs to be answered in at least 2 sentences) Why do you think it is important to preserve and follow the paths of our ancestors? Why? What is the most important route that you and your family have travel? Why? How can traveling help you connect with history? Why? Name a tradition that has been passed in your family that still lives today.

5 You have 20 minutes to work on the first 2 activities.
Vocabulary Personal Connection questions

6 Durante la lectura You will all provide 7 annotations from the reading. 1st paragraph: 2 annotations 2nd paragraph: 2 annotations 3rd paragraph: 2 annotations 4th paragraph: 1 annotation Basic and Proficient level students: Before reading and annotating, you will translate the underlined words into English. (You can do it on the reading) Advance Level Students: Read carefully and annotate. Annotations can be written in English. Make sure that you provide a well written one sentence summary about what you are reading.

7 Después de leer Answer the following questions in complete sentences. (You do not have to copy the questions) What was the meaning of the ball game in the Mayan culture? 2. What were some of the dangers of the game? 3. What is extraordinary about the ruins of Copán? 4. What details indicate that Chichen Itza had been a very important city? 5. What is an example of the importance of the gods to the Mayan people?

8 Actividad Final: Jeroglíficos
Jeroglífico Maya (Mayan hieroglyphic): system of writing used by the Mayan people during the 16th and 17th century. Task: On a white sheet of paper you will invent a hieroglyphic message. (It can be anything) Your message has to be a 1 sentence with a minimum of 4 or 5 symbols. You can use letters, numbers, symbols, geometric figures etc. Once your message is written in symbols, make sure to explain what your message means in a minimum of 4 sentences.

9 Future tense verbs will be Thursday (5.18.19) or Friday (5.19.17)
REMINDERS Future tense verbs will be Thursday ( ) or Friday ( )

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