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Landscape Classification

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1 Landscape Classification
There are three main types of landscape regions: Plains Plateaus Mountains All three types can be found in NY State. All landforms are the result of the interaction between uplifting and leveling forces. These include: Tectonic forces Weathering Erosion Deposition

2 Landscapes of NY State

3 Feb. 28, 2015 March 12, 2015 March 29, 2015 April 12, 2015

4 Features of Plains Plains are characterized by low elevation and low relief (very little change in elevation). Usually formed by the deposition of sediments at or below sea level.

5 Features of Plateaus Plateaus have horizontal bedrock structure at moderate to high elevation. The rock layers were originally deposited at or below sea level and have since been uplifted. I took top picture at Grand Canyon; I took the bottom picture in Utah

6 Features of Mountains Mountains typically show highly deformed bedrock structure, high elevation and high relief. The folding, tilting and metamorphism of mountainous bedrock is a result of the processes that formed the mountains.

7 Landscapes in Arid Climates
Arid (dry) landscapes: steep slopes sharp and angular landscape features little vegetation to hold sediments in place I took picture at Grand Canyon

8 Landscapes in Humid Climates
Humid landscapes smoother and more rounded landscape features sediments are held in place by vegetation. I took picture at Shenandoah National Park

9 Highland (mountain), plateau, or lowland (plain)?
I took left picture over Utah; I took middle picture at Grand Canyon; I took right picture in Switzerland Plateau!

10 Drainage Patterns Variations in bedrock composition influence the drainage pattern of a landscape. This is because some rocks are more resistant to weathering and erosion than others. We can categorize stream drainage patterns into 4 main types... Diagram from:

11 Dendritic Drainage Pattern
Similar to the branches of a tree. Form in regions where there is a relatively uniform resistance of bedrock to weathering.

12 Radial Drainage Drainage from a central point of higher elevation, such as the top of a volcano or mountain. The pattern extends outward from the highest elevation. The Adirondack Mountains display this type of drainage.

13 Trellised Drainage Tributaries are at nearly 90° angles to the stream.
I took picture flying to Colorado

14 Annular Drainage Appears ring-shaped as they form near circular bedrock structures that have been eroded.

15 Complete the chart by using pages 2 and 3 of your ESRT!
Landscape Region Name Age (Geologic Period) of Bedrock Bedrock Type (Sedimentary, Igneous, or Metamorphic – use pgs 6 and 7) Highland, Plateau, or Lowland Adirondack Mountains Atlantic Coastal Plain Tug Hill Plateau Middle Metamorphic Highland Proterozoic Cretaceous / Sediments Lowland Pleistocene Ordovician Sedimentary Plateau

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