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Introduction to Telecommunications

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1 Introduction to Telecommunications

2 Topics to be discussed Definition History Importance Modes Components
Concepts Topologies

3 Telecommunications Telecommunications
Consists of a set of hardware and software Transmits voice, graphics, images and video as well as data Types – Wired Wireless

4 History Telegraph Telephone Computer Transistor
Large-Scale Integrated Circuits Satellite

5 Importance Melding of information systems and telecommunication
Information at right time and right place Capturing instant business transaction data Allowing geographic dispersion of facilities and people Internet marketing

6 Internet Revolution WWW: inquiry sources of information via graphical browser software electronic mail Usenet: place messages on bulletin board IRC: real time dialogs FTP: file transfer Telnet: login on other systems Other: telephone, video conferencing, ...

7 Different modes Data communication Voice communication
Video communication Multimedia communication

8 Telecommunication Components
Channels and Media Telecommunications software Telecom processors Telecom processors End-user workstation Computers

9 Telecommunication Components
Terminals terminal, office equipment , telephones , ... Telecommunications processors modems, multiplexers, front-end processors, ... Telecommunications channels and media copper wires, coaxial cables, fiber optic cables, satellites, ... Computers host computers, front-end computers, network servers, ... Telecommunications control software telecommunication monitors, network operating systems, …

10 Transmission Concepts..
Simplex - Data can flow in only one direction. Radio, TV, computer to printers, public address systems or any other unidirectional transmission. Half-Duplex - Data flows in only one direction at a time. CB radio is half-duplex. Full Duplex - Data flows in both directions at the same time.

11 Transmission Concepts
Parallel: All data lines (normally 8) are connected between devices Transmission between computers or between a computer and a printer. Fast, requires more wires and unsuited for long distances. Serial: Bit-by-bit transmission in serial or sequential fashion over a single wire. Used in PC’s serial port as well as on local area networks. Slow, but can travel longer distances and is widely used.

12 Network topologies Star Bus Ring
all communications go via the central system Bus can easily be extended at the ends Ring more secure

13 Star network - Efficient , also for high speeds
With direct connections Point-to-point lines - Efficient , also for high speeds - With a large number of workstations cabling might be a problem

14 Bus network - more complex hardware - simpler cabling system
Shared usage of a broadband network Multidrop lines - more complex hardware - simpler cabling system

15 Ring Networks Ring Network - more equal basis

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