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Mathematics at Tiger Academy Eureka Math

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1 Mathematics at Tiger Academy Eureka Math

2 Mathematics at Tiger Academy
Teacher Role Math Coach Role Math Interventionist Role

3 Teacher’s Role 1hour Eureka Math Lesson (K-2)
Daily Counting Practice: Eureka Fluency Practice or Calendar Math (K-2) Small Group Instruction – gradual release; MFAS Activities & Assessment Mini-Lessons based on deficiencies (FCIM) Small Group -Independent Practice Center/Station Activities Problem Solving and Strategy Instruction Tasks and Rubrics

4 Math Coach’s Role Works with teachers to plan, implement, and to reflect on mathematics instruction using the Florida Continuous Improvement Model (FCIM). Models best practices in mathematics instruction with teachers as active participants. Plans and implements mathematics professional development sessions. Analyzes data and assists the administrative team in developing corrective action plans. Facilitates the review, evaluation, and integration of mathematics resources. Assists teachers in interpreting assessments

5 Math Coach’s Role Provides daily coaching and mentoring support to teachers. Meets regularly with leadership team. Collaborates with Reading Coach and Administration

6 Math Interventionist’s Role
Regularly analyzes data and monitors student progress while delivering focused intervention to students. Evaluates student achievement for the purpose of placing students in appropriate intervention and support services. Maintains a variety of manual and electronic files and/or records (e.g. student records, and other data regarding proficiency) for the purpose of determining student needs. Prepares lesson plans, in collaboration with teachers and coaches, related to differentiating instruction and providing interventions while adhering to district scope and sequence guides and curriculum.

7 Eureka Math Typical Lesson

8 Eureka Math Eureka Math Lesson Format: Launch: Opening Meeting
Fluency Practice (14 Minutes) Application Problem (6 Minutes) Explore: Work Session Concept Development (30 Minutes) Summarize: Closing Meeting Student Debrief (10 Minutes)

9 Username: Password: Tiger6079

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